Series created by Executive Assistant Andrew Cordier, and later by Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs. Records types are letters, memoranda, clear cables, numbered code cables, mission administrative reports, press releases, press clippings, and United Nations documents relating to the administration of various missions. Missions documented include - UN Commission on the Racial Situation in the Union of South Africa (UNCORS), UN Commission to Investigate Conditions for Free Elections in Germany, and the mission of the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General in Laos. Also included is an observation report on the Togoland Plebiscite by Shiv K. Shastri (copy), one administration clear cable relating to the Cameroons Plebiscite and four administrative clear cables relating to the Accra Plebiscite. Correspondence includes Andrew Cordier, Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, the Principal Secretaries of these missions (inluding J.A. Romanos for UNCORS, and Carl Jakhelin for Laos). Arranged alphabetically.
Series created by Executive Assistant Andrew Cordier, then later by Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs. Records include letters, clear cables, numbered code cables, draft statements, Pakistani government press releases, news clippings, notes to file, maps of cease-fire line and Nekowal area, United Nations documents, and other miscellany, relating to UNMOGIP. A variety of issues, many of which are of a confidential nature, are described within the correspondence in considerable detail, including: military events in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the application of the "cease-fire" agreement, activities of the Military Observers, and the assignments of the Military Observers. In addition to the Chief Military Observer (a few of whose letters are handwritten), other correspondents include: UNMOGIP officials, the head of UNRIP, the head of the Field Operations Service, the head of the Purchase and Transportataion Division, and the United States mission to the United Nations. Arranged chronologically.
Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs (1958-1972: Bunche)
Series consists of letters, clear and code cables, maps of Rwanda-Burundi, photographs, newspaper clippings, memoranda, press releases and reports relating to UN missions and commissions in Africa. The bulk of records (1.5 linear feet) pertain to the UN trust territory of Rwanda-Burundi, and include background information, administrative issues, internal security and border problems. The rest of the documents relate to the assistance programs, border incidents and refugees in other areas of Africa, such as Cameroons, Togo, Somalia, Ethiopia, Mogadiscio, Libya, Angola, Rhodesia, Mozambique, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Congo. Correspondents include Executive Assistant to SG Andrew Cordier, Under-Secretary-General in charge of Congo Godfrey Amachree, Under-Secretary-General for Trusteeship and Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories Dragoslav Protitch and Secretary-General U Thant.
Accession numbers are 75/7 and 72/88
Series consists of reports submitted to the Executive Assistant (Andrew Cordier), and later to the Under Secretary-General (Bunche), by the Chief Military Observer (typescript), reporting on all aspects of UNMOGIP. The administration reports, which were issued monthly (January 1951 to October 1953), report on the numbers of observers and changes in personnel, as well as on their medical problems, and on other matters such as equipment, flights, transportation, and communications. The operations reports, issued twice per month (numbered 1 through 356, dated November 1950 to September 1965), contain summaries of complaints and incidents. Arranged by type of report.
Series early records are those of Andrew Cordier, Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General, and later records those of Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs. Records types include letters and a wide variety of attachments, including numbered code cables, new clippings, 15 photographs, and United Nations documents, (including some 1958 "Summaries of developments", mimeographed), relating to UNCURK. Documented are political and economic developments in Korea, including civilian problems, and proceedings of the Committee of UNCURK. The photographs, various sizes, include group portraits of UNCURK members, UNCURK sites, and United Nations Day ceremonies. Correspondents include C.V. Narasimhan, Secretary General Trygve Lie, and the UNCURK Principal Secretary. Arranged chronologically.
Series documents the mediation and peacekeeping efforts of Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, Brian E. Urquhart and other senior UN officials such as Dr. Ralph Bunche during the Katanga secessionist movement in the Republic of the Congo (1960-1964). Represented are the following United Nations task forces: Organization de Nations Unies Du Congo (ONUC), UN Advisory Committee on the Congo and the UN Conciliation Commission for the Congo. The series is arranged in three broad categories: cables (incoming and outgoing code cables), subject files, and the records of the United Nations Conciliation Commission of the Congo. The series includes minutes of meetings, correspondence, press releases, speeches, and photographs. Correspondents include SG Hammarskjold, Haile Selassie (Emperor of Ethiopia), Joseph Kasa-Vubu (President of the Republic of Congo), Cyrille Adoula (Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo), Moise Tshombe (President of the secessionist African state of Katanga) and Kwame Nkrumah (President of Ghana). Documented in this series is the withdrawal of UN forces from the Republic of the Congo (1964), the incident at Elisabethville (1961) and an inquiry into the death of Dag Hammarskjold (1961).
Series consists of letters and pouch list relating to assignment, extension of tour of duty, replacement, travel arrangements and transmittal of service records. Primary correspondents are Permanent Missions to the United Nations.
1 box
Series was created and maintained by the Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General, Andrew Cordier (in the position 1946-1961) and by the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs, Ralph Bunche (in the position 1958-1972). Records consist of letters, memoranda, clear cables, numbered code cables, lists of observers, observer performance references, and observer guidelines, relating to the staffing of the observer contingent for UNMOGIP. Primary correspondents include: the Chief Military Observer, other UNMOGIP officials, and representatives of those missions whose countries were providing observer personnel. Arranged chronologically.
UN. Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General (1946-1961: Cordier) Office for Special Political Affairs (1958-1972: Bunche)
Series consists of incoming and outgoing clear cables, correspondence, reports, press releases and photographs relating to the six provinces of the Congo: Equateur, Katanga, Kasai, Kivu, Leopoldville, and Orientale. Katanga province makes up the bulk of the records which detail the conditions at Elisabethville Refugee Camp, general ONUC military operations, and incidents regarding the United Nations Peace-Keeping Troops.
Files include information on air missions; famine (Kasai); refugees (Kivu); military operations (Leopoldville); Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba (Orientale); and maps of all the provinces. Correspondents include Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs Ralph Bunche, Officer-in-Charge R. K. Gardiner, and Officer-in-Charge B. F. Osorio-Tafall.
Actual series size: 3.5 feet
Accession Numbers: 75/7, 72/88