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Affichage de 1614 résultats

Description archivistique
S-0976 · Série organique · 1974 - 1979
Fait partie de Department of Public Information (DPI) (1946-present)

Series consists of a four manuals kept successively by the Library in the course of developing the automated cataloguing system and maintaining policies and procedures. UNBIS is the acronym for United Nations Bibliographic Information System. Records include correspondence, handwritten records, administrative instructions, etc. Arranged chronologically.

Department of Public Information
S-0540 · Série organique · 1945 - 1974
Fait partie de Department of Public Information (DPI) (1946-present)

Series includes the following subseries within DAG-12: (1.0.) ASG Executive Office - Subject Files; (1.1) Special Assistant's Subject Files; (2.0) External Services Division - Correspondence and Reports; (3.0) Films and Visual Information Division - Working Files; (4.0) Library Services - Working Files; (5.0) Management and Circulation Division - Working Files; (6.0) Press and Publications Bureau - Subject Files; (7.0) Radio Division - Subject Files; (8.0) Reference and Publications Division - Policy Files; (9.0) Special Services Division - Working Files; and (10.0) Radio and Visual Services Division - Director's Files. Also included are Accession Nos. 1978/0045, 1979/0065, 1982/0008, 1992/0092.

S-1839 · Série organique · 1987 - 1996
Fait partie de United Nations International Commission of Inquiry for Burundi (UNICIB) (1995-1996)

Highly sensitive records on administrative matters and witness testimonies, recorded on cassettes, diskettes and on paper relating to the United Nations International Commission of Inquiry for Burundi (UNIBIC).

There are 342 Audio Tapes with recorded "Testimonies", and out of which 140 are "Transcribed".

From the Africa 1 Division.

S-0624 · Série organique · 1945 - 1948
Fait partie de United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPAC) (1948)

United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPAC): Files - Principal Secretary Dr. Ralph Bunche

Series consists of correspondence incoming and outgoing cables statements proposals memoranda telegrams verbatim records of meetings press releases handwritten notes notes on informal conversations working papers and progress reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Advance Party; Arab Higher Committee; Hebrew Committee of National Liberation; Hebrew political prisoners Joint Economic Board; immigrants from Cyprus to Palestine; infiltrees to Palestine; emergency police force for Jerusalem; Palestine Museum; militia; provisional councils of governments. Correspondents include: Peter H. Bergson; Ralph J. Bunche Director Department of Trusteeship; A.H. Feller General Counsel and Director Legal Department; Senator Francisco; L. Malania Chief Admistrative Officer Palestine Commission; Benjamin Cohen Assistant Secretary-General Department of Public Information.

S-0623 · Série organique · 1928 - 1959
Fait partie de United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPAC) (1948)

United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPAC): Files - Principal Secretary Dr. Ralph Bunche

Series consists of correspondence incoming and outgoing cables coded cables memoranda telegrams and reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Advance Party; Arab Higher Committee; Jewish detainees; Palestine Citrus Board; Mandatory Power; and Security Council. Correspondents include: Dr. Ralph Bunche Principal Secretary; Pablo de Azcarate; Isa Nakhleh the Delagation - Arab Higher Committee; and John Reedman Senior Economics Advisor.

Subject Files (UNPAC)
S-0614 · Série organique · 1945 - 1948
Fait partie de United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPAC) (1948)

Series consists of correspondence, cables, maps, manuals, handbooks, personnel lists, notes, memoranda, reports, and newsclippings.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Advance Party; budget; food relief; Friendship Train; lists of Committee members; preparatory economic commission; city of Jerusalem;and Trusteeship of Palestine.

Correspondents include L. Mania, Chief Administrative Officer.

S-0453 · Série organique · 1945 - 1948
Fait partie de United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPAC) (1948)

Series consists of correspondence, cables, memoranda, applications for employment, press reports, conferences, drafts, working papers, and news summaries.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Advance Party communications; UK Delegation; press reports from Jewish Agency; Negev Situation; Paris Assembly; Truces; Security Council; Truce Agreement for Jerusalem. Correspondents include

Temporary Administrator
S-0703 · Série organique · 1959 - 1965
Fait partie de United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West Irian (UNTEA) (1962-1963)

Series consists of correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, code cables, memoranda, reports, draft documents, annexes, business cards, invitations, budgets, travel documents, itineraries, telegrams, aides memoires, meeting minutes, handwritten notes, agendas, information circulars, press releases, verbatim records, resolutions, instructions, standing orders, financial documents, lists, maps, and resolutions.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: personnel; UNTEA policies; United Nations Security Force (UNSF); Papuan Volunteer Corps; Observer Group; audits; Red Cross; Indonesian Liason Mission; Netherlands Liason Commission; information on agriculture and aquaculture; founding of national museum; school examinations; cholera epidemic; and requests to UNTEA for financial assistance.

Correspondents include Jose Rolz-Bennett, Temporary UN Administrator of West New Guinea; Nelson Rockefeller, Governor of New York; Sir Alexander MacFarquhar, Director of Personnel, UN; Mr. Janecek, Chief Adminstrative Officer; Mr. Abbas, Director of Finance; Mr. Rozenboom, Director of Economic Affairs; Dr. Roberts, Director of Health; Mr. Lyesen, Director of Cultural Affairs; Mr. Veldkamp, Director of Internal Affairs; Mr. Boldingh, Director of Social Affairs and Justice; Mr. Aalbersberg, Procureur General; D.C.L. Wilson, Divisional Commissioner, South New Guinea, Merauke; and L. Goedhart, Chief of the Netherlands Liason Mission.

S-0702 · Série organique · 1957 - 1963
Fait partie de United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West Irian (UNTEA) (1962-1963)

Legal Advisor, Principal Legal Advisor, and Director of Social Affairs and Justice of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West New Guinea (West Irian) (UNTEA)

Series consists of correspondence, agreements, memoranda, translations, cables, code cables, contracts, meeting minutes, handwritten notes, draft documents, press releases, meeting notes, ordinances, lists, and reports.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Advisory Council on Education; agreements with vendors; budgets; Catholic workers' trade union; accident and incident claims; contracts with vendors; immigration laws and regulations; Export Promotion Fund Foundation; Judiciary personnel; private bank loans and overdrafts; price control; property survey board; Red Cross; and civil aviation.

Correspondents include M.A. Marin, Director of Social Affairs and Justice; F. Poana, Chairman, Catholic Trade Union; A. Mamejao, Secretary of Catholic Trade Union; Mr. Mulder; Mr. Van Denbos; L.J. Goedhart, Chief of the Netherlands Liason Mission; D.C.L. Wilson, Division Commissioner, Merauice; C.A. Stavropoulos, Legal Counsel; J.F. Scott, Legal Officer; Jan Polderman, Acting Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations; Edouard Weber, Director, Internal Bureau of the Universal Postal Union; U. Thant, Secretary-General; and L.G. Hoornweg, Deputy Director of Economic Affairs.