Korean girl using the new knitting machine supplied by UNKRA funds for the Training Center.
In spite of the industry of its people, Korea has still not recovered the desperate devastation of the war. All kinds of clothing are both expensive and in short supply. Here Miss Broadfoot examines a welcome gift parcel of children's clothing sent from Y.W.C.A. in Canada.
The Director of the Chosun Shipyard Pusan asks the blessing of Buddha on the new ships. The altar is laden with gifts for Buddha.
Workmen get ready to remove the stops prior to the launching of the boat.
The first boat slides down the slipway with the new owner and crew on board.
There she goes… safely afloat.
Fishermen and their sons watching the launching ceremony.
Wives and babies came too. The entire livelihood of the community depends on the sea.
Crippled children from Tongnae Rehabilitation Centre, another UNKRA-sponsored project, were brought down to join the party.