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Affichage de 33 résultats
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United Nations Department of Political Affairs (1992-present)
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Série organique
General Problems Section - Territorial Research and Analysis Section - H.A. Wieschoff, Chief - Committee on South West Africa
General Problems Section - Territorial Research and Analysis Section - H.A. Wieschoff, Chief - Committee on South West Africa
Petitions Section - Communications and Petitions concerning Trust Territories
Petitions Section - Communications and Petitions concerning Trust Territories
Subject Files - Division of Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories - Office of the Director
Subject Files - Division of Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories - Office of the Director
Subject Files - United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner of the Trust Territory of Togoland Under British Administration (UNPCT)
Subject Files - United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner of the Trust Territory of Togoland Under British Administration (UNPCT)
Subject Files - Office of the Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
Subject Files - Office of the Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
Centre for Apartheid
Centre for Apartheid
Petitions - Against Genocide in Sri Lanka
Petitions - Against Genocide in Sri Lanka
Subject Files - Trusteeship Agreements Section - Trusteeship Agreements
Subject Files - Trusteeship Agreements Section - Trusteeship Agreements
General Problems Section (formerly) and Visits Section - Reports - Visiting Missions to Trust Territories
General Problems Section (formerly) and Visits Section - Reports - Visiting Missions to Trust Territories
Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Executive Office
Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Executive Office