Series created by Executive Assistant Andrew Cordier, and later by Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs. Records types are letters, memoranda, clear cables, numbered code cables, mission administrative reports, press releases, press clippings, and United Nations documents relating to the administration of various missions. Missions documented include - UN Commission on the Racial Situation in the Union of South Africa (UNCORS), UN Commission to Investigate Conditions for Free Elections in Germany, and the mission of the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General in Laos. Also included is an observation report on the Togoland Plebiscite by Shiv K. Shastri (copy), one administration clear cable relating to the Cameroons Plebiscite and four administrative clear cables relating to the Accra Plebiscite. Correspondence includes Andrew Cordier, Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, the Principal Secretaries of these missions (inluding J.A. Romanos for UNCORS, and Carl Jakhelin for Laos). Arranged alphabetically.
Series early records are those of Andrew Cordier, Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General, and later records those of Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary-General for the Special Political Affairs. Records types include weekly, fortnightly, and monthly "summaries of developments" (mimeographed) prepared by UNCURK's principal secretary, and relating to all aspects of the situation in Korea, including international and military matters, national matters, and matters of economic development. Arranged chronologically.
UN. Deputy Chef de Cabinet (1962-1964 : Rolz-Bennett) - UN. Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs (1965-1970 : Rolz-Bennett).
Series consists of Jose Rolz-Bennett's reference set of minutes of meetings no. 252-607 (inclusive) of the Political Liaison Committee in Cyprus (copies). Meetings were divided into military affairs: topics including fortifications and military incidents; and civilian affairs: topics including freedom of movement, water supplies, agriculture, and property. Meetings were held in Nicosia. Present were UN Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) top echelon (including Colonel W. W. Turner, Deputy Chief of Staff; and G.L. Sherry, Senior Political Advisor) and a Political Liaison Officer from either the Cyprus government (Chr. Kythreutis) or the Turkish Cypriots (A.M. Berberoglu or Umit Suleiman).
Accession Numbers: A/585
UN. Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs (OUSGSPA) (1970-1978: Guyer; 1974-1985: Urquhart; 1979-1981: Perez de Cuellar; 1981-1988: Cordovez; 1986-1992: Goulding)
Series consists of numbered and unnumbered code cables, clear cables and situation reports documenting the progress of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Clear and code cables include reports of air violations, attacks on UN vehicles, rotations of battalions, and incident reports; expenditure information and personnel related correspondence (including repatriation, medical and disciplinary actions); humanitarian relief work; and observer difficulties and border violations. Situation reports include general assessments of situation, restriction of movement and ground/logistical activity. Subjects include interaction with PLO officials Abu Walid, Hani El-Hassan and Abu Ahmed and the escalation of the situation in Beirut. Correspondents include UNTSO Chief of Staff Brig.-Gen. E. A. Erskine; UNMEM Chief Coordinator Lieut.-Gen. E. Siilasvuo; Field Officers H. E. F. Nielsen and J. O'Callaghan; and Chairman Ilmac (Beirut).
Accession number: 1989/027
Actual series size: 36 boxes
Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs (1968-1972: Bunche)
Series consists of cables, letters, press releases, and reports relating to the political crisis in the Dominican republic. Documented are the activities of the U.N. advanced party in Dominican Republic headed by General Rykhye, and of the U. N. representative at Dominican Republic Jose Antonio Mayobre.
Correspondents include Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs Jose Rolz-Bennett, Military adviser to the Secretary-General Mayor-General Indar J. Rikhye, Political Adviser George Howard, U.N. Representative an Dominican Republic, Executive Secretary of the Economic Comission for Latin America Jose Antonio Mayobre, and Secretary-General U Thant.
Accession number is unknown
UN. Under-Secretary General without Department (1955-1957 : Bunche)
UN. Under-Secretary General for Special Political Affairs (1958-1972 : Bunche)
Series consists of letters, memoranda, reports, transcripts and selected United Nations documents relating to the Egypt-Israel Mixed Armistice Commision (EIMAC) investigations and hearings of alleged armistice agreement violations by either party, including testimonies of complainants, Commission findings and decisions, Security Council actions and press comments. Primary correspondents include Andrew Cordier, UNEF I Force Commanders, UNTSO Chiefs of Staff, Egypt's liaison office to the United Nations and the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations.
Series consists of letters, cables, aide memoire, itineraries, name lists, resumes and medical certificates relating to the administration of military assistance, including consultations on agreements between participating states and the United Nations, rotation and repatriation of military personnel, logistics and miscellaneous financial arrangements. Primary correspondents include Andrew Cordier, Dag Hammarskjold, U Thant, Brian Urquhart, UNEF I Force Commanders and liaison staff of participating states, including Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, India, Indonesia, Italy, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden, the United States of America and Yugoslavia.
UN. Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs (1974-1985: Urquhart; 1979-1981: Perez de Cuellar; 1981-1988: Cordovez; 1986-1992: Goulding)
UN. Under-Secretary-General for Peace-Keeping Operations (1992-1997: Annan)
Series consists of numbered code and clear cables (incoming and outgoing) related to the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) mission to monitor the cease-fire between India and Pakistan in Kashmir and Jammu. Subjects include shooting and bombing incidents; political demonstrations; safety of military observers; and relations with local Indian and Pakistani army officials. Other subjects include press coverage of the mission and media relations; and personnel and administrative matters. Correspondents include Chief Military Observers Brig. Gen. Stig Waldenstrom, Brig. Gen. Thor A. Johnsen, Brig. Gen. Alf Hammer and Brig. Gen. James Parker.
Accession numbers: 93/127, box 3
Actual series size: 2 boxes
UN. Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs (1981-1988: Cordovez; 1986-1992: Goulding)
UN. Under-Secretary-General for Department of Peace-Keeping Operations (1992-1997: Annan)
Series consists of correspondence, code cables (incoming and outgoing), agreements, meeting summaries, incident reports, press releases, daily press briefings and monthly reports regarding the United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA) mission to monitor cross-border activities in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Subjects include seizures of weapons and equipment; the demobilization of Nicaraguan resistance (Contras); Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN); "Recontras," aircraft; and the political and military situation in Central America. Other subjects documented are military and civilian personnel; administrative matters; finance; and contributing countries. Correspondents include Principal Political Adviser Rolf Knutsson; Chief Military Observers Maj. Gen. Agustin Quesada Gomez, Brig. Gen. Lewis W. Mackenzie, and Brig. Gen. Victor Suanzes.
Accession numbers: 93/164, boxes 1-3
Actual series size: 6 boxes
UN. Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs (1986-1992: Goulding)
Series consists of numbered code, clear and only cables (incoming and outgoing), daily situation reports, and press cables related to the United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA) mission to monitor cross-border activities in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Press cables are summaries of local newspaper articles and/or copies of the articles. Subjects include cease-fire violations; arms seizures; Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) guerilla activity; demobilization of the Nicaraguan Contras; rise of the "Recontras;" aircraft; personnel and administrative matters. Correspondents include Principal Political Adviser Rolf Knutsson; Chief Military Observers Brig. Gen. Agustin Quesada Gomez; Brig. Gen. Lewis W. Mackenzie; and Brig. Gen. Victor Suanzes.
Accession numbers: 93/164, boxes 4-6
Actual series size: 4 boxes