Affichage de 17128 résultats

Description archivistique
Bangladesh - Population + Housing Census: Project Agreement - BGD/90/P01 - 1990
Bangladesh - Population + Housing Census: Project Agreement - BGD/90/P01 - 1990
India - Establishment of National Drilling Training Centre, Nagpur, India - mission reports
India - Establishment of National Drilling Training Centre, Nagpur, India - mission reports
Malaysia - Assistance in Monitoring and Management of Airborne Geophysical Survey, West Sarawak, and Interpretation of Data - mission reports
Malaysia - Assistance in Monitoring and Management of Airborne Geophysical Survey, West Sarawak, and Interpretation of Data - mission reports
India - Technological Computing in Geology and Mining for Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udaipur
India - Technological Computing in Geology and Mining for Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udaipur
Malaysia - Assistance in Monitoring and Management of Airborne Geophysical Survey, West Sarawak, and Interpretation of Data - project documents
Malaysia - Assistance in Monitoring and Management of Airborne Geophysical Survey, West Sarawak, and Interpretation of Data - project documents
Mozambique - Advisory services to the ministry of mineral resources - evaluation report
Mozambique - Advisory services to the ministry of mineral resources - evaluation report
Bhutan - Strengthening the Survey of Bhutan: Tripartite Review Report - BHU/83/019 - 1989
Bhutan - Strengthening the Survey of Bhutan: Tripartite Review Report - BHU/83/019 - 1989
Lesotho - mid-term review - evaluation report
Lesotho - mid-term review - evaluation report
Guyana - Legislative Drafting, Phase II: Project Document - GUY/88/006 - 1989
Guyana - Legislative Drafting, Phase II: Project Document - GUY/88/006 - 1989
Honduras - Ceso Macional de Poslacion Y Vivienda: Mission Report - HON/78/P06-85-006 - 1989
Honduras - Ceso Macional de Poslacion Y Vivienda: Mission Report - HON/78/P06-85-006 - 1989