Series consists of incoming and outgoing cables, handwritten cables, and telegrams. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: food transportation; personnel; movement of UN personnel; ANC attack on Kongolo; refugee camps; accounting of PX supplies; procurement of gas and oil; transport of medical supplies; entertainment for patients in hospitals; visits of UN personnel; barge service on Lake Tanganyika; and evacuations of Ethiopians to Stanleyville. Correspondents include R. Gardiner, Chief of Mission, UN in Congo; S. Habib Ahmed; Mr. Gaviola; B. Twigt; Captain Correa, Deputy Air Operations Officer; and Lieut. Bengtsson, Deputy Air Operations Officer. Arranged in several chronological sequences.
Series consists of administrative circulars, cables, complaint forms, diagrams, handwritten notes, letters, maps, minutes of conferences, memoranda, reports, routine orders, drafts, lists, medical reports, standing orders, vouchers, nominal rolls, police reports, strength returns, occurrence reports, location statements, and convening orders for courts of inquiry. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: promotion of personnel; duties of civilian personnel; courts of inquiry; local interpreters; air bases; accommodations; establishment of Headquarters Katanga Area; discipline; death and repatriation of remains; appointment of personnel; thefts; civilian complaints about the behavior of UN troops; dress code; and conduct of Indonesian troops. Correspondents include Commander M.I. O'Farrell, Chief of Military Information, Headquarters Katanga Area; Colonel Sven E. Rosenius, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Katanga Area; Major General Diwan Prem Chand, General Officer Commanding, Headquarters Katanga Area; Captain Tadasse Dubale, Military Personnel Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; Captain K.D. Banerjee, Military Personnel Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; Brigadier General Abebe Tefari, General Officer Commanding, Headquarters Katanga Area; Captain Ishak Odang, Military Personnel Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; Mr. B. Halbert, Acting Senior Administrative Officer, Elisabethville; Colonel D.A. Lago-Lengquist, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Katanga Area; and Maurice Gauvreau, Senior Administration Officer, Elisabethville. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of cables which were originally with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, but were created by Sture Linner in his initial capacity as Chief of the United Nations Civilian Operations, then as of 25 May 1961, as Officer-in-Charge ONUC. Arranged chronologically.
Series consists of oversize cards with information regarding individuals, nationals and foreign nationals. Each card includes a photograph of the individual. Arranged alphabetically by names.
Restrictions: Series contains highly sensitive personal information. Please consult an archivist for access details.
Series non-registry files are comprised of the section relating to the Office of the Chief of Civilian Operations (previously the Special Representative of the Secretary-General). For the remainder of the non-registry files see S-0752. Record types include correspondence, handwritten documents, newspaper clippings, translations, notes verbale, statements, telegrams, lists, diagrams, booklets, and forms. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: arms and ammunition at Kitona; UN personnel; ONUC personnel; movements of personnel; incidents at Port Franqui; military personnel; incidents in Goma and Kindu; food supplies; mercenaries; and refugees. Correspondents include Andrew Cordier, Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Ralph Bunche, Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Dag Hammarskold, Secretary-General; Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo; Dr. S. Linner, Chief of UN Civlian Operations; I.J. Rikhye, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Cyrille Adoula, Prime Minister; R.K. Gardiner; and Carl C. Von Horn, Supreme Commander. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Restrictions: Series includes sensitive personal information. Please consult an archivist for access details.
Series consists of correspondence, administrative reports, and maps. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: food supplies; UN personnel; Congolese workers; use of vehicles; housing of ONUC personnel; procurement and movement of supplies; finances for project; Ruandese refugees in North Kivu; and theft of px supplies. Correspondents include William E. Rose, ONUC Representative; A. Nachaat, Administrative Officer, Bukavu; P. de Gaigneron, Finance Officer, Kamina; Mr. Mancini, Civilian Operations, ONUC Leopoldville; Mr. Nuglozeh, Finance Officer; Mr. Bronsema, Chief Finance Officer, ONUC, Leopoldville; and R. Khazoom, ONUC, Bukavu. Arranged chronologically.
Series consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, bulletins, newspaper clippings, lists, reports, photographs and interviews. Subjects relate to previous arrest information for a group of two thousand four hundred and sixty-eight individuals. Each folder holds the information for ten individuals in numerical order. Correspondents include G. Munongo, Minister of the Interior; J. Disase; J. Bomboko, Minister of Foreign Affairs; and many of the individuals listed on each folder. Arranged in filing number order.