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S-0742 · Series · 1949 - 1961
Part of United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, bulletins, newspaper clippings, lists, reports, photographs and interviews. Subjects relate to previous arrest information for a group of two thousand four hundred and sixty-eight individuals. Each folder holds the information for ten individuals in numerical order. Correspondents include G. Munongo, Minister of the Interior; J. Disase; J. Bomboko, Minister of Foreign Affairs; and many of the individuals listed on each folder. Arranged in filing number order.

S-0741 · Series · 1952 - 1965
Part of United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, code cables, rosters, drafts, reports, meeting minutes, survey results, bulletins, note-verbales, administrative circulars, agreements, and memoranda. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transportation of UN staff and family members; housing of UN staff; assassinations; propaganda campaign by Katanga authorities; refugee camps; traffic and highway code regulations; personnel; rabies prevention; Red Cross; trips for personnel; civilian arrests; public works programs; evacuation of UN personnel; mercenaries; mining natural resources; black market traffic; living conditions in the Congo; budget planning; animal husbandry training centre; and education in the Congo. Correspondents include J.D.R. Kelly, Assistant to the Special Representative; F. Tickner, Chief, ONUC, Civilian Officer; V. Fabry, Legal Advisor; F.W. Tooby, Deputy Chief, Refugee Relief Coordinator; J. Rolz-Bennett, Chief, ONUC Civilian Officer; B. Grunsweig, Deputy Chief, Administrative Officer; R.K.A. Gardiner, Officer-in-Charge, Leopoldville; Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary of the United Nations; Naomi Osborne, Chief of Civilian Personnel; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in Charge; A.C. Gilpin, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; James R. Brooks, Adjunct Chief, Civil Operations; Carey Seward, Chief Administrative Officer, ONUC, Leopoldville; and S. Linner, Chief of Civilian Operations, ONUC. Arranged in filing number order, and therein chronologically.

S-0740 · Series · 1960 - 1964
Part of United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of correspondence, statements, reports, minutes of meetings, cables, code cables, draft reports, contracts, translations, surveys, handwritten notes, aide-memoires, press releases, press conference materials, press clipplings, publications, speeches, interviews, radio programmes, and maps. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: radio equipment problems; dissemination of information to the public; visual matarials generated for release to the public; relations with radio network stations and organizations; UN Day; and public relations activities. Correspondents include: Ralphe J. Bunche, Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs; M.P. Chevalier, Chef de l'OPI; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; Subhash C. Rashi, Acting Administrative Officer; and Konstantine Smirnov, Deputy-Director, Exernal Relations Division, Office of Public Relations. Arranged in filing number order.

S-0739 · Series · 1956 - 1967
Part of United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, notes, lists, handwritten documents, drafts, statements, tables, information circulars, business cards, programs, translations, drawings, diagrams, seminar discussions, reports, brochures, contracts, application forms, job descriptions, itineraries, speeches, resolutions, questionnaires, maps, blueprints, appendices, laws, telephone directories, and field manuals. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: training programs to assist the government of the Congo; economic development plan; visits to various areas by civilian operations officials; import licences; food and agricultural assistance; fisheries; animal diseases; mineral resources; public works program; Tanganyika Lake; road, rail and river transportation systems; finance and trade institutions; investments; flood relief; budgets; economic survey; judicial system organizsation; organization of police; education system; social welfare; health needs; and bilateral programs. Correspondents include U. Thant, Secretary-General; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief, Civilian Operations; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; S. Linner, Chief, Civilian Operations; James R. Brooks, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; A.C. Gilpin, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; Carey Seward; M.E. Larcher, Head, Public Works Program; Godfrey K.J. Amachree, Under-Secretary in Charge of Civilian Operations in the Congo; and G. Cedarwall, Public Finance Controller. Arranged in filing number order.

S-0738 · Series · 1960 - 1964
Part of United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of correspondence, notes, cables, memoranda, aides-memoires, statements, corrigenda, indexes, and lists. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Economic Commission for Africa; various resources and industries; and conferences held by the ECA. Correspondents include A. Lawrence, Director, Bureau of Economic Coordination, ONUC; Mr. Twist; John M. Saunders, Deputy-Chief, Administrative Officer, Civilian Operations; James R. Brooks, Deputy, Resident Representative; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief, Civilian Operations; and A.C. Gilpin, Deputy-Chief, Civilian Operations, ONUC. Arranged in filing number order.