Original Caption: Canadian Delegation to the Conference in Session -- Members of the Canadian Delegation to the United Nations Conference meet in their San fRancisco Hotel Headquarters May 10 to hear Prime Minister W.L> Mackenzie King announce Canada's determination to exert every effor to bring the war against Japan to a successful conclusion. left Advisor; Sen Lucien Moraud, delgate; Escott Reid, First Secretary, Canadian Embassy, Washington; W.F. Chipman, Canadian Ambassador to Chile; Lester B. Pearson, Ambassador to Washington; Sen. J.H. King, Leader of thegovernment in the Senate; L.S. ST. Laurent, Minister of Justice and Attoryney General, Delegate; Prime Minister King; Gordon Graydon, Delegate; M.J. Coldwell, delegate; Mrs Cora T. Casselman, Delegate; Jean Desy, ambassador to Brazil; H.H. Wrong, Advisor; L. Raminsiky, Advisor; L.D. Wilgress, Amabassador to Russia; Maj. Gen. M.A. Pope, Advisor. May 10, 1945.
B&W print with original caption