The functional description of records in AG-069 is based on the retention schedule of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG), dated 2011. AG-069 consists of: AG-069-001 - Office of the Deputy Secretary-General S-1893 - Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro's Activities S-1894 - Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro's Trips S-1944 - Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson's Trips S-1945 - Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson's Activities AG-069-002 Office of the Chef de Cabinet S-1941 - Chef de Cabinet Vijay Nambiar's Activities (2007-2012) S-1954 - Chef de Cabinet Susana Malcorra's Activities (2012-2015) AG-069-003 - Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG) S-1942 - Secretary-General's Trips S-1943 - Secretary-General's Activities S-1948 - Personnel (2007-2015) S-1951 - Secretary General Personal S-1953 - Secretariat Departments (2007-2010) S-1955 - Issues (2007-2010) S-1956 - External Relations (2007-2010) S-1957 - Inter-Agency Relations (2007-2010) S-1959 - Executive Office of the Secretary-General (ESOG) - Central Files (2011-2016)
Sans titreThis fonds includes the following sub-fonds:
AG-011-001: Office of the Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General
AG-011-002: Office of the Chef de Cabinet
AG-011-003: Other Offices, Working groups and Committees
This fonds also contains the following series:
S-0980: Protocol and Liaison Section - Subject and chronological - 1946-1969
S-0927: United Nations Special Representative on the Question of Hungary
S-0727: United Nations Commission of Investigation into the Death of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General, and Members of His Party
S-0708: United Nations Malaysian Mission - UNMAM
S-0594: High-Level Intergovernmental Group Records
S-0591: Review of Secretariat Activities
S-0590: Executive Assistant / Chef de Cabinet
S-0589: Conferences - Meeting Servicing Records
S-0587: United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon
S-0580: Records of Margaret Anstee
S-0578: Office of Special Political Questions
S-0573: Executive Office of the Secretary-General Records
S-0572: Protocol and Liaison Office
S-0571: Law of the Sea Conference
S-0569: Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Demarcation Commission
S-0563: Sir Robert Jackson
S-0557: World Food Council - John A. Hannah, Former Executive Director - Official Correspondence
S-0369: Martin W. Hill - numbered subject files
S-0368: Code cables - cities
S-0367: Central America - ONUSAL - subject files
S-0366: Secretary-General meetings with top echelon officials
S-0365: Chef de Cabinet - special personnel cases
S-0364: Sir Robert G. Jackson - subject files
S-0298: International Commission of Control and Supervision - ICCS / Vietnam - reports
S-0297: Catalogue of logs - cables, memos, letters
S-0296: Chef de Cabinet - Dayal (1982-1993) - Code Cables - Missions
S-0244: United Nations Committee on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
S-0243: Committee of Experts on the Secretariat Review
S-0241: Victor Lessiovski - working files
Records consist primarily of files, 1948-1968, of Henry Vigier, who was the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Lebanon Special Advisor/Consultant.
These contain correspondence, cables, minutes, maps, press releases, reports, and clippings.
They concern complaints from Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt, investigations into these complaints, the Mount Scopus situation, water development, the Egypt/Israel Mixed Armistice Commission, the Israel/Syria Mixed Armistice Commission, the Israel/Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission, and miscellaneous other materials related to UNTSO's work in the area.
Some cables, reports, and miscellaneous documents, 1953-1972, from the general files of UNTSO concern incidents between the opposing parties, Suez Canal incidents, and miscellaneous other matters.
Related Series:
in AG-020 United Nations Office for Special Political Affairs fonds
S-0148 UN Truce Supervision Operation (UNTSO) military observer
S-0156 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - subject files
S-0163 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Mixed Armistice Commission (MAC) records
S-0167 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Chief of Staff weekly reports
S-0168 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - code cable correspondence with Chief of Staff
S-0171 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - clear cables
S-0312 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - subject files
S-0302 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - cables
*S-0311 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - subject files
in AG-011 United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General fonds
*S-0331 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) United Nations Military Observers (UNMO) correspondence files
in AG-025-003 RAG-3 Registry Section (1954-1979)
S-0373 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) files - Organization of UNTSO
S-0374 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) files - Personnel
*S-0375 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) files - Political Affairs
in AG-031 Field Service and Successor Bodies
S-1681 Missions and Commissions Administrative Files: UNTSO
S-1682 Missions and Commissions Administrative Files: UNTSO
S-1698 Missions Administrative Section - Missions and Commissions Administrative Files: UNTSO
S-1757 Missions and Centers Administrative Section - Missions and Commissions Administrative Files: UNTSO
*S-1770 Missions and Centers Administrative Section - Missions Administrative Unit (since 1972): Administrative Files: UNTSO
Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1802 Historical Maps - Middle East, Operational and Boundary; Jerusalem and Government House Plan and Compound (UNTSO- HQ)
S-0645 Subject Files - United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)
S-0644 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant Henri Vigier
S-0643 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant - Mount Scopus
S-0642 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant - Israel/Syria Mixed Armistice Commission (ISMAC)
S-0641 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant - Israel/Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission (ILMAC)
S-0640 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan/Israel Mixed Armistice Commission (HJK-I-MAC)
S-0639 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant - Egypt/Israel Mixed Armistice Commission (EIMAC)
S-0638 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant for the Chief of Staff (COS)
S-0637 Subject Files - Special Advisor/Consultant
S-0628 Cables
S-0577 Maps of Israel, Palestine, Syria and Jordan used by UNTSO Headquarters
Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1167 Photographs
S-0537 Records (UNIO)
(a) New York Office Organization and Administration
(b) New York Office Accounting
(c) Reference and Information Service - UNIO and other agencies
(d) Reference and Information Service - British Ministry of Information
(e) Reference and Information Service - Postwar Reconstruction and Planning
(f) Reference and Information Service - Newspaper Reprints and Clippings
(g) UN Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, 1945
(h) Radio Broadcasts
(i) Music Sheets and Manuscripts
The fond contains all the centrally filed records of the Secretariat from its early period. Predominant date range is 1940 - 1950.
Arranged numerically according to numbered file classification system.
Fonds consists of the following Sub-Fonds:
AG-025-003 Registry Section
AG-025-002 Branch Registries
AG-025-001 Central Registry Section
Fonds consists of the records of Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar, relating to his responsibilities as chief administrative officer of the Secretariat and as chief coordinator of the legislative, political, socio-economic, and military bodies of the United Nations. Fonds is arranged in the following record series:
S-1022: Secretary-General’s trips
S-1023: Peacekeeping – code cables
S-1024: Political matters – country files
S-1026: UN celebrations, concerts and public events
S-1027: Administrative and management matters
S-1028: UN councils, commissions, committees and conferences
S-1029: Political matters - disarmament
S-1031: Secretary-General’s personal files
S-1032: Secretary-General’s correspondence with related organizations and individuals
S-1033: Secretary-General’s meetings
S-1041: Press matters and public relations
S-1043: Political matters – trouble areas and terrorism
S-1046: UN disaster relief operations
S-1047: UN General Assembly
S-1048: UN Secretariat departments
S-1049: UN Security Council and other organs
S-1051: UN specialized agencies and other international organizations
S-1055: Political matters – human rights
S-1056: Secretary-General’s correspondence with heads-of-state, member governments, and representatives/observers to the UN
UN-Wide Policy S-1091
Intra-Organisational Relations S-1092
Inter-Agency Relations S-1093
Intergovernmental Programmes and Initiatives S-1094
Issues S-1095
External Relations S-1096
Press matters and public relations S-1097
Secretary-General's activities S-1098
Administration and Finance S-1099
Secretary-General Personal S-1100
Strictly Confidential Notes of Meetings, etc. S-1101
Fonds consists of the following Sub-fonds:
AG-021-010 Office for Special Political Questions, Regional Co-operation, Decolonization and Trusteeship (1991)
AG-021-009 Department for Special Political Questions, Regional Co-operation, Decolonization and Trusteeship (1987-1990)
AG-021-008 Office for Special Political Questions (1979-1986)
AG-021-007 Department of Political and General Assembly Affairs [and Secretariat Services] (1972-1992)
AG-021-006 Office of Political Affairs, Trusteeship, and Decolonization (1972-1986)
AG-021-005 Department of Trusteeship and Non-Self-Governing Territories (1965-1971)
AG-021-004 Department of Political and Security Council Affairs (1952-1991)
AG-021-003 Department of Trusteeship and Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories (1946-1954)
AG-021-002 Department of Security Council Affairs (1946-1951)
The functional description of records in AG-067 is based on the “Peacekeeping and Political Operations Retention Schedule,” DPKO/DFS, v. 3, June 2011. The names of the series comprising AG-067 were drawn from the records series listed in the retention schedule. During archival processing, the files were assigned to series based on their function.
In AG-067, the office of origin described in the box title indicates the records' origin from the mission's organizational structure. In a departure from this, the office of origin for records that originate from 2008/0126 is described in the box title as either UNMOT or UNTOP. With the exception of records from 2008/0126 that were assigned to S-1868 and S-1869, it was not possible to identify a more specific office of origin.
AG-067 contains records of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT) (1994-2000) and the United Nations Tajikistan Office of Peace Building (UNTOP) (2000-2007). All folders in AG-067 are identified as originating from either UNMOT or UNTOP in the Folder Properties in the Office of Origin field.
Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1871 Security Management
S-1869 Human Rights
S-1868 Humanitarian Affairs - Coordination, partnership
S-1866 Elections
S-1865 Military
S-1864 Management and Integration - Reporting to United Nations Headquarters
S-1863 Political Affairs - Coordination, partnership - Discussion, negotiation
S-1862 Public Information and Communications
The arrangement and description of AG-050 is based on the “Peacekeeping Headquarters Retention Schedule,” v. 2, August 2011, Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and Department of Field Support (DFS). The names of the series comprising AG-050 were drawn from the function series listed in the retention schedule. During archival processing, the files were assigned to series based on their function. Files originating from the offices of the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping and the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping were kept together and assigned to S-1834.
Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1890 Mine Action
S-1889 Information Management and Public Information
S-1888 Security
S-1887 Humanitarian affairs
S-1886 Human rights
S-1885 Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
S-1884 Law enforcement
S-1840 Legal - Legal agreements development and review
S-1834 Under-Secretary-General (USG) - Subject files
S-1833 Political Affairs - Coordination, partnership - Discussion and negotiation
S-1832 Management and Integration - Policy, procedure, best practice
S-1831 Military - Planning, strategy - Analysis of current mission capacity
S-1830 Military and Political - Planning, strategy - Mission establishment
S-1829 Management and Integration - Reporting to United Nations Headquarters
S-1828 Military - Policy, procedure, best practice
S-1827 Military