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Descripción archivística
AG-016 · Fondo · 1945 - 2001

Fonds consist of the following sub-fonds:

AG-016-001: Conference and General Services (1946-1953)
AG-016-002: Department of Conference Services (1954-1957)
AG-016-003: Office of Conference Services (1958-1972)
AG-016-004: Department of Conference Services (1973-1991):
AG-016-005 Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services (1997-2001)

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AG-009 · Fondo · 1942 - 1949

Fonds consists of the records of the Preparatory Commission created in the course of its activities, which included organizing and documenting the first sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Cables 1945-1946 S-0929
Minutes 1945-1946 S-0931
Official documents 1945-1946 S-0930
Non-Registry files 1945-1946 S-0924
Registry files 1945-1946 S-0539
Permanent Headquarters Committee Records 1945-1946 S-0532

Conditions of access: No access restrictions apply.

Related records:

Records of the Temporary London Office see AG-002.
Records of the the preparatory commission in Brian Urquhart Fonds, S-1053

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AG-002 · Fondo · 1941 - 1947

Fonds consists of the records of the Temporary London Office, which primarily documents staff recruitment activities.

Also included in the fonds are files created earlier by the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, which were brought forward into the filing system of the Temporary London Office.

Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Accounting records (1945-1947) S-0934
Cables from the International Labour Organization and United Nations New York (1946-1947) S-0933
Central Registry files (1945-1947) S-0925
Executive Director's cable, information circulars and other records (1941-1947) S-0926

Related records: For the records of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations see AG-009.

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AG-064 · Fondo · 1941 - 1964

Records include registry files, 1950-1960, containing correspondence, memos, reports, and many other types of documents concerning all aspects of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency; also project files, 1952-1960, containing correspondence, project agreements, lists of required supplies generated by UNKRA's establishment of projects in the areas of food and agriculture, rural resettlement, transportation, communications, education, health, sanitation and welfare, natural resources, housing, technical assistance, and other projects. Also included are files concerning personnel, finances, and other matters having to do with the administration of UNKRA, 1951-1960, and containing correspondence, legal documents, minutes, accounts, and photographs. Historical files, 1951-1960, were assembled in order to write a history of UNKRA, and contain examples of the types of documents mentioned, as well as drafts of a history of UNKRA. It contains PAG-4/3.0, subseries (3.0) Registry Files; (2) Project Files; (3.1) General Administration Non-Registry Files; (3.2) General Administration Photos; (4) Personnel Office Non-Registry Files; (4.1) Finance Office Non-Registry Files; (4.2) Finance Office Ledgers; (5) Historical Files.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0526 Photographs and Records

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AG-012 · Fondo · 1940 - 1947

Fonds consists of the records of the United Nations Conference on International Organization and are arranged in the follow series:

S-1020: Papers of the Secretary-General
S-1019: Charter Materials and Related Papers
S-1018: Commissions and Technical Committees - Working Papers
S-1006: Plenary - United Nations Committee on Jurists and General Committees - Working Papers
S-1005: Representative and Observer files
S-1004: Photographs
S-0981 Subject files
S-0596 San Francisco Conference

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AG-031 · Fondo · 1936 - 1988

Records consist primarily of administrative, personnel, and country files, which show a country's participation in and contribution to a mission, ca. 1948-1983, for each United Nations field operation or mission. Included are photostatic copies of 29 separate I-HJK demarcation line maps for the Palestine area and military approval signatures; general administrative files, 1949-1955; administrative files concerning the United Nations Service Medals (Korean Medals), 1950-1956; United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC)/United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) country and administrative files (list A), 1959-1962; ONUC administrative files including a manual of procedures for the Leopoldville Finance Office and Field Offices as of 1 January and ONUC casualty file, 1963- 1964, comprising cable and memo notifications to Headquarters and Delegations; ONUC administrative country and finance files, 1963-1964; UNEF administrative country files (List B), 1963-1964; UNEF strength reports (List B), 1963-1965; UNEF supply and logistic country files, 1965; and ONUC administrative country files for 1965.

Fonds consists of the following Sub-fonds:
AG-031-003 United Nations Field Operations Division
AG-031-002 United Nations Field Operations Service
AG-031-001 United Nations Field Service

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Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)
AG-005 · Fondo · 1935 - 1979

Fonds consists of the records of Secretary-General U Thant, relating to his responsibilities as chief administrative officer of the Secretariat and as chief coordinator of the legislative, political, socio-economic, and military bodies of the United Nations. Also included are records from an earlier period, when he was Burmese Representative to the United Nations, and private records from his post-retirement years. Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Briefs, correspondence, speeches (1935-1974) S-0890

Administrative and management matters - administration of the Secretariat (1953-1972) S-0855
Administrative and management matters - top echelon personnel (1957-1974) S-0852
Memorabilia - gifts - moving images (1961-1971) S-1001
Memorabilia - gifts - photograph albums (1961-1971) S-1002
Memorabilia - photographs (1962-1972 ) S-0975
Memorabilia - sound recordings (1961-1971) S-0512
Memorabilia - tributes and gifts (1962-1972) S-0551
Peacekeeping - code cables (1961-1971) S-0862
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) (1961-1964) S-0874
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) 1960-1965 S-0875
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) - subject files and correspondence with member states 1959-1964 S-0845
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) - United Nations Advisory Committee on the Congo verbatim minutes 1960-1963 S-0849
Peacekeeping - Cuba 1962-1971 S-0872
Peacekeeping - Cuba 1962-1964 S-0873
Peacekeeping - Cyprus 1960-1971 S-0869
Peacekeeping - Cyprus 1964-1971 S-0870
Peacekeeping - Dominican Republic 1961-1971 S-0867
Peacekeeping - general 1960-1971 S-0879
Peacekeeping - India/Pakistan 1962-1973 S-0863
Peacekeeping - India/Pakistan 1964-1971 S-0868
Peacekeeping - Middle East 1957-1973 S-0861
Peacekeeping - other countries 1961-1971 S-0878
Peacekeeping (official documents) 1960-1971 S-0888
Peacekeeping - other countries 1961-1971 S-0878
Peacekeeping - Political and Social Security Council Affairs analysis 1962-1971 S-0881
Peacekeeping - Vietnam 1961-1972 S-0871
Peacekeeping - Vietnam 1962-1972 S-0866
Peacekeeping - West Irian (UNTEA) 1950-1963 S-0876
Peacekeeping - Yemen (UNYOM) 1963-1967 S-0877
Political matters - country files 1960-1971 S-0884
Political matters - disarmament 1961-1971 S-0880
Press clippings 1958-1975 S-0860
Press conferences 1961-1971 S-0889
Press releases 1950-1974 S-0891
Public relations 1951-1972 S-0864
Secretary-General's correspondence with heads-of-state, governments, and representatives to the United Nations 1961-1972 S-0882
Secretary-General's correspondence with individuals and organizations 1960-1974 S-0887
Secretary-General's correspondence with outside organizations (international conferences, expositions, meetings, etc.) 1961-1979 S-0859
Secretary-General's speeches 1961-1971 S-0885
Secretary-General's statements 1961-1967 S-0886
Secretary-General's trips and engagements 1961-1971 S-0883
United Nations commissions, committees and conferences 1962-1972 S-0858
United Nations General Assembly 1953-1971 S-0856
United Nations Security Council and other organs 1962-1971 S-0853
United Nations specialized agencies 1962-1972 S-0854
United Nations subsidiary bodies 1960-1972 S-0857

U THANT, 1909-1974
Private records - 1961-1971 period 1953-1972 S-0892
Private records - manuscript 'View from the UN' 1962-1974 S-0894
Private records - post-retirement 1971-1974 1963-1975 S-0893
Private records - Season's greetings cards 1961-1974 S-0895

Languages: Some French, Spanish, and numerous others

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AG-022 · Fondo · 1935 - 1958

Records consist of cables, correspondence, reports, agreements, photographs, and miscellaneous other documents primarily from the files of Ralph J. Bunche (Acting Mediator) and of the Headquarters-Advance Command Post in Haifa.

These concern armistice negotiations, complaints and investigations, and other matters relating to the Mediator's work in Palestine.

Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-0636 Subject Files - Senior United Nations Military Observers - by area
S-0635 Subject Files - Chief Administrative Officers
S-0634 Subject Files - Legal Adviser to the Chief of Staff - H. Courtney Kingstone
S-0633 Subject Files - Political Adviser to the Chief of Staff
S-0632 Cables - Deputy Chief of Staff
S-0631 Subject Files - Special Truce Investigation Team (SIT)
S-0630 Subject Files - Central Truce Supervision Board (CTSB)
S-0629 Subject Files - Office of the Chief of Staff
S-0627 Subject Files - Disaster Relief Project - Beirut and Amman
S-0626 Subject Files - Disaster Relief Project - Beirut and Amman
S-0625 Cable Files - Disaster Relief Project - Beirut
S-0622 Subject Files - Representative of the Mediator at Cairo - Pablo de Azcarate
S-0621 Correspondence - Representative of the Mediator at Cairo - Pablo de Azcarate
S-0620 Correspondence - Representative of the Mediator in Syria and Lebanon at Beirut - J. Cebe-Habersky
S-0619 Subject Files - Representatives - Tel Aviv
S-0618 Armistice Negotiations - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0617 Paris Conference - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0616 Subject Files - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0615 Cables - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0455 Subject Files - Personal Deputy of the Acting Mediator and Principal Secretary - Henry Vigier

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AG-048 · Fondo · 1934 - 1957

contain correspondence with the United Nations, the Representative Assembly of Eritrea, the government of Ethiopia, the British Administering Authority, and others, and also cables, minutes, reports, speeches of E. Anze Matienzo, the Commissioner, to the General Assembly, memoranda, working papers, press releases, personnel files, maps, and clippings from the files of the Commissioner, the Principal Secretary, the Deputy Principal Secretary, and the Administrative Office concerning the drafting of a constitution for Eritrea, and other political, legal, economic, and social matters.

Of note are minutes, statements, and working papers of the Eritrean Assembly; drafts, 1951-1952, of the Eritrean Constitution; and a picture album presented to the Commission showing a "manifestation for independence" by local inhabitants. One box contains correspondence and case files, 1952-1954, of the United Nations Tribunal in Eritrea.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0722 Subject Files - Tribunal
S-0721 Subject Files - Commissioner
S-0719 Correspondence Files - Principal Secretary - Dr. Lucas
S-0718 Subject Files - Commissioner
S-0717 Subject Files
S-0716 Subject Files - Principal Secretary
S-0715 Subject Files - Deputy Principal Secretary
S-0714 Administrative Files

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AG-037 · Fondo · 1930 - 2011

Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1167 Photographs
S-0537 Records (UNIO)
(a) New York Office Organization and Administration
(b) New York Office Accounting
(c) Reference and Information Service - UNIO and other agencies
(d) Reference and Information Service - British Ministry of Information
(e) Reference and Information Service - Postwar Reconstruction and Planning
(f) Reference and Information Service - Newspaper Reprints and Clippings
(g) UN Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, 1945
(h) Radio Broadcasts
(i) Music Sheets and Manuscripts

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