"Series 1894 consists of records documenting the official travel of the Deputy Secretary-General. The records primarily consist of briefing and trip books containing itineraries, programme information, background about the country to be visited, profiles of officials, talking points, and speeches. Asha-Rose Migiro served as Deputy Secretary-General from 5 February 2007 to 1 July 2012. Ms. Migiro travelled to every continent and nearly every region of the world to attend conferences and summits relating to present-day world issues such as HIV/AIDS, women's empowerment, climate change, child poverty, education initiatives and economic development. There are files for conferencesand meetings that she attended regularly, including the African Union Summit, World Knowledge Forum, Economic Commission for Europe, Secretary-General's retreat, United Nations Chief Executives Board Sessions, Economic and Social Council, Millennium Development Goals, and Regional Coordination Meetings. S-1894 also contains one box documenting the official travel of Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson, who assumed his position on 1 July 2012. These records primarily consist of briefing books. Volume: 21 boxes"
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, cables, faxes, minutes and reports grouped into one of three sub-series: rehabilitation, economic affairs, and financial matters. The second sub-series also includes videocassettes on related topics. Series is arranged by subject classiification number.
Title based on series contents.
Sir Leslie Knox Munro - New Zealand was appointed United Nations Special Representative on the question of Hungary on 12 December 1958 - by resolution 1312 - XIII.
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, and meeting minutes relating to the functions of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General. Series is arranged by subject classification number in this order: chronological files; country correspondence; and records pertaining to the following subjects: civil administration, provincial offices, action cells, Secretary-General's reports, electoral component, Economic Adviser's office, Supreme National Council, human rights component, information/education component, repatriation, legal, military, civilian police, and political parties.
Title based on series contents.