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Affichage de 113 résultats

Description archivistique
AG-021-003 · Sub-fonds · 1914 - 1962
Fait partie de United Nations Department of Political Affairs (1992-present)

Collection consists primarily of petitions, 1951-1977, submitted to the United Nations by various citizens' groups concerning the decolonization of their respective countries. Many countries are represented, including Tanganyika, British Cameroons, French Cameroons, French Togoland, Somaliland (Somalia), and Ruanda-Urundi. Also included are correspondence, reports, and working files, 1945-1954, of the Under-Secretary-General Benjamin Cohen; a draft of the statute for the City of Jerusalem, with reports of drafting groups and correspondence from outside the United Nations concerning the internationalization of Jerusalem and the Holy Places, 1947-1948; and reports, aides- memoire, and correspondence, 1952-1959, of the United Nations Advisory Council on Somaliland. Of note are petitions, correspondence, and reports concerning the independence of the Trust Territory of New Guinea, particularly problems with freedom of movement, and the situation in Bougainville, 1969-1976.

Sub-fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1566 Subject Files - Division of Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories - Office of the Director
S-1565 Petitions Section - Communications and Petitions concerning Trust Territories
S-1564 General Problems Section - Territorial Research and Analysis Section - H.A. Wieschoff, Chief - Committee on South West Africa
S-1563 General Problems Section (formerly) and Visits Section - Reports - Visiting Missions to Trust Territories
S-1562 General Problems Section (formerly) and Visits Section - Reports - Visiting Missions to Trust Territories
S-1561 Subject Files - Trusteeship Agreements Section - Trusteeship Agreements
S-1560 Subject Files - Trusteeship Agreements Section R. 40/3-4 - Subject and Trusteeship Agreements
S-1559 Subject Files - Office of the Director - H.A. Wieschoff - United Nations Advisory Council for Somaliland (UNACS)
S-1558 Office of the Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche - Files originating from Dr. Bunches functions outside the United Nations (U.S. State Department) - Papers relating to the Caribbean Commission
S-1557 Subject Files - Office of the Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
S-1556 Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Executive Office
S-1555 Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Office of the Principal/Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
S-1554 Working Files, Reports and Documentation - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Dr. Victor Hoo
S-0726 Subject Files - United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner of the Trust Territory of Togoland Under British Administration (UNPCT)
S-0723 Subject Files - United Nations Advisory Council in Somaliland (UNACS)
S-0504 Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Dr. Victor Hoo

AG-021-004 · Sub-fonds · 1914 - 1992
Fait partie de United Nations Department of Political Affairs (1992-present)

Sun-finds consists of the following Series:
S-1017 Correspondence and Postcards - Appeal for Nuclear Disarmament
S-1016 Petitions - Against Genocide in Sri Lanka
S-1014 Petitions - for Nuclear Disarmament
S-1008 Centre for Disarmament - Correspondence and Working Papers
S-0724 United Nations Commission on the Racial Situation in the Union of South Africa (UNCORS)
S-0582 Office of the Under Secretary-General
S-0549 Centre for Apartheid

Central Registry Section
AG-025-001 · Sub-fonds · 1940 - 1996
Fait partie de United Nations Registry Section (1946-1979)

Series contains all the centrally filed records of the Secretariat from its early period. Predominant date range is 1946-1952. The categories of the filing system are: Office of the Secretary-General (100), Administrative and financial (200), Conferences and general services (300), Economic and Social Council (400), Economic Affairs (500), Social Affairs (600), General (700), General Assembly (800), Legal Affairs (900), Public Information (1000), correspondence with individuals and miscellaneous organizations (1100), Security Council (1200), Security Council affairs (1300), Trusteeship Council (1400), Trusteeship affairs (1500), Military Staff Committee (1600). Arranged numerically according to the numbered file classification system.

Related records: For departmentally filed records of the same period see those records groups (now called fonds) which were formerly numbered DAG-1, DAG-2, etc. For earlier related records see the two fonds: United Nations Temporary London Office and Preparatory Commission of the United Nations. Arranged in subject classification number order.

Sub-fonds consists of the following Series:
S-0472 United Nations Central Registry subject files - early registry records
S-0440 Central Registry - Code Cables - Correspondence