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Descripción archivística
Division of Social Welfare
Division of Social Welfare
Personal files
Personal files
Code and clear cables
Code and clear cables
Ralph Bunche - work at the United Nations and elsewhere - 1945-1972
Ralph Bunche - work at the United Nations and elsewhere - 1945-1972
Subject Files - United Nations Military Observers in Greece (UNMOG)
Subject Files - United Nations Military Observers in Greece (UNMOG)
United States Zone - Department of Finance and Administration
United States Zone - Department of Finance and Administration
First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I) - Subject Files
First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I) - Subject Files
Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Dr. Victor Hoo
Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Dr. Victor Hoo
United Nations Commission on the Racial Situation in the Union of South Africa (UNCORS)
United Nations Commission on the Racial Situation in the Union of South Africa (UNCORS)