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AG-011 · Fonds · 1919 - 2014

This fonds includes the following sub-fonds:

AG-011-001: Office of the Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General
AG-011-002: Office of the Chef de Cabinet
AG-011-003: Other Offices, Working groups and Committees

This fonds also contains the following series:

S-0980: Protocol and Liaison Section - Subject and chronological - 1946-1969
S-0927: United Nations Special Representative on the Question of Hungary
S-0727: United Nations Commission of Investigation into the Death of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General, and Members of His Party
S-0708: United Nations Malaysian Mission - UNMAM
S-0594: High-Level Intergovernmental Group Records
S-0591: Review of Secretariat Activities
S-0590: Executive Assistant / Chef de Cabinet
S-0589: Conferences - Meeting Servicing Records
S-0587: United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon
S-0580: Records of Margaret Anstee
S-0578: Office of Special Political Questions
S-0573: Executive Office of the Secretary-General Records
S-0572: Protocol and Liaison Office
S-0571: Law of the Sea Conference
S-0569: Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Demarcation Commission
S-0563: Sir Robert Jackson
S-0557: World Food Council - John A. Hannah, Former Executive Director - Official Correspondence
S-0369: Martin W. Hill - numbered subject files
S-0368: Code cables - cities
S-0367: Central America - ONUSAL - subject files
S-0366: Secretary-General meetings with top echelon officials
S-0365: Chef de Cabinet - special personnel cases
S-0364: Sir Robert G. Jackson - subject files
S-0298: International Commission of Control and Supervision - ICCS / Vietnam - reports
S-0297: Catalogue of logs - cables, memos, letters
S-0296: Chef de Cabinet - Dayal (1982-1993) - Code Cables - Missions
S-0244: United Nations Committee on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
S-0243: Committee of Experts on the Secretariat Review
S-0241: Victor Lessiovski - working files

Executive Office of the Secretary-General EOSG
AG-004 · Fonds · 1919 - 2000

The sub-fonds are arranged by predecessor departments/offices.

  • Department of Economic Affairs (1946-1954)
  • Department of Social Affairs (1946-1954)
  • Technical Assistance Administration (1950-1958)
  • Department of Economic and Social Affairs (1955-1977)
  • United Nations Office of Interagency Affairs and Coordination (1969-1977)
  • Department of Technical Cooperation for Development (1978-1991)
  • Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (1978-1991)
  • Development and International Cooperation (1978-1991)
  • Department of Economic and Social Development (1992-1992)
  • Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development (1992-1996)
  • Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis (1993-1996)
  • Department for Development Support and Management Services (1993-1996)
  • Department of Economic and Social Affairs (1997-present)
UN. Department of Economic Affairs
AG-018 · Fonds · 1919 - 1977

Fonds consists of UNRRA Headquarters records and the records of UNRRA administration in Europe and Asia, and contains the following sub-fonds:

AG-018-001: China Office - Subject Files
AG-018-002: Controller and Public Information
AG-018-003: Bureau of Supply
AG-018-004: Bureau of Areas
AG-018-005: Bureau of Administration
AG-018-006: Balkan Mission and Middle East Office
AG-018-007: International Refugee Organization (IRO)
AG-018-008: European Regional Office (ERO) - Registry Files
AG-018-009: Italy Mission
AG-018-010: Austria Mission
AG-018-011: European Regional Office (ERO) - Subject Files
AG-018-012: Washington DC Headquarters
AG-018-013: Bureau of Services
AG-018-014: Belgium Mission
AG-018-015: Byelorussia Mission
AG-018-016: Czechoslovakia Mission
AG-018-017: Denmark Mission
AG-018-018: Dodecanese Islands Mission
AG-018-019: Ethiopia Mission
AG-018-020: Finland Mission
AG-018-021: Offices in France
AG-018-022: Greece Mission
AG-018-023: Hungary Mission
AG-018-024: Luxembourg Mission
AG-018-025: Norway Mission
AG-018-026: Poland Mission
AG-018-027: Sweden Mission
AG-018-028: Switzerland Mission
AG-018-029: Trieste Port Office
AG-018-030: Turkey Mission
AG-018-031: Ukraine Mission
AG-018-032: Yugoslavia Mission
AG-018-033: India Mission - Procurement and Recruiting Office
AG-018-034: Korea Mission
AG-018-035: Philippine Mission
AG-018-036: Latin America - Procurement Offices
AG-018-037: South West Pacific Area Office (SWPAO)
AG-018-038: Hawaii Procurement Office
AG-018-039: Germany Mission
AG-018-040: Office of the Historian
AG-018-041: UNRRA Photographs

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
AG-047 · Fonds · 1919 - 1954

Records, 1946-1947, include correspondence; cables; working papers; reports; minutes, lists of delegates, governmental liaison representatives, and accredited correspondents to the Commission; correspondence logbooks; and publications and maps that were used for background data. These concern the organization of the Commission, including personnel matters, political matters, and investigations. Included is the investigation of the United Nations Committee of Experts into the case of Messrs. Zervas, Petsas, and Voltadoros, and an investigation trip to visit General Markos, Commander and Chief of the Ardartes and the Shole of Greece.

Correspondents include the United Nations Headquarters, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and governments and government representatives of Albania, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, France, Greece, Poland, Syria, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia. Also included are some cables, correspondence, General Assembly and Security Council documents, press releases, and printed material, 1941-1947, the earliest of which was used as background material, of Stanley Ryan, Press Officer of the Commission.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0698 Subject Files - United Nations Military Observers in Greece (UNMOG)
S-0697 Administrative Files - United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans (UNSCOB)
S-0663 Working Files
S-0649 Subject Files
S-0648 Correspondence Files
S-0462 Records of the Investigation

United Nations Commission for the Investigation of Greek Frontier Incidents
AG-025 · Fonds · 1923 - 2010

The fond contains all the centrally filed records of the Secretariat from its early period. Predominant date range is 1940 - 1950.

Arranged numerically according to numbered file classification system.

Fonds consists of the following Sub-Fonds:
AG-025-003 Registry Section
AG-025-002 Branch Registries
AG-025-001 Central Registry Section

Registry Section
AG-060 · Fonds · 1928 - 1959

Records consist primarily of correspondence, cables, memoranda, maps, personnel lists, working papers, reports, and press releases. These concern the Advance Party to Jerusalem, 1948- 1949, refugees, truces, the Negev Situation, and other matters having to do with UNPAC's work in the Middle East, as well as the administration of UNPAC.

Correspondents include the Jewish Agency, Leo Malania, Hadassah Hospital, the United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations, the Mandatory Power (British), Pable de Azcarate, and Ralph J. Bunche, the Principal Secretary of UNPAC.
Many of these records come from the offices of Bunche and de Azcarate.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0624 Subject Files - Principal Secretary Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0623 Correspondence - Principal Secretary Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0614 Subject Files (UNPAC)
S-0453 Correspondence

UN Palestine Commission
AG-046 · Fonds · 1928 - 1951

Records, which also include those of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan, consist primarily of correspondence and cables, 1948-1950, concerning practical arrangements for the plebiscite, and general matters concerning the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Correspondents at United Nations Headquarters include Andrew Cordier, and Secretary-General Trygve Lie; other correspondents include the United Nations Press Officer in New Delhi, the Indian and Pakistani governments, the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan, and Eric Colban, Principal Secretary of UNCIP. Other records include reports, minutes, resolutions by and about Gilgit, refugees, United Nations Military Observers, political prisoners, and propaganda. A signed copy of the Karachi Agreement of July 27, 1949, which was the cease-fire agreement, is included.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0694 Subject Files - United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) and United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan (UNRIP)
S-0693 Correpondence Files - United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) and United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan (UNRIP)
S-0692 Subject Files - United Nations Plebiscite Administrator for Jammu and Kashmir

United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan
AG-037 · Fonds · 1930 - 2011

Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1167 Photographs
S-0537 Records (UNIO)
(a) New York Office Organization and Administration
(b) New York Office Accounting
(c) Reference and Information Service - UNIO and other agencies
(d) Reference and Information Service - British Ministry of Information
(e) Reference and Information Service - Postwar Reconstruction and Planning
(f) Reference and Information Service - Newspaper Reprints and Clippings
(g) UN Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, 1945
(h) Radio Broadcasts
(i) Music Sheets and Manuscripts

United Nations Information Organization
AG-048 · Fonds · 1934 - 1957

contain correspondence with the United Nations, the Representative Assembly of Eritrea, the government of Ethiopia, the British Administering Authority, and others, and also cables, minutes, reports, speeches of E. Anze Matienzo, the Commissioner, to the General Assembly, memoranda, working papers, press releases, personnel files, maps, and clippings from the files of the Commissioner, the Principal Secretary, the Deputy Principal Secretary, and the Administrative Office concerning the drafting of a constitution for Eritrea, and other political, legal, economic, and social matters.

Of note are minutes, statements, and working papers of the Eritrean Assembly; drafts, 1951-1952, of the Eritrean Constitution; and a picture album presented to the Commission showing a "manifestation for independence" by local inhabitants. One box contains correspondence and case files, 1952-1954, of the United Nations Tribunal in Eritrea.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0722 Subject Files - Tribunal
S-0721 Subject Files - Commissioner
S-0719 Correspondence Files - Principal Secretary - Dr. Lucas
S-0718 Subject Files - Commissioner
S-0717 Subject Files
S-0716 Subject Files - Principal Secretary
S-0715 Subject Files - Deputy Principal Secretary
S-0714 Administrative Files

United Nations Commission for Eritrea
AG-005 · Fonds · 1935 - 1979

Fonds consists of the records of Secretary-General U Thant, relating to his responsibilities as chief administrative officer of the Secretariat and as chief coordinator of the legislative, political, socio-economic, and military bodies of the United Nations. Also included are records from an earlier period, when he was Burmese Representative to the United Nations, and private records from his post-retirement years. Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Briefs, correspondence, speeches (1935-1974) S-0890

Administrative and management matters - administration of the Secretariat (1953-1972) S-0855
Administrative and management matters - top echelon personnel (1957-1974) S-0852
Memorabilia - gifts - moving images (1961-1971) S-1001
Memorabilia - gifts - photograph albums (1961-1971) S-1002
Memorabilia - photographs (1962-1972 ) S-0975
Memorabilia - sound recordings (1961-1971) S-0512
Memorabilia - tributes and gifts (1962-1972) S-0551
Peacekeeping - code cables (1961-1971) S-0862
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) (1961-1964) S-0874
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) 1960-1965 S-0875
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) - subject files and correspondence with member states 1959-1964 S-0845
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) - United Nations Advisory Committee on the Congo verbatim minutes 1960-1963 S-0849
Peacekeeping - Cuba 1962-1971 S-0872
Peacekeeping - Cuba 1962-1964 S-0873
Peacekeeping - Cyprus 1960-1971 S-0869
Peacekeeping - Cyprus 1964-1971 S-0870
Peacekeeping - Dominican Republic 1961-1971 S-0867
Peacekeeping - general 1960-1971 S-0879
Peacekeeping - India/Pakistan 1962-1973 S-0863
Peacekeeping - India/Pakistan 1964-1971 S-0868
Peacekeeping - Middle East 1957-1973 S-0861
Peacekeeping - other countries 1961-1971 S-0878
Peacekeeping (official documents) 1960-1971 S-0888
Peacekeeping - other countries 1961-1971 S-0878
Peacekeeping - Political and Social Security Council Affairs analysis 1962-1971 S-0881
Peacekeeping - Vietnam 1961-1972 S-0871
Peacekeeping - Vietnam 1962-1972 S-0866
Peacekeeping - West Irian (UNTEA) 1950-1963 S-0876
Peacekeeping - Yemen (UNYOM) 1963-1967 S-0877
Political matters - country files 1960-1971 S-0884
Political matters - disarmament 1961-1971 S-0880
Press clippings 1958-1975 S-0860
Press conferences 1961-1971 S-0889
Press releases 1950-1974 S-0891
Public relations 1951-1972 S-0864
Secretary-General's correspondence with heads-of-state, governments, and representatives to the United Nations 1961-1972 S-0882
Secretary-General's correspondence with individuals and organizations 1960-1974 S-0887
Secretary-General's correspondence with outside organizations (international conferences, expositions, meetings, etc.) 1961-1979 S-0859
Secretary-General's speeches 1961-1971 S-0885
Secretary-General's statements 1961-1967 S-0886
Secretary-General's trips and engagements 1961-1971 S-0883
United Nations commissions, committees and conferences 1962-1972 S-0858
United Nations General Assembly 1953-1971 S-0856
United Nations Security Council and other organs 1962-1971 S-0853
United Nations specialized agencies 1962-1972 S-0854
United Nations subsidiary bodies 1960-1972 S-0857

U THANT, 1909-1974
Private records - 1961-1971 period 1953-1972 S-0892
Private records - manuscript 'View from the UN' 1962-1974 S-0894
Private records - post-retirement 1971-1974 1963-1975 S-0893
Private records - Season's greetings cards 1961-1974 S-0895

Languages: Some French, Spanish, and numerous others

Secretary-General - U Thant