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Descripción archivística
Military Division

Military Division
Records of S-1806 consist of: operations orders; correspondence between the Head of the Military Division and the Head of the Mission on military operations; summaries and notes of meetings between representatives of the Armed Forces of El Salvador (FAES), the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and ONUSAL; reports on paramilitary training; reports of weapons found in guerilla shelters and tunnels (tatús), and other locations; project documents for the Plan for the Prevention of Accidents from Mines (PAM) and Operation “El Salvador Sweep”; reference documents describing weapons designated for destruction; records pertaining to suspected political assassinations; and press clippings.

Regional Offices

S-1807 contains records concerning political activities of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL).

Deputy Head of Mission
Records consist of: summaries of meetings between ONUSAL and members of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN); analytical summaries of political reports from regional offices; timetables for the implementation of the Chapultepec Peace Accords; statements, reports, aide memoire and meeting summaries produced during visits by Marrack Goulding to El Salvador in November 1993 and Madeleine Albright, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, to El Salvador in July 1993; as well as summaries of meetings between the Head of Mission and Alfredo Christiani, President of El Salvador.

Also included are monthly reports of the Land Transfer and Reintegration Programme (PTT); reports to the Secretary-General about the PTT; aide memoire and minutes of meetings of the Joint Group of the PTT, which consisted of representatives of the Government of El Salvador, ONUSAL and the Farabundo Marti Popular Liberation Front; and reports describing delays and obstructions to implementing the PTT.

Political Officers Section
Records consist of: discussion papers issued by human rights organizations on the human rights situation in El Salvador; records documenting relations between ONUSAL and non-governmental organizations working to promote human rights; memoranda and manuals describing the role of the government in the monitoring of human rights abuses; and records concerning the protocol enacted during ONUSAL’s investigations of human rights violations.

Also included are records pertaining to the operation of the Preliminary Mission established in El Salvador by the Secretary-General in March 1991. The Preliminary Mission studied the feasibility of establishing ONUSAL in advance of the ceasefire stipulated by the Chapultepec Peace Accords, and formally recommended its establishment to the Secretary-General. Documents include handwritten notes, summaries of meetings, and reports and comments about the developing ONUSAL mission mandate.

Records also include: summaries of meetings of the National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace (COPAZ), and of the Special Agrarian Committee (CEA) of COPAZ; summaries of meetings of the Supervision and Security Commission of the Land Transfer and Reintegration Program (PTT); and summaries of meetings between ONUSAL and representatives of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Political Analysis Section
Records consist of: weekly reports of the Head of the Military Team to the Head of Mission; daily situation reports from the Chief Military Observer to United Nations headquarters in New York; and summaries of meetings of various committees and working groups of the Land Transfer and Reintegration Program (PTT), including working groups on loans, the disabled, farming and livestock.

Regional Office of Chalatenango
Records consist primarily of correspondence, as well as: case information sheets, updates on cases of human rights violations, monthly statistics on human rights violations; and reports on the administration of justice in Chalatenango municipalities. Press bulletins comment on activities of the Head of Mission, the Human Rights Division, Military Division, Police Division, and on important mission-related events.

Regional Office of San Miguel
Records consist of: weekly, biweekly and monthly reports of the Regional Office of San Miguel; case information sheets of human rights violations committed in San Miguel and neighboring departments; lists of cases of human rights violations attributed to the National Civil Police (PNC); notes for the file submitted by Human Rights Officers; notes on visits to prisons; situation reports about local conflicts and other incidents; reports on the return of exiled mayors (alcaldes); reports on the reestablishment of public administration in former conflict zones; notes of meetings between ONUSAL officers and local government officials; political situation reports; summaries of meetings of the Forum for Economic and Social Coordination; and records and statistics for Land Bank transactions and other reintegration activities. Also included is correspondence between the Coordinator of the Regional Office of San Miguel and Salvadoran national and local government officials, and the government Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman.

Records relating to the elections include: notes on meetings with representatives of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE); reports on visits to the municipal branches of the TSE; summaries of meetings with representatives of political parties; reports on the election process in the departments of Morazan and La Union; statistics and reports on voter registration; and instructions and regulations for electoral observers.

Records on non-governmental organizations include: correspondence and summaries of meetings between ONUSAL and representatives of non-governmental organizations; position statements; summaries of the missions and principles of non-governmental organizations; and reports on the relations between non-governmental organizations and the Human Rights Division. Non-governmental organizations include: the Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero Committee of Mothers and Families of the Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador (COMADRES) and ANDES 21 de Junio.

Regional Office of San Salvador
Chronological files include: memoranda describing activities of the Regional Office of San Salvador such as voter registration projects, investigations conducted by Police Observers, and visits to prisons; updates on cases of human rights violations being monitored by the Regional Office of San Salvador; and correspondence with Salvadoran non-governmental organizations, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), local government officials, political parties, and foreign embassies.

Also included are: weekly reports of the Regional Office of San Salvador; circulars; papers on the organization and role of the Regional Office of San Salvador; notes for the file on meetings of Regional Office Coordinators; summaries of Field Officers’ meetings and activities; and papers on the human rights of minors in El Salvador. Also included are papers summarizing and analyzing Salvadoran laws related to topics such as: property rights, compulsory military service, the penal process, habeas corpus, due process, and narcotics.

Regional Office of San Salvador, Political Matters Section
Records include: summaries of ONUSAL meetings with mayors (alcaldes), other local and national government officials, members of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and representatives of the Corporation of Municipalities of the Republic of El Salvador (COMURES); reports and memoranda describing the state of various municipalities; the Plan to Reestablish Public Administration; statistics on exiled mayors; and correspondence between the Political Affairs Officers and various other ONUSAL officers discussing topics related to demobilization and reintegration programs such as land transfers and assistance to war-wounded.

Regional Office of Santa Ana
Correspondence covers topics such as: land transfer cases; land ownership disputes; relations with agricultural associations; meetings with representatives of the National Civil Police (PNC); human rights reports; deployment of police and electoral observers; voter registration events; political parties; and weekly activities of the Regional Office of Santa Ana. Also included are: summaries of meetings between ONUSAL officials and officials of the Government of El Salvador; notes for the file submitted by Political Affairs Officers; papers on the reforms of personal identity laws; papers and analyses on the status of minors in El Salvador; and reports on visits to municipalities and meetings with mayors (alcaldes). Reports on visits to prisons in the departments of Santa Ana, Ahuachapan, and Sonsonate detail: prison infrastructure, the problems of overcrowding, and delays in legal procedures experienced by prisoners.

Regional Office of Usulutan
Records consist of: papers on voter registration, the election process, and the political climate in Usulutan; election results and statistics; memoranda and information sheets on exiled judges; summaries of visits to mayoralities (alcaldias); notes for the file on activities of the Regional Office of Usulutan; and maps of municipalities in Usulutan.

S-1809 contains records pertaining to the disarmament, demobilization and societal reintegration of former combatants.

Reintegration Section
Included are documents pertaining to reintegration programs overseen by ONUSAL, the Government of El Salvador and non-governmental organizations whose objective was to assist former combatants into civilian life. These include: programs for the war-wounded and war-disabled; training programs on agriculture and industry; programs for re-enrollment in schools and universities; a program to distribute housewares and farming tools; and the rural and urban human settlements program, the purpose of which was to facilitate resolution of multiple claims to land plots.

Other records consist of: reports on medical services provided to the war-disabled; summaries of meetings between ONUSAL and representatives of the Medical Attention for the Disabled (AMED) Project and the Secretariat for National Reconstruction (SRN); correspondence between ONUSAL and the Salvadoran Association for Disabled War Veterans (ASALDIG); summaries of meetings of working groups for the war-disabled in hospitals; memoranda and reports on minors in the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN); correspondence between AMED representatives and representatives of the January 16 Foundation, a non-governmental organization working to reintegrate former combatants; and papers concerning the mental health of former combatants.

Reintegration Section, Regional Office of Chalatenango
Included are lists, tables and statistics relating to the activities of the Land Bank. The documents provide information about names, locations, sizes and monetary value of the properties transacted by the Land Bank. Also included are tables and statistics on the demobilization of the National Police (PN); and notes to the file on meetings between ONUSAL officials and National Police officials on demobilization and reintegration programs.

Reintegration Section, Regional Office of San Miguel
Records consist of: descriptions of training programs for former combatants; progress reports and implementation summaries on reintegration programs; and summaries of meetings on the implementation of agriculture programs. Records pertaining to microloan programs include: program descriptions; implementation tables; and statistics.

Another set of records concerns the return of exiled mayors (alcaldes) in the departments of San Miguel, La Union, Morazan and Usulutan under the auspices of ONUSAL. These consist of: summaries on the status of mayors in municipalities; chronologies of events relating to the exile and return of mayors; discussion papers on the return of exiled mayors; summaries of meeting of exiled mayors; summaries of meetings of municipal councils; reports and summaries of meetings on the restoration of public administration in former conflict zones; and information sheets on municipalities detailing population figures, displaced persons, infrastructure, and local government.

Reintegration Section, Regional Office of San Salvador
Records relate to the 15 demobilization zones created for members of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN). Documents include: agenda and summaries of meetings between representatives of ONUSAL, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), FMLN, and the Government of El Salvador; correspondence between the Head of Mission and the Regional Coordinator of San Salvador concerning demobilization zones; reports from UNDP on program implementation; maps; and descriptions of the program and papers about its education and health aspects.

Reintegration Section, Regional Office of Santa Ana
Records consist of: lists of registered properties in the Land Transfer and Reintegration Program and summaries of meetings of the Special Agrarian Committee of the National Commission for the Consolidation of Peace (COPAZ). Subfiles on properties in the departments of Ahuachapan, Santa Ana, and Sonsonate, consist of: correspondence with agricultural associations; complaints pertaining to the ownership, seizure and illegal occupation of properties; chronologies of events pertaining to the transfer of ownership of properties; and notes to the file submitted by Political Affairs Officers.

Reintegration Section, Regional Office of Usulutan
Records consist of: correspondence from mayoralities (alcaldias) and agricultural associations; and reports by the Land Team on visits to properties, verification of complaints and meetings with cooperatives.

Human Rights Division

S-1810 contains records pertaining to monitoring and reporting on human rights, investigating human rights violations, and developing local human rights capability in El Salvador as carried out by the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL).

Human Rights Division
The chronological and correspondence files contain letters, memoranda and reports on a variety of subjects, including: land and property ownership; armed groups; relations of the Human Rights Division with the judicial system and the National Civil Police (PNC); forced disappearances; arbitrary killings; the problem of personal identity documentation among the El Salvadoran population; and the image of ONUSAL in the media.

The chronological and correspondence files also contain: case information sheets and updates on specific allegations of human rights violations; reports on discoveries of human remains; correspondence between the Human Rights Division and non-governmental organizations; discussion papers on ONUSAL’s human rights mandate and evaluations of the mission’s achievements; summaries of meetings of the Human Rights Division; correspondence between the Human Rights Division and the government Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman; letters from the general public denouncing human rights violations sent to the Director of the Human Rights Division; statistics on human rights abuses; and reports on relations between the Human Rights Division and the National Public Security Academy (ANSP).

Included also are weekly and biweekly reports sent to the Director of the Human Rights Division from the Coordinators/Heads of regional offices located in the departments of Chalatenango, San Miguel, San Salvador, San Vincente, Santa Ana, and Usulutan. These reports include: observations and analyses of developments among local branches of national institutions concerning the reintegration of ex-combatants, the land transfer program, education and training, elections, and other aspects of the peace process; and summaries of cases of human rights violations investigated and/or followed by the regional office.

Human Rights Division, Deputy Director
Records consist of: memoranda pertaining to the organization of the mission and the functions of the Human Rights Division; weekly reports sent to the Head of Mission; papers describing procedures to verify human rights violations; a report describing human rights violations committed by the National Civil Police (PNC); correspondence between the Human Rights Division and non-governmental and religious organizations in El Salvador; discussion papers pertaining to strengthening the work of non-governmental organizations in El Salvador; and reports on conditions in prisons.

Human Rights Division, Case Verification Unit (UVEC)
Records of the UVEC, which was responsible for tracking and reporting cases of human rights violations, consist of: memoranda describing complaints made against the National Civil Police (PNC); reports on the systematic violation of human rights by the PNC; registries of cases of human rights violations attributed to the PNC; guidebooks and program plans for ONUSAL human rights monitoring activities focusing on the PNC; letters sent to the Head of Mission and the Director of the Human Rights Division from the general public which describe and condemn human rights violations and urge ONUSAL to investigate; reports of death threats and violence enacted against mayors, political officials and human rights activists; analyses of the state of human rights in El Salvador, including the right to work and the right of association; papers on labor legislation and correspondence with labor organizations; and aide memoire for the Director of the Human Rights Division on cases of human rights violations registered by the UVEC.

Also included are records pertaining to prisons, which include: surveys and fact-gathering reports; questionnaires completed by prisoners; reports on conditions and visits to prisons; and reports of riots and violence in prisons. There are also documents pertaining to the return of exiled judges, which describe the circumstances of the judges’ removal by insurgents. Other documents about exiled judges concern the corruption of judges and the administration of justice in former conflict zones.

Case files for human rights violations investigated by the Case Verification Unit (UVEC) consist of: case information sheets; investigation reports, summaries and updates; handwritten statements and notes; interview summaries; incident scene sketches; medical evaluations of victims; and press clippings. Cases include: arbitrary execution and detention, forced disappearance, excessive use of force, torture, and denial of due process. Case files are also included for massacres and exhumations of human remains. Attached to S-1810 is a chart depicting the pathway of a complaint through the Human Rights Division.

Human Rights Division, Regional Office of Chalatenango
Records consist of correspondence and reports covering such topics as: reform of the penal code, armed gangs, the right to free movement in El Salvador, the verification of the National Civil Police (PNC), and the exhumation of human remains. Files containing case information sheets on human rights violations also occasionally include handwritten notes, investigation reports, police reports, and medical evaluation reports.

Human Rights Division, Regional Office of San Miguel
Records consist of: minutes of Coordination Meetings; papers concerning the verification of the National Civil Police (PNC); and reports on armed groups. Records relating to judges include: notes for the file on the role and verification of judges in departments; information sheets and summaries of interviews with judges; and a report to the Director of the Human Rights Division on the administration of justice in San Miguel. Documents pertaining to prisons consist of: reports of visits to prisons and prison riots; papers on prison reform; and statistics and survey results on prisons. Reports prepared by Police Observers cover such topics as: allegations and investigations of human rights violations, demonstrations, and visits to prisons.

Human Rights Division, Regional Office of San Salvador
Records consist of: correspondence of the Head of the Central Region; complaints received from the Minister of the Presidency and from the High Command of the Armed Forces of El Salvador (FAES); and chorological files for human rights violations monitored by the Regional Office of San Salvador.

Chorological files of human rights violations consist of: summaries and updates on cases; incident scene sketches; autopsy reports; reports on visits to prisons and labor disputes; field reports of human rights officers; as well as correspondence between the Regional Office of San Salvador and the National Police (PN), non-governmental organizations in El Salvador, and unions.

Included also are records documenting activities of non-governmental organizations in the area of human rights reform. Organizations include the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIDH) and the Human Rights Commission of El Salvador (CHDES). Records include: talking points and summaries of meetings with non-governmental organizations; brochures and program literature; outlines for human rights training seminars and programs; correspondence and notes to the file.

Also included are records of the Division’s Office for the Promotion and Education of Human Rights (OPEDH). Records include: descriptions of the organization and functions of the OPEDH and of educational programs instituted by the OPEDH; summaries of human rights conferences at academic institutions attended by the OPEDH staff; and brochures and booklets (including drafts and original artwork) produced by OPEDH illustrating human rights concepts and violations.

Human Rights Division, Regional Office of San Vicente
Records include memoranda and tables relating to personal identity documentation. Other documents concern the death of Julio Cesar Guzman Navas, a Venezuelan socialist fighting for the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), including investigation reports, summaries of human rights officers’ interviews, and medical evaluation reports.

Human Rights Division, Regional Office of Santa Ana
Included are: papers on the promotion of human rights in the department of Santa Ana and bordering departments; memoranda about local human rights education campaigns; reports detailing cooperation between the Regional Office of Santa Ana and local governments in human rights promotion; reports on cooperative initiatives in human rights education undertaken by agencies and non-governmental organizations; reports by the Coordinator of Public Security, which summarize cases of human rights violations; and reports and summaries of staff meetings of the Office for the Promotion and Education of Human Rights (OPEDH).

Human Rights Division, Regional Office of Usulutan
Records consist of: case information sheets; and reports and updates submitted by Human Rights Officers on cases of human rights violations.

Electoral Division

S-1811 contains records concerning provision of support and assistance by the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL) for the conduct of the national elections, which were held on 20 March of 1994.

Electoral Division
Records consist of: operational support plans for the elections; progress reports on the activities of the Electoral Division; plans and reports describing observation and monitoring activities enacted in regions; lists of polling stations; analyses of the media coverage of the electoral process; statements signed by candidates; reports describing problems in the process of issuing voter registration cards (carnets); descriptions of ONUSAL’s election-related activities with non-governmental organizations; and electoral and political reports prepared by ONUSAL’s regional offices. Correspondence covers such topics as: the selection and establishment of polling sites; the selection of electoral observers, who were deployed at polling sites to verify that electoral activities took place in a free and fair atmosphere; allegations of electoral fraud; and activities and events held by political parties. Records pertaining to ONUSAL’s preparatory mission for the elections include: work plans; reports assessing the pre-electoral climate; reports examining Salvadoran institutions integral to the electoral process; and reports monitoring fulfillment of the Chapultepec Peace Accords.

Records on political parties consist of: papers describing the principles and objectives of political parties; correspondence between ONUSAL officials and political party leaders; and complaints made about irregularities in the electoral process and improper conduct of public officials and candidates. Also included are lists, tables and statistics compiled by ONUSAL on: voting activities; voting centers; complaints and incidents in departments and municipalities; and the process of issuing voter registration cards (carnets) to members of the public. Records of the El Salvadoran Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) include: correspondence between ONUSAL officials and TSE officials; analyses of political parties; interviews with members of political parties; and reports on problems with El Salvador’s electoral process and possible solutions.

Electoral Division, Regional Office of San Salvador
Records consist of: information circulars and memoranda on the freedom of association; reports of the registration process in San Salvador towns and municipalities; lists of mayors; reports of the Electoral Division; codes of conduct followed in departments during electoral campaigns; operational support plans for the election as enacted in San Salvador and in other regions; booklets, brochures and publicity materials issued by non-governmental organizations that assisted with voter registration; and papers on election strategy, the recount process in San Salvador, methodology for electoral observation, and the organization and functions of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). Correspondence covers such topics as: selection of and requests for electoral observers; plans for voter registration events; alleged registration and electoral fraud; updates on candidates; campaign events; and post-election wrap-up. Records concerning electoral observers include: data on deployment; orientation materials on the departments of El Salvador; observation procedures; and reports on campaign events.

Complaints include reports of: illegal campaigning; registration and electoral fraud; vandalism; and threats and acts of violence intended to influence voters. Records documenting ONUSAL activities in the Department of Cuscatlan include: notes for the file about registration problems; lists of officials and non-governmental organizations active in the Department; and reports and statistics on the issuing of voter registration cards and the election. Records documenting ONUSAL activities in the Department of La Libertad include: correspondence between officials of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and ONUSAL officials; results of voter registration drives; reports of visits to mayoralties (alcaldias); papers on the process of document verification and issuing of voter registration cards.

Regional Police Offices

S-1812 contains records concerning the operation of the Police Division of the United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL), and of ONUSAL’s reform and development of Salvadoran police forces.

Police Division
Included are records relating to the support and training ONUSAL provided to the National Civil Police (PNC). Training materials consist of manuals, memoranda and correspondence concerning security for government officials and foreign dignitaries, public security, explosives identification and destruction, patrol, and transport. Also included are records relating to the organization of the Mission, the restructuring of the Police Division, and the Mission mandate.

Regional Police Office of Chalatenango
Records consist of daily reports concerning the results of investigations, arrests and detentions, theft, assault, homicide, and disappearances; and operation logs of the Auxiliary Transitory Police (PAT). The PAT was responsible for maintaining public order and security in the former zones of conflict until their substitution by the new National Civil Police (PNC).

Officers’ files consist of monitoring, investigation, and analyses reports sent to the Head of the Regional Police Office of Chalatenango. These reports contain information on: the verification of explosive ordinance, demonstrations, armed groups, and gunfire. Officers’ files also contain: security and evacuation plans instituted during the elections held in March 1994; and papers and memoranda regarding the voter registration process and the issuance of voter ID cards (carnets).

Reports submitted to the Head of the Police Division cover such topics as: arms trafficking; the discovery of explosives and tatús (guerilla tunnels and shelters); acts of vigilantism; crimes and human rights violations; misconduct by members of the PNC and the PAT; assistance and training provided to the PNC; and security for the elections and for the Head of Mission’s visit to the region.

Regional Police Office of San Miguel
Records consist of: reports about corrupt officers in the National Police (PN); complaints of misconduct by members of the Auxiliary Transitory Police (PAT); incident and patrol reports; reports on receptions for mayors (alcaldes) returning from exile; and summaries of telephone calls. There is also correspondence from ONUSAL police sub-offices in the following locations: San Luis de la Reina in the department of San Miguel; Osicala and Sociedad in the department of Morazan; and Anamoros and Santa Rosa de Lima in the department of La Union.

Also included are: case information sheets for human rights violations followed by the Regional Police Office of San Miguel; papers about the establishment and deployment of the National Police (PN) in the department of San Miguel; analyses of public security in municipalities of San Miguel; graphs and statistics on crime in the department of San Miguel; and plans to reduce crime drafted by the National Police.

Regional Police Office of San Miguel, Sub-Office of San Francisco Gotera
Records consist of: correspondence with the Regional Office of San Miguel; Police Observers’ reports on local incidents; accusations of human rights violations committed by members of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN); reports on the distribution of housewares and farming tools to former members of the FMLN; memoranda on underage members of the FMLN; reports on the performance and operational difficulties of the Sub-Office of San Francisco Gotera, which was located in the department of Morazan; and summaries and minutes of meeting of the sub-office staff.

Regional Police Office of San Miguel, Sub-Office of Santa Rosa de Lima
Included are operation logs and reports sent to the Regional Police Office of San Miguel about criminal investigations. The reports also concern: the corruption of judges; disputes about land ownership and land transactions; destruction of weapons; induction of new members of the National Civil Police (PNC); and troop movements of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN).

Regional Police Office of San Salvador
Records consist of daily reports prepared by the head of the Regional Police Office of San Salvador about patrols carried out in numerous municipalities and towns in the department of San Salvador. The reports contain information about: interviews conducted in connection with crimes being investigated; visits to National Police headquarters; monitoring of labor protests; and visits with mayors (alcaldes).

Regional Police Office of San Salvador, Sub-Office of Suchitoto
Included are: patrol reports submitted from the Sub-Office of Suchitoto, which was located in the department of Cuscatlan, to the regional police offices of San Salvador and San Vicente about incidents in the municipalities of Cuscatlan.

Also included are: proceedings from meetings held about the transaction of properties in the Land Transfer and Reintegration Program (PTT); and reports on visits to properties to investigate land-related complaints and incidents arising from the administration of the PTT.

Regional Police Office of Santa Ana
Included are reports on human rights violations, prison visits, crimes, disappearances, labor disputes, and land disputes. Also included are verification reports about local branches of the Customs Police and the National Police.

Regional Police Office of Usulutan
Included are reports on a variety of topics, such as: criminal investigations, armed groups, corruption; and the state of public security in towns and municipalities in the department of Usulutan. Also included are records of the Auxiliary Transitory Police (PAT) stationed in Jucuaran, San Augustin and Santa Elena, which consist of: patrol and incident reports, incident scene sketches; and correspondence from justices of the peace.

Correspondence covers such topics as: crimes; human rights violations; incidents; exhumations of corpses; penal code reform; land ownership disputes; the organization of the Police Division; cooperation between the Police Division and the Human Rights Division; and assistance provided to the Salvadoran government’s vaccination campaign.

Liaison Office

Liaison Office
Records of S-1813 consist of: discussion papers and implementation timetables on the status of agreements of the Chapultepec Peace Accords; correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the coordination of ONUSAL activities during the election of 20 March 1994; documents outlining the post-ONUSAL mechanism; reports and statistics on human rights violations; ONUSAL weekly bulletins; agendas of Coordination Meetings held by staff of various ONUSAL divisions; program plans and summaries of working group meetings of the Land Transfer and Reintegration Program; and aide memoire, briefs, and notes for the file on reintegration programs for former combatants.

Public Information Office

S-1816 consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence of the Public Information Office. Records include: summaries of press conferences; ONUSAL weekly bulletins; press bulletins; minutes of PIO staff meetings with the Head of Mission; memoranda describing the functions of the PIO and procedures for ONUSAL personnel for use when talking to the press; transcripts of interviews with ONUSAL officials; reports on visits by PIO staff to Regional Offices; correspondence pertaining to television and radio programmes about the mission; and mission fact sheets and statements of the PIO.

Legal Adviser

Legal Adviser
S-1814 consists of: correspondence between the Legal Adviser and the Head of Mission; summaries of the work of ONUSAL; memoranda about the destruction of weapons; reports on territorial disputes along the Salvadoran-Honduran border in regions called “los bolsones”; and correspondence and memoranda concerning privileges and immunities granted to ONUSAL staff involved in incidents.

Administration Division

Administration Division
Records of S-1815 include: ONUSAL Standard Operating Procedures; organization charts and papers for various offices and sub-offices; terms of reference for mission personnel; guidelines for Military Liaison Officers and Police Monitors on assignment; reports of the Secretary-General on ONUSAL and the peace process in El Salvador; and correspondence of the Chief Administrative Officer with Regional Coordinators regarding the phasing-out of the mission.