Affichage de 113 résultats
Description archivistique
Records submitted by Member Governments, other National Authorities and Military Tribunals
Records submitted by Member Governments, other National Authorities and Military Tribunals
Administrative and Financial Services (1946-1953)
Administrative and Financial Services (1946-1953)
Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs - Ralph J. Bunche (1948-1972)
Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs - Ralph J. Bunche (1948-1972)
Department of Political and Security Council Affairs (1952-1991)
Department of Political and Security Council Affairs (1952-1991)
Department of Trusteeship and Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories (1946-1954)
Department of Trusteeship and Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories (1946-1954)
Office of the Chef de Cabinet
Office of the Chef de Cabinet
Department of Social Affairs (DSA) (1946-1955)
Department of Social Affairs (DSA) (1946-1955)
Germany Mission
Germany Mission
Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs - B. E. Urquhart (1958-1985)
Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs - B. E. Urquhart (1958-1985)
Registry Section
Registry Section