Series consists of appendices, cables, handwritten notes, information circulars, memoranda, monthly reports, receipts, rosters, letters, maps, movement orders, reports, routine orders, telephone list, job description forms, nominal rolls, invoices, radio messages, mission order forms, job description forms, applications for employment, and death certificates. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: complaints; letters of commendation; accident reports; use of offensive weapons; promotions; reduction of personnel; security and defense; salaries; payment of service allowance; nominal lists of recipients of UN medal for service in Congo; personnel movements; discipline of Congolese workers; theft reports; locally recruited staff; court inquiries; staff appointments; casualty reports; periodic reports of staff performance; repatriation of military personnel; emergency plans; and change of command. Correspondents include Colonel L. Nimis, Base Commander, UN Air Transport Base; Major R. Johnson, Base Administrative Officer, UN Air Transport Base, N'Djili; and Lieutenant Colonel A. Pappalardo, Base Commander, UN Air Transport Base. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, bulletins, photographs, newsclippings, handwritten notes, administrative circulars, maps, magazines, brochures, contracts, messages, personal identification materials, date books, business cards, receipts, lists, transcripts, questionaires, and unopened mail. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: instructions to maintain or establish public order; tribal conflicts; military movements; propaganda; information on various political parties; individuals suspected of communist activities; prisioners; investigations; UN personnel; mercenaries; and amateur radio. Correspondents include Mr. Rosio, Consul de Suede; A. de Ryckman de Batz, Vice-Consul de Suede; U. Thant, Secretary-General; Paul Kazembe, Le Commissaire Principal; Dr. Sture Linner, Officer-in-Charge; N. Kanakaratne, Legal Advisor; G. Munongo, Minister of the Interior. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of code and clear cables, as well as news clippings and situation reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: hospital facilities; incidents; transportation of refugees; housing of refugees; Congolese Central Government; incidents in Katanga; UN staff members taken prisoner; movements of UN staff; attacks by civilians; attacks on civilians by various militiary factions; arrival and transportation of supplies via air and water; UN personnel; assassinations and executions of settlers, civilians, government officials, aid workers, and UN staff; hunger strikes; stolen vehicles; diamond mine exploitation; food relief; malerial outbreaks; medical assistance; and rabies outbreaks. Correspondents include: Ralph J. Bunche; Mr. R. Dayal; Andrew Cordier; Mr. Dumonlet, Leopoldville; Mr. MacFarquhar, New York; General Kebbede; Mr. Gardiner; Joseph Kasa-Vubu, President of the Republic of the Congo; Dr. S. Linner; Max Dorsinville; J.D.R. Kelly, Assistant to the Special Representative; A.C. Micuta, ONUC Civilian Officer; Carey Seward; and Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of letters, force routine orders, memoranda, situation reports, military police reports, minutes of meetings, invoices, contracts, price lists, equipment lists, copies of incoming and outgoing cables, copies of news reports, and administrative circulars. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: accounts of accidents; organization of a Congo military college; history of the Congolese National Army; Congolese legal structure; views of the UNIMO youth organisation; Congolese National Air Force; notes on the atmosphere for pilots; reports of ballistics experts; use of the Congo Force Publique; health and medical care of troops; telephone service; incidents at the refugee camp; foreign brigades, especially Tunisian Brigade; rations; reports of the WHO advisory team; Operation Bee-Hive; Congolese complaints about UN personnel; and a copy of the Congo New Highway Code. Correspondents include General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Major General J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Force Commander; Colonel B.L. Kapoor, Senior Medical Staff Doctor; Major Nielsen, Chief of Movement Control; Colonel Lasmar, Commander of the Tunisian Brigade; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Moise Tshombe, President of Katanga; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; Major General G.L. Yacob, Deputy Force Commander; S.H. Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Mr. Khiary, Chief of Civilian Operations; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; General H. Kettani, Officiating Supreme Force Commander; and General Iyassu Mengasha, Force Commander. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of adminstrative circulars, cables, handwritten notes, interview transcriptions, letters, maps, lists, memoranda, minutes of meetings, monthly reports, minutes of conferences, reports, and standing orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: boards of inquiry; losses sustained to Nigerian contingent by the ANC; UN personnel killed at Port Francqui in April 1961; incident at Kalanda; air personnel; UN air transport base at N'djili; military police; and policies relating to deaths. Correspondents include: S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Captain Balthazar, Chief of Military Personnel; Lieutenant Colonel T.A.B. Oki, Military Legal Advisor; D. Harrison, Chief Air Operations Officer; and G. C. Munter, Danish Contingent Commander. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of cables, code cables, lists, minutes of meetings, corrigenda, forms, handwritten notes, job descriptions, letters, passenger manifests, movement orders, rosters, and nominal rolls. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transfer of UN personnel; troop arrival in the Congo; performance reports; mail; cargo movement; civilian air passengers; food importation; airfields; repatriation of troops; N'djili Airport; shipment of supplies; and troop accommodations. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel Z. Abdullah, Chief Movement Control Officer; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Lieutenant Colonel A.A.K. Yusufzai, Chief Movement Control Officer; Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; C.G.W. Chapman, Air Commander; Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Albert L. Sheats, Chief Movement Control Officer; Colonel D.S. Sidhu, Chief Logistics Officer; and Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of cables, forms, inventories, handwritten notes, lists, minutes of meetings, reports, memoranda, and tables. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: vehicle inspection; vehicle evacuation; vehicle repair; petrol rations; and allotment of vehicles to bases. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel M.M. Shafi, Senior Ordnance Officer; Lieutenant Colonel Naseer Ahmed Shah, Chief Ordnance Officer; Major F.S. Partoft, Senior Staff Officer, EME; Lieutenant Colonel J.P.B. Thu, Senior Staff Officer, EME; Lieutenant Colonel E. Lund, Senior Staff Officer, EME; and Major I. Bering-Jensen, Senior Staff Officer, EME. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of administrative circulars, blueprints, cables, code cables, diagrams, handwritten notes, drafts, forms, memoranda, monthly reports, letters, job descriptions, lists, medical reports, minutes of conferences, minutes of meetings, movement orders, reports, translations, rosters, situation reports, tables, standing orders, personnel appraisals, and audits. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: organisation of medical headquarters; posting of medical officers; uniforms; refugees; infectious diseases; deaths; Operation Sun Flower; staffing of hospitals; medical supplies; lists of patients; admissions reports; transfers of patients; medical inspections; training officers; repatriation on medical grounds; medical care for civilians; and sanitary inspections. Correspondents include Major General J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Force Commander; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Colonel B.L. Kapoor, Senior Medical Staff Officer; Colonel L. Nandkeolyar, Chief Medical Officer; Ben T. Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Colonel R.D. Kamat, Chief Medical Officer; Colonel H. Hajeebhoy, Chief of Military Personnel; Colonel T.R. Bargotra, Chief Medical Officer; Lieutenant Colonel B.V.S. Rao, Officiating Chief Medical Officer; Lieutenant Colonel R.R. Rao, Officiating Chief Medical Officer; Nancy A. Gray, Chief of Civilian Personnel; Lieutenant Colonel M.B. Singh, Commanding Officer, ONUC Hospital, Leopoldville; and Lieutenant Colonel U.P. Mukherjee, Commanding Officer, ONUC Hospital, Leopoldville. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
Series consists of diagrams, handwritten notes, maps, illustrations, handbooks, memoranda, monthly reports, incident reports, log book, nominal list, end of tour report, monthly progress reports, graphs, organizational charts, war diary, routine orders, and base orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: organizational orders for UNOC Air Transport at various air bases; establishment of UN Air Transport Force in the Congo; ceremony for presentation of Congo medal and change of command from Lieutenant Colonel A. Pappalardo to Colonel L. Nimis at Leopoldville; instructions for Argentine Air Force; logistics; air staff instructions; search and rescue procedures; standard operating procedure for C-119 aircraft; flight schedules; and maintenance schedules. Correspondents include General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Brigadier General I.J. Rikhye; A.J. Mackie, Wing Commander, Chief Air Operations Officer; J.C. McCarthy, Wing Commander for Air Commander; Jesus Orlando Cappellini, Vice Commander, Chief of the Argentina Delegation in the Congo; and F.S. Carpenter Air Commander, Air Officer Commanding, RCAF Air Transport Command. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of correspondence, statements, reports, minutes of meetings, cables, code cables, draft reports, contracts, translations, surveys, handwritten notes, aide-memoires, press releases, press conference materials, press clipplings, publications, speeches, interviews, radio programmes, and maps. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: radio equipment problems; dissemination of information to the public; visual matarials generated for release to the public; relations with radio network stations and organizations; UN Day; and public relations activities. Correspondents include: Ralphe J. Bunche, Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs; M.P. Chevalier, Chef de l'OPI; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; Subhash C. Rashi, Acting Administrative Officer; and Konstantine Smirnov, Deputy-Director, Exernal Relations Division, Office of Public Relations. Arranged in filing number order.