Showing 302161 results

“Catalogo de las Publicaciones del CIAT, 1966-1978,” catalogue issued by the Centro Interamericano de Administracion del Trabajo (CIAT)
“Catalogo de las Publicaciones del CIAT, 1966-1978,” catalogue issued by the Centro Interamericano de Administracion del Trabajo (CIAT)
“Centre for Training and Applied Research, 24 September 1972-31 August 1974,” assignment report by Dr. A. Budeir, World Health Organization (WHO) Medical Officer - draft
“Centre for Training and Applied Research, 24 September 1972-31 August 1974,” assignment report by Dr. A. Budeir, World Health Organization (WHO) Medical Officer - draft
“Cepalindex: Resumenes de Documentos,” journal issued by the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) and Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Volume 3, Number 2, 1980
“Cepalindex: Resumenes de Documentos,” journal issued by the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) and Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Volume 3, Number 2, 1980
“Conditions d'un Développement Intégré dans la Lekie: Tome III: Annexes et Conclusions,” report by André Lefebvre, Rural Development and Human Resources Adviser
“Conditions d'un Développement Intégré dans la Lekie: Tome III: Annexes et Conclusions,” report by André Lefebvre, Rural Development and Human Resources Adviser
“Conferences, Study Tours, and Development and Training Institutions under the United Nations Technical Assistance Administration,” manual issued by the Technical Assistance Administration - draft
“Conferences, Study Tours, and Development and Training Institutions under the United Nations Technical Assistance Administration,” manual issued by the Technical Assistance Administration - draft
“Consultation on the Chemotherapy of Onchocerciasis, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-6 September 1972,” report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO)
“Consultation on the Chemotherapy of Onchocerciasis, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-6 September 1972,” report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO)
“Coopération des Pays du Conseil de l'Entente dans le Domaine du Tourisme,” report by Vojislav Popovic, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Regional Adviser
“Coopération des Pays du Conseil de l'Entente dans le Domaine du Tourisme,” report by Vojislav Popovic, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Regional Adviser
“Country and Intercountry Programming, Caribbean Undistributed Indicative Planning Figure (IPF)” - UNDP Assistance Requested by the Governments in the Caribbean, 1974-1978”
“Country and Intercountry Programming, Caribbean Undistributed Indicative Planning Figure (IPF)” - UNDP Assistance Requested by the Governments in the Caribbean, 1974-1978”
“Country and Intercountry Programming, UNDP Assistance Requested by Governments in the Caribbean, 1974-1978,” report issued by the UNDP for the 17th Session of the Governing Council, 14 January - 1 February 1974, Volumes I, III, and IV
“Country and Intercountry Programming, UNDP Assistance Requested by Governments in the Caribbean, 1974-1978,” report issued by the UNDP for the 17th Session of the Governing Council, 14 January - 1 February 1974, Volumes I, III, and IV
“Cuadro del Plan de Trabajo: para la Zona de Influencia de CREFAL,” book published the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the government of Mexico
“Cuadro del Plan de Trabajo: para la Zona de Influencia de CREFAL,” book published the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the government of Mexico