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S-0907 · Series · 1965 - 1981
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series documents the Secretary-General's communications with the heads-of-states and representatives to the United Nations. This series comprises those member states case files which document the official relationships within the United Nations as an organization. Deaths of and assassination attempts on heads-of-state are documented, as are some of the more salient crises of the period, such as the Iran/Iraq war and the diplomat hostage taking in Iran. The incoming correspondence of most heads-of-state is included. Writing on behalf of the Secretary-General are senior officials such as the Chef-de-Cabinet, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs, the Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions, and the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Decolonization.

Arranged alphabetically by country.

Code Cables
S-0898 · Series · 1972 - 1981
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series consists of incoming and outgoing code cables and associated records (e.g. handwritten notes, press statements, situation reports, translations, etc.) relating to political contact with various countries or regions, and with UN representation within those countries or regions. Correspondents are primarily senior UN officials, but also include military commanders and non-UN representatives. Arranged alphabetically by country, city, or mission in the following order: Addis Ababa, Athens, Bangkok, Beirut, Cairo, Cyprus, Damascus, Geneva, India/Pakistan/Bangladesh, Ismalia, Nicosia, general, Jerusalem, Latin America, Lusaka, Middle East, Namibia, Naguora, Nicosia, Santiago, Seoul, Southern Rhodesia, Syria, Teheran, Timor, UNHCR, UNRWA, and miscellaneous.
Variations in title: Previously called 'Political matters - code cables'
Source of title: Title based on record type.

Subsidiary Bodies
S-0911 · Series · 1971 - 1981
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series documents the liaison of the Secretary-General with the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations and other related bodies: the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO), the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations International School (UNIS), the United Nations Institute for Training (UNITAR), the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), the United Nations University (UNU), and the University for Peace. Records include correspondence, handwritten notes, speeches, UN documents, etc. Arranged alphabetically by organization, and therein chronologically.

S-0913 · Series · 1969 - 1982
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series documents the liaison of the Secretary-General with international conferences, with a variety of human rights organizations, with the regional economic and social commissions, and with various high level administrative and ad hoc committees. The administrative committees include several bodies of which the Secretary-General was the chairman: the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, and the Joint Inspection Unit. Records include correspondence, official documents, press releases, etc. Arranged in the following sequence: conferences and congresses, commissions, and committees.

Peacekeeping - Cyprus
S-0903 · Series · 1966 - 1981
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series comprises the documented record of the Secretary-General's involvement in the Cyprus conflicts, both political (including nation building), and military, that is, the activities of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). Records include code cables, correspondence, speeches, handwritten notes, and photographs. Organizational aspects of UNFICYP are documented, as are invasion, ceasefire, refugee issues, the coup of the Cyprus National Guard, the death of Presiden Makarios, etc. Correspondents include Turk and Greek UN representatives, as well as other officials and national figures. Arranged in broad categories in the following order (and therein chronologically): 'notes for the files', 'UNFICYP', 'country files', 'chronological files', intercommunal talks', 'correspondence', UN documents, and miscellaneous records, including clear cables.

Political - Country Files
S-0904 · Series · 1963 - 1982
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series documents the Secretary-General's contacts and information gathering relating to the member nations of the United Nations. Records include correspondence with heads-of-states, foreign ministers and representatives, as well as code cables, handwritten notes, speeches, UN documents, news clippings, photographs, etc. Arranged in several alphabetical - sequences by country, with an additional subseries on 'Troubled areas' at the end.

Series contains files with contents missing (reason unknown).
Please note that the series contains the following boxes: 1 to 52, 61 to 101 (there are no boxes numbered 53 to 60).

S-0906 · Series · 1972 - 1981
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series is comprised of a small collection of files about several topics, i.e., the Charter, "decolonization", etc. Records include correspondence, handwritten notes, press releases, etc. Arranged in topical sections and therein chronologically.

S-0974 · Series · 1967 - 1982
Part of Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981)

Series consists of correspondence with high profile individuals, public figures and outside organizations, as well as "Protests, petitions, comments" from the general public worldwide. Records include holiday and birthday greetings, thank you notes, condolences, speaking invitations, and invitations to various events. Arranged in two alphabetical sequences followed by miscellaneous files, and finally, the "Protests" etc.