United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR)
Mission Structure
Roman numerals (I, II, III…) = Series
Uppercase letters (A, B, C…) = Box titles
I. Office of the Executive Director (S-1120)
A. Office of Political Affairs
B. Special Assignments
C. Office of Protocol
D. Office of the Spokesman
E. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance
F. Office of Legal Affairs
G. Radio Unit
II. Office of the Force Commander (S-1062)
A. Chief of Staff (COS)
B. Chief Military Personnel Officer (CMPO)
C. Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (DCOS Ops)
D. Deputy Chief of Staff for Staff Support (DCOS Sp)
E. Medical Branch
F. Military Observer (MILOB) Group
III. Division of Administration and Management (S-1061)
A. Security Section
B. Civilian Personnel Section
C. Procurement Section
D. Integrated Support Services Section (ISS)
E. Management Information Systems Section
F. Finance Section
G. General Services Section (GSS)
H. Regional Offices
I. Board of Inquiry (BOI) Unit
J. Medical Branch
K. Office in Nairobi
IV. Office of the Police Commissioner (S-1060)
V. Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (S-1063)
A. Special Assistant
B. Personal Assistant
C. Deputy Area Security Coordinator and CSO
This mission structure was developed for the purpose of archival arrangement.
Winthrop Group, 5 November 2009