S-1061 consists of records from various parts of the Division of Administration and Management, including the Board of Inquiry (BOI) Unit, the subject files of the Administrative/Legal Officer Mtshana M. Ncubem, and files from the UNAMIR office in Nairobi.
The legal subject files include: contracts; lease agreements; memoranda of understanding (MOU); correspondence; notes; and purchase orders. Among the subjects included are: the accommodations of Military Observers and Civilian Police; the rental of vehicles and office space; claims made for damages to property and unpaid bills; and construction and renovation work.
The BOI Unit records include reports of the Headquarters Board of Inquiry and case files of the Board of Inquiry. Case files are arranged in numerical order and may contain lists of summary disposal cases, convening orders, incident reports, Military Police Investigation Reports (MPIR), Civilian Police Investigation Reports, damage/discrepancy reports, motor vehicle accident reports, sketches and photographs of crime/accident scenes, autopsy reports, witness statements, and other evidence submitted to the BOI.
S-1061 also contains correspondence and subject files from the Office of the Chief of Administration. Correspondence consists of situation and logistics reports; UNAMIR budget submissions; and reports from Brown and Root Services Corporation. Subject files include records pertaining to: the International Commission of Inquiry (ICOI) for Rwanda; UNAMIR’s repair of buildings; security; and Status of Mission Agreements (SOMA).
The documents from the UNAMIR office in Nairobi include correspondence between UNAMIR and United Nations headquarters in New York as well as the president and ministers of Rwanda. Also present are internally- and externally-produced reports about the Rwandan crisis (including some by Amnesty International and the InterAfrica Group). Finally, there are summaries, agendas and correspondence pertaining to conferences and meetings held about the political and military situation in Rwanda (including the Bujumbura Conference Plan of Action on Assistance to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in the Great Lakes Region (1996) and the Joint Zaire/United Nations Commission on the Situation in the Rwandan Refugee Camps in Zaire). Publications found in this series have been removed to ARMS’s reference library.
Publications from the UNAMIR Office in Nairobi:
- CONFÉRENCE DES ÉVÊQUES CATHOLIQUES DU RWANDA, Recueil des lettres et messages de la Conference des Evêques Catholiques du Rwanda publiés pendant la période de guerre (1990-1994), Secrétariat de la Conférence des Evêques Catholiques du Rwanda, 1995, Kigali.
- DE BEER Daniel, Les poursuites pour crime de génocide et crime contre l’humanité: fondements juridiques, Editions R.C.N, Rwanda, 1995.
- DE BEER Daniel, The prosecutions for crime of genocide and crime against humanity : legal basis, Editions R.C.N, Rwanda, 1995.
- DIALLO, Toumani Djime, Le problème du Nord malien, 1ère partie : La maladroite intrusion du parlement européen, Le Démocrate malien, édition spéciale, Edition Mundekera, janvier 1995, Bamako.
- HAUT COMMISSARIAT DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LES REFUGIES, Les réfugiés dans le monde, en quête de solutions, Editions La Découverte, 1995, Paris.
- JOINT EVALUATION OF EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE TO RWANDA, The international response to conflict and genocide : lessons from the Rwanda experience, Synthesis report, David Milwood, Editor, Copenhagen, 1996.
- MISSION DE LA BANQUE MONDIALE, Évaluation du programme de rapatriement et de réinstallation des réfugiés rwandais, Banque Mondiale, 1995, Kigali.
- NATIONS UNIES, Les Nations Unies et la situation en Haiti, Mars 1995, Département de l’Information des Nations Unies, New York 1995.
- RÉPUBLIQUE DU MALI, Livre Blanc sur le Problème du Nord du Mali, 1994, Bamako.
- RÉPUBLIQUE RWANDAISE, Accord entre le gouvernement de la République Rwandaise et le front patriotique rwandais sur le retour et la réinstallation dans leurs biens des personnes déplacées de guerre et sur l’administration de la zone démilitarisée, Kinihira, 1993, deux exemplaires.
- REPUBLIC OF RWANDA, Agreement between the government of the republic of Rwanda and the Rwandese patriotic front on the return and the resettlement of the war displaced persons in their prop and the administration of the demilitarized zone, Kinihira, 1993.
- U.S. COMMITTEE FOR REFUGEES, Transition in Burundi, The context for a homecoming, Issue paper, September 1993, American Council for Nationalities Service, 1993.
- UNDP, Conférence de table ronde pour la République rwandaise, Rapport de la conférence, Genève, 1995.
- UNITED NATIONS, The United Nations and the situation in Rwanda, April 1995, Department of Public Information, New York, 1994.
- UNITED NATIONS, United Nations Peace-Keeping, Update May 1994, Department of Public Information, New York, 1994.
- UNITED NATIONS, United Nations Peace-Keeping, Update December 1994, Department of Public Information, New York, 1994.