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AG-017 · Fonds · 1904 - 1996

Fonds consists of records relating to the administration, human resources, finances and budget for the United Nations Secretariat. The department and its organization changed through time. Fonds consists of the following sub-fonds:

AG-017-001: Administrative and Financial Services (1946-1953)
AG-017-002: Office of General Services (1954-1971)
AG-017-003: Office of Personnel (1955-1971)
AG-017-004: Office of the Controller (1955-1971)
AG-017-005: Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Administration and Management (1968-1974)
AG-017-006: Department of Administration and Management (1975-1996)

Department of Management
AG-016 · Fonds · 1945 - 2001

Fonds consist of the following sub-fonds:

AG-016-001: Conference and General Services (1946-1953)
AG-016-002: Department of Conference Services (1954-1957)
AG-016-003: Office of Conference Services (1958-1972)
AG-016-004: Department of Conference Services (1973-1991):
AG-016-005 Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services (1997-2001)

Department of General Assembly and Conference Management
AG-015 · Fonds · 1945 - 1988

Fonds consists of the following record series.

Correspondence, Non-governmental organization working files, and Nicaragua disaster relief records 1972-1973 S-0935

former UN. Department of Political and General Assembly Affairs
AG-014 · Fonds · 1990 - 1993

Fonds consists of the records of the United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia created during its four-month operation. UNAMIC's head of mission and senior military liaison officer later served as UNTAC's political adviser to the SRSG and deputy force commander, respectively. As such, some UNTAC records also are found within the UNTAC fonds (AG-007).

The fonds is arranged in the following record series:

Records of the Office of the Chief Liaison Officer
Records of the Office of the Senior Military Liaison Officer
Records of the Office of the Senior Administrative Officer

United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia
AG-013 · Fonds · 1945 - 1953

Fonds consists of the following record series (a very small proportion of the records of Secretary-General Trygve Lie).

*S-0922-General Assembly meeting files (1945-1953)

Conditions of access: No access restrictions apply.

Related records:

Minutes of the Secretary-General's private meetings with Under-Secretaries-General are arranged as part of Secretary-General Hammarskjold's records, but include the full 1946-1953 period as well, see series S-0847.

Series S-0844 also includes files of Secretary-General Trygve Lie. Most of Secretary-General Trygve Lie's records are deposited with the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo. The Andrew Cordier Papers at Columbia University Library in New York include the following Secretary-General Trygve Lie records: Trip files, 1947-1952 (boxes 116-117); Subject files, 1948-1952 (part of box 130).

Secretary-General - Trygve Lie
AG-012 · Fonds · 1940 - 1947

Fonds consists of the records of the United Nations Conference on International Organization and are arranged in the follow series:

S-1020: Papers of the Secretary-General
S-1019: Charter Materials and Related Papers
S-1018: Commissions and Technical Committees - Working Papers
S-1006: Plenary - United Nations Committee on Jurists and General Committees - Working Papers
S-1005: Representative and Observer files
S-1004: Photographs
S-0981 Subject files
S-0596 San Francisco Conference

United Nations Conference on International Organization
AG-011 · Fonds · 1919 - 2014

This fonds includes the following sub-fonds:

AG-011-001: Office of the Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General
AG-011-002: Office of the Chef de Cabinet
AG-011-003: Other Offices, Working groups and Committees

This fonds also contains the following series:

S-0980: Protocol and Liaison Section - Subject and chronological - 1946-1969
S-0927: United Nations Special Representative on the Question of Hungary
S-0727: United Nations Commission of Investigation into the Death of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General, and Members of His Party
S-0708: United Nations Malaysian Mission - UNMAM
S-0594: High-Level Intergovernmental Group Records
S-0591: Review of Secretariat Activities
S-0590: Executive Assistant / Chef de Cabinet
S-0589: Conferences - Meeting Servicing Records
S-0587: United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon
S-0580: Records of Margaret Anstee
S-0578: Office of Special Political Questions
S-0573: Executive Office of the Secretary-General Records
S-0572: Protocol and Liaison Office
S-0571: Law of the Sea Conference
S-0569: Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Demarcation Commission
S-0563: Sir Robert Jackson
S-0557: World Food Council - John A. Hannah, Former Executive Director - Official Correspondence
S-0369: Martin W. Hill - numbered subject files
S-0368: Code cables - cities
S-0367: Central America - ONUSAL - subject files
S-0366: Secretary-General meetings with top echelon officials
S-0365: Chef de Cabinet - special personnel cases
S-0364: Sir Robert G. Jackson - subject files
S-0298: International Commission of Control and Supervision - ICCS / Vietnam - reports
S-0297: Catalogue of logs - cables, memos, letters
S-0296: Chef de Cabinet - Dayal (1982-1993) - Code Cables - Missions
S-0244: United Nations Committee on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
S-0243: Committee of Experts on the Secretariat Review
S-0241: Victor Lessiovski - working files

Executive Office of the Secretary-General EOSG
AG-010 · Fonds · 1889 - 1958

Fonds consists of the following records of the Commission, which were turned over to the United Nations when the Commission's functions were transferred to it. Each series documents a particular period of the organization, with the Office of the Treasurer the by the Secretary-General's correspondence next, and finally the Records Registry of the Permanent Office (where the predominant date starts about 1927). Fonds consists of the following record series.

S-0536-Office of the Treasurer - records of governmental contribution (1893-1929)
S-0914-Secretary-General's correspondence (1911-1926)

*S-0915-Records Registry files of the permanent office (1912-1958)

Conditions of access: Almost the entire fonds has no access restrictions; one item in S-0915-0051-01 is "Strictly confidential"Some access limitations apply. See the series and file levels of description for details and consult the archivist.

Languages: Most of the records are in French

77 boxes

International Penal and Penitentiary Commission
AG-009 · Fonds · 1942 - 1949

Fonds consists of the records of the Preparatory Commission created in the course of its activities, which included organizing and documenting the first sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Cables 1945-1946 S-0929
Minutes 1945-1946 S-0931
Official documents 1945-1946 S-0930
Non-Registry files 1945-1946 S-0924
Registry files 1945-1946 S-0539
Permanent Headquarters Committee Records 1945-1946 S-0532

Conditions of access: No access restrictions apply.

Related records:

Records of the Temporary London Office see AG-002.
Records of the the preparatory commission in Brian Urquhart Fonds, S-1053

Preparatory Commission of the United Nations
AG-008 · Fonds · 1948 - 1973

Fonds consists of records of the United Nations Operation in Congo relating to its mandate, missions and operations. Records include correspondence, reports, cables, Registry and non-Registry files on various matters. Fonds is comprised of the following four sub-fonds:

  • Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General in the Congo, Office of the Officer-in-Charge and Office of the Chef of Civilian Operations (AG-008-001)
  • Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (AG-008-002)
  • Branch Offices of the ONUC (AG-008-003)
  • Office of the Force Commander (AG-008-004)

Related records: For additional records relating to ONUC see the Secretaries-General Hammarskjold (AG-001) and U Thant (AG-005) fonds.

UN Operation in the Congo