Series consists of incoming and outgoing cable exchanges with United Nations New York, of "Information Circulars" which were issued by the Executive Director for the staff of the Temporary London Office (Mar. to Oct. 1946), and two additional files, one of them containing the floor plans of the Church House facility (dated 1941). Arranged in the order cited, and therein chronologically.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: British Zone (Lemgo), Central Registry
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, cables, meeting minutes and agendas, policy and procedures, newspaper articles, newsletters, photographs, statistics, population figures, orders and instructions, surveys, monthly medical reviews, and reports (monthly child search reports, monthly employment reports, situation reports, nursing reports, etc.). Subjects include but are not limited to the following: displaced persons: screening and eligibility, employment, welfare, repatriation, education, entertainment, maintenance, etc.; personnel matters; UNRRA history; medical supplies; transport; clothing; security; and meetings and conferences.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: United States Zone (Pasing), District Operation and Administration
Series consists of director's, division, field supervisor, army, accident, nursing, incident, and welfare reports, personnel materials (lists, statistics, terminations, transfers), bulletins, team correspondence and memoranda, liaison logs, tracing documents, personal names/lists of displaced persons, books and publications, organizational charts, and cash statements. Subjects include eligibility; zone protective service; displaced persons registration; displaced persons civil rights; the Kurhessen welfare program; inter-camp security; the riot at Polish Camp Altenstadt (9/5/1947; infiltrees; Jewish Affairs; population and census; employment programs; the formation of new teams; and the Regensburg Military Community. Correspondents include A. T. Berney Ficklin, District 1 Director; C. J. Williams, District 1 Director; A. C. Dunn, District 3 Director; S. B. Zisman, District 5 Director; J. H. Whiting, Zone Director; Alvin Guyler, Zone Director; and Vernon R. Kennedy, Zone Director.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: British Zone (Lemgo), Central Registry
Series consists of correspondence, minutes, newsletters, statistics, and reports (field narrative report, welfare monthly reports, regional director's statistical reports, child welfare monthly reports, monthly medical reports, medical situation reports, regional food reports, nutrition reports, monthly reports from voluntary societies, etc.) Subjects include but are not limited to the following: displaced persons; unaccompanied children; voluntary societies; repatriation; eligibility and screening; nutrition; medical care; child welfare; displaced persons entertainment and education; employment; transport; personnel matters; and meetings and conferences. Correspondents include H. Kennedy, Regional Medical Officer; G. Roberts, Regional Medical Officer; and Raphael Cilento, Zone Director of UNRRA Headquarters.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany: Central Headquarters (Arolsen), Bureau of Finance and Administration
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, periodic reports, budgets, and incoming and outgoing cables relating to personnel and budget matters. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: personnel and monetary budget for the U.S. and French zones; plans for the reorganization of the Central Tracing Bureau; and reorganization of the U.S. zone.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: French Zone (Haslach), Department of Field Operations, Repatriation Division
Series consists of repatriation statistics, administrative orders, general and welfare bulletins, monthly reports of the Central Tracing Bureau, displaced person publications, lists of repatriated and yet-to-be repatriated persons, personnel materials (including lists, statistics and transfers), issues of 'Repatriation News,' agendas and reports for the Relief Services Conference (London, 21-24/5/1946), copies of the European Regional Office's publication 'Notes of the Week,' correspondence, and memoranda. Subjects include repatriation in groups and by country; movement of displaced persons and emigration; food rations; train schedules; demands for visas; and leisure time activities. Correspondents include Lieut.-General F. E. Morgan, Chief of Operations, Germany; General F. Lenclud, Director, French Zone; M. Zablonski, District Repatriement Officer; E. P. Moreland, District Director, Southern French Zone; B. Roberts, Chief Welfare Officer; and Rhea Radin, Acting Chief, Displaced Persons Operations.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: French Zone (Haslach), Office of the Director
Series consists of training and employment reports, personnel materials (including job descriptions and lists), standard operational procedures, budget information, legal advisor's files, closure files, organizational charts, European regional orders, administrative orders, press releases, supply and transport circulars, correspondence, and memoranda. Subjects include execution of the Accord of 18/2/1946; voluntary agencies and relief; displaced person employment; tracing and repatriation; supply and transport; camp updates; the Baden Baden reports; zone conferences; and the Berlin Team. Correspondents include Lieut.-General Sir Frederick Morgan, Director, UNRRA in Germany; General C. A. Lenclud, Director, French Zone; Meyer Cohen, Acting Chief, Displaced Person Operations; General Pierre Koenig, Commander in Chief, French Zone; F. E. Morgan, Director-General, UNRRA Europe; and Carl H. Martini, Director, Department of Field Operations.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)/Germany Mission: Central Headquarters (Arolsen), Department of Field Operations, Central Tracing Bureau
Series consists of Kries material (public records), weekly and bi-weekly situation reports, correspondence, letters of transmittal, lists of Prisoners of War camps (stalags and oflags), radio scripts, displaced persons reports, lists of camps, prisons, and displaced persons, lists of concentration camps and their Kommandos, photographs of displaced persons (post-mortem), repatriation materials, emigration reports, and marriage, birth and death certificates. Subjects include Central Tracing Bureau policies; intelligence policies and transports; child deportation; the Belgian, British, Czech, Dutch, French, Italian, Polish, American, and Yugoslavian tracing bureaus; Jewish children; prisons in Germany and occupied countries; death marches (routes and distances); 'L' cases; and Nazi crime policy. Correspondents include Col. J. R. Bowring, Director, Central Tracing Bureau; Captain R. Flohr, Central Tracing Bureau; R. John Rath, Chief Documents Officer; Col. A. H. Moffitt, Executive Officer; and Lieut.-General F. E. Morgan, Chief of Operations, Germany.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration UNRRA/Germany Mission: Central Headquarters in Arolsen, Department of Field Operations
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, orders, printed materials (UNRRA generated), blueprints, bi-weekly situation reports, displaced person registration forms, cables, welfare bulletins, administrative orders, newspaper clippings, and British and American Zone inspection reports. Subjects include child search and care; food rationing; unauthorized movement of displaced persons; eligibility for UNRRA assistance; the Hanau Work Training Center; camp publications; repatriation policies; camp inspections; Red Cross trains; and medical supplies. Correspondents include Denys Erlam, Chief Liaison Officer, Berlin; J. H. Whiting, Zone Director; Selene Gifford, Director, Welfare and Repatriation Division; and Lieut.-General F. E. Morgan, Chief of Operations, Germany.
United Nations Commission for Investigation of Greek Frontier Incidents: Working Files of Stanley Ryan, Press Officer of the Commission
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, incoming and outgoing cables, photographs, press clippings, press releases, information circulars, and booklets. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Security Council resolutions; draft CommitteeTwo; travel and movement plans; appeals and proclaimations; incidents along Greek border; work in S Alonika; report of the Allied Mission to Observe the Greek elections; press accreditation and other problems. Correspondents include Colonel A. Roscher Lund, Principal Secretary of UNO Investigation Commission; Alexis Kyrou, Greek Liason Representative; Trygve Lie, Secretary General, UN Headquarters; A. Loveday; and Stanley Ryan, Press Officer.