Originating office: Department for Disarmament Affairs (DDA) - Co-ordination and World Disarmament Campaign Section
Petitions from a non-governmental organization, Llamamiento de los Cien Para Seguir Viviendo.
Originating office - DPSCA - Office of the USG
Originating Office: DPSCA - Centre for Disarmament
Correspondence and postcards from non-governmental organizations and private citizens.
Series includes Accession No. 1993/0054.
Records cover period 1978-1981
Creating office: DPSCA, Centre for Disarmament (1974-1982)
Transferring office - Department for Disarmament Affairs (1984-
Series consists of correspondence, draft reports, research papers, and printed reference materials relating to a report prepared by the UN Group of Governmental Experts on the relationship between disarmament and development.
This series contains archives from Centre for Apartheid - Conferences and Seminars
Related Series:
S-0723 United Nations Advisory Council in Somaliland
S-0003 Records relating to UNACS in AG-011 United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General fonds
*S-1716 Field Service Section - Missions and Commissions Administratives Files: Somaliland in AG-031 Field Operations Service and Successory bodies
Series consists of correspondence, memorandas, handwritten documents, press clippings, telegrams, summary reports, petitions, lists, itineraries, incoming and outgoing cables, reports, posters, forms, diagrams, maps, appendices, and resolutions.
Subjects include but are not limited to the following: travel allowences for local authorized staff; registration of French subjects; voting boxes for Togoland Plebiscite; protest submitted by Convention People's Party; lists of claiments and grounds for items brought before the court; polling procedures; local government structure; and boundries of Togoland under British Authority.
Correspondents include Dr. Espinosa, Plebiscite Commissioner; Sir John Dring, Plebiscite Administrator; S.G. Antor, Secretary-General, Togoland Congress; and Victor Mills, Adminstrative Officer, UN Plebiscite Commissioner for British Togoland.
Series includes textual and microfilm records. As a result of the UNCCP records modernization project, the Division for Palestinian Rights, DPA, transferred to the Archives in May 2000 428 CDs; 2 CDs of the Geographic Information System, the project's operational system; and the GIS (MicroStation) software which are kept in the Archives Secretariat Building storage.
The United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine's (UNCCP) responsibilities included mediation among parties to the Palestinian dispute - Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria; the rehabilitation and relocation of refugees; and the internationalization of Jerusalem. Conciliation Commission's (UNCCP) Land Identification Project. Its task was to create a record of individual Arab land holdings in Israel which would serve as basis for verifying individual claims of ownership and their valuation for purposes of compensation. Included are an index of land owners names by sub-district, village or town, and owner name; files containing various forms containing information assembled by the project such as location and description of land, names of owners, encumbrances (mortgages, leases, etc.), taxation category, and valuation. Other data is also included about rural and urban land-holdings in the sub-districts of Acre, Beersheba, Beisan, Gaza, Haifa, Hebron, Jaffa, Jein, Nablus, Nazareth, Ramallah, Ramle, Safad, and Tulkarm. Also included are microfilms of Turkish land registers, and registers of titles and deeds, ca. 1869-1948; and miscellaneous tally sheets, working papers, and statistics prepared by the project. Also, some office records of UNCCP, ca. 1948-1960, consisting of correspondence with Israel and Arab governments and others, reports, maps, cables concerning refugees, the "Jerusalem Question", and other political matters. Many come from the office of the Legal Advisor, Axel Serup.