General Records of the UN
Codes Cables and Correspondence from first missions.
General Records of the UN
Codes Cables and Correspondence from first missions.
Administrative history: The Registry Section was established ca. 1954; the system was discontinued in 1979, after the decision to move to a decentralized records management system. Function was the centralization of Secretariat recordkeeping in one large classification system. Predecessor was Central Registry Section. Succeeded by decentralized recordkeeping by departments in consultation with the Archives Section's records management programme.
Series consists of the Registry Section's files relating to Technical Assistance registry files, referred to as the TE series. The alpha-numeric filing system key has not yet been located. Included in the sequence, however, are the following subject files: Afghanistan (AFGH), Africa (AFR), Algeria (ALGE), Angola (ANG), Antigua (ANTIG), Burma (BUR), Argentina (ARGEN), Bahamas (BAHAM), Bahrein (BAHR), Bangladesh (BANGD), Barbados (BARB), Basutoland (BASU), Bechuanaland (BECH), Benin (BEN), Bhutan (BHUT), Bolivia (BOLI), Botswana (BOTS), Brazil (BRAZ), British East Africa (BREAF), British Guiana (BRGU), British Honduras (BRHO), Brunei (BRUN), British Virgin Islands (BVI), Bulgaria (BULG), Burma (BUR), Burundi (BURU), and so forth. Filing numbers are cited in the title field.