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Affichage de 20717 résultats
Description archivistique
Office of the Executive Assistant and the Under-Secretay-General for Special Political Affairs (Cordier/Malania)
Office of the Executive Assistant and the Under-Secretay-General for Special Political Affairs (Cordier/Malania)
Middle East - UNTSO - resolutions adopted on the Palestine question
Middle East - UNTSO - resolutions adopted on the Palestine question
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim - Political - country files - Middle East
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim - Political - country files - Middle East
Middle East missions and commissions - records
Middle East missions and commissions - records
Working papers
Working papers
United Nations Bulletins, January-June 1947
United Nations Bulletins, January-June 1947
United Nations Bulletins, January-June 1947
United Nations Bulletins, January-June 1947
Personal - speeches - Trusteeship Council
Personal - speeches - Trusteeship Council
Administrative committee on co-ordination - office in NY HQs - BEU/Sir Jackson - Secretary-General committee - General Assembly resolution on peace
Administrative committee on co-ordination - office in NY HQs - BEU/Sir Jackson - Secretary-General committee - General Assembly resolution on peace
Drafts of series on peacekeeping operations
Drafts of series on peacekeeping operations