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United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: Central Headquarters (Arolsen), Bureau of Supply and Transport, Office of the Chief

Series consists of division monthly reports, minutes of meetings and conferences, charts, correspondence, and memoranda. Subjects include the Bremen and Hamburg reports; rail procedures; the handover of UNRRA displaced person operations to a successor organization; and the transfer of UNRRA vehicles. Correspondents include H. T. Morris, Chief, Supply and Transport Division; C. H. Perry, Chief, Supply Branch; and A. J. Anderson, Chief, Transport Branch.

Many folders missing from this series at the time of processing (11/1999).


United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: British Zone (Lemgo), Central Registry

Series consists of medical reports and statistics, assembly center progress reports, nursing narrative reports, displaced person self-government reports, minutes of the Displaced Persons Committee, camp education reports, minutes of team meetings, situation reports, camp forms (blank), displaced persons publications, director's reports (monthly and narrative), exhibition pamphlets, repatriation reports, correspondence, memoranda, and photographs. Subjects include detention centers; camp accidents; admissions into trade schools; vocational training; Glynn Hughes Hospita;, repatriation from assembly centers; security; welfare and transport history; children's homes; and supplies. Correspondents include Brig. F. A. J. E. Marshall, Area Supervising Officer; Raphael Cilento, Director, British Zone; J. N. Wheatley, Medical Superintendent; and J. A. Greenwood, Field Supervisory Officer.


United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: French Zone (Haslach)

Series consists of notes of service, district and general bulletins, accident reports and claims, personnel materials (including lists, permissions, transfers, terminations, statistics, and pay), lists of repatriated persons, documents related to unaccompanied children, strength returns, weekly reports of assembly centers, camp newspapers, ephemera (such as posters and invitations), technical instructions, reports on infectious diseases and sickness, correspondence, memoranda, and photographs. Subjects include welfare services; repatriement; screening of displaced persons; employment; discipline and supervision; medical supplies; rations; clothing; transpor;, and police matters (citations). Correspondents include French Zone team directors; Chefs de Detachment; E. P. Moreland, Director of the Southern District; G. A. Bohn, District Employment Officer; Lieut.-General A. A. L. Mercier, Director of the North District; General C. A. Lenclud, Director, French Zone; and Lieut.-General F. E. Morgan, Chief of Operations, Germany.

Teams identified by number and location.


United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: United States (U.S.) Zone (Pasing)

Series consists of monthly station lists of UNRRA installations; lists of teams and teams absorbed; lists of assembly centers by zone and location; information relating to the displaced persons population; organizational chart of Team 330 (3/1947); map of locations of UNRRA hospitals (6/1947); blueprints of Camp Spittal hospital electrical installations (1946); and Spittal displaced persons site plan (1945).


United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: French Zone (Haslach), Department of Field Operations, Reports Division

Series consists of an index to field orders, administrative instructions, displaced persons monthly reports (issued by headquarters), displaced person journals, reports and statistics for teams, circulars and bulletins, artifacts (such as posters, invitations, illustrations, and event programs), photographs (including a photo album documenting Team 211 (Rottweill)), and school textbooks. Subjects include amenity supplies; schools for displaced Baltic and Polish children; the registry system used to file UNRRA paperwork; and voluntary agencies. Correspondents include F. E. Morgan, Chief, German Operations; General F. Lenclud, Director, French Zone; Carl H. Martini, Director, Department of Field Operations; and C. J. Marshall, Assistant-Director, Relief Services.


United Nations RelieF and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany: Central Headquarters, Department oF Field Operations, Repatriation Section

Series consists oF correspondence, memoranda, periodic reports, conFerence agendas and minutes, handwritten notes, and a copy oF 'UNDR Team News' relating to operations and issues involved in the repatriation oF displaced persons. Subjects include but are not limited to the Following: resettlement and repatriation oF displaced persons; eligibility For UNRRA assistance; reports oF unaccompanied children in Germany; Jewish activities; and plans and guidelines For tracing unaccompanied children and displaced persons. Correspondent includes Carl H. Martini, ChieF oF RelieF Services at Central Headquarters (Arolsen).

Actual series size: 4 boxes.


United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration UNRRA/Germany: Central Headquarters in Arolsen, Department of Field Operations, Relief Services: Welfare and Repatriation Division, Employment and Training Branch, Child Welfare Section

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, periodic reports, agendas and minutes of staff meetings, agreements, incoming and outgoing cables, and administrative orders relating to field operations including relief services for displaced persons, welfare and repatriation of displaced persons, employment and training for displaced persons, and child welfare. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: immigration assistance; displaced persons dental and medical care; displaced persons outside assembly centres; resettlement; tracing; employment program; policy concerning unaccompanied children; tracing of unaccompanied children; and implementation of 92, a resolution relating to displaced persons.


United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: Central Headquarters in Arolsen, Office of the Chief and Deputy Chief of Operations

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, incoming and outgoing cables, and reports relating to legal matters. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: interpretations, drafts, and revisions of U.S., British, French, and military agreements; military government laws affecting displaced persons and civilians; assistance for displaced persons; voluntary agencies; legal assistance and protection for displaced persons and stateless persons; unaccompanied children; emigration and repatriation of displaced persons; supplies and transport; UNRRA personnel; and individual case files of displaced persons. Correspondents include Manfred Simon, Legal Adviser; and General Sir Frederick Morgan, Director, UNRRA Central Headquarters (Classified).


Series consists of Mr. Arolsen's files relating to consultations with governments and related. Correspondents include: Lieut. General Sir Frederick E. Morgan, Chief of Operations, Germany; Myer Cohen, Acting Chief of Operations; and Jay B. Krause, Chief of the Reports and Analysis Division. Arranged alphabetically by subject.