Showing 70 results

Eyes of the artillery
Eyes of the artillery
French help British handle nazis
French help British handle nazis
General De Gaulle in Paris
General De Gaulle in Paris
General Enrique Peneranda, President of Bolivia
General Enrique Peneranda, President of Bolivia
General Mac Arthur
General Mac Arthur
German and Italian "temporary" signboards on the Alexandria-Mersa Matruh road
German and Italian "temporary" signboards on the Alexandria-Mersa Matruh road
Goering in Paris before the Arc de Triomphe
Goering in Paris before the Arc de Triomphe
Graphics Division of O.W.I.
Graphics Division of O.W.I.
Greek King visits his troops
Greek King visits his troops
Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
Haile Selassie of Ethiopia