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UNWCC - United States Military Courts Trial of F. Braganza, Manila, Philippines, by a United States Military Commission - Proceedings (copy) Case Record of Trial of Arthur Andrae Case Nos.: 0005037 / U.S. 541
UNWCC - United States Military Courts Trial of F. Braganza, Manila, Philippines, by a United States Military Commission - Proceedings (copy) Case Record of Trial of Arthur Andrae Case Nos.: 0005037 / U.S. 541
Rapport du Tresorier
Rapport du Tresorier
Rapport du Tresorier
Rapport du Tresorier
Sets of papers from various countries used in the commitment of a person to a penal or correctional institution - with correspondence
Sets of papers from various countries used in the commitment of a person to a penal or correctional institution - with correspondence
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Brazil
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Brazil
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Netherlands - signed and sealed by Queen Wilhelmina on 3 January 1907
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Netherlands - signed and sealed by Queen Wilhelmina on 3 January 1907
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - China 6 Nov 1925
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - China 6 Nov 1925
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Denmark, signed and sealed by King Christian IX 23 Aug 1905
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Denmark, signed and sealed by King Christian IX 23 Aug 1905
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Bulgarie
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - Bulgarie
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - France, signed and sealed by Emile Loubet, President of France on 6 July 1904
(LEG) International Convention Relating to White Slavery, Paris (1904) - France, signed and sealed by Emile Loubet, President of France on 6 July 1904