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Descripción archivística
AG-047 · Fondo · 1919 - 1954

Records, 1946-1947, include correspondence; cables; working papers; reports; minutes, lists of delegates, governmental liaison representatives, and accredited correspondents to the Commission; correspondence logbooks; and publications and maps that were used for background data. These concern the organization of the Commission, including personnel matters, political matters, and investigations. Included is the investigation of the United Nations Committee of Experts into the case of Messrs. Zervas, Petsas, and Voltadoros, and an investigation trip to visit General Markos, Commander and Chief of the Ardartes and the Shole of Greece.

Correspondents include the United Nations Headquarters, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and governments and government representatives of Albania, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, France, Greece, Poland, Syria, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia. Also included are some cables, correspondence, General Assembly and Security Council documents, press releases, and printed material, 1941-1947, the earliest of which was used as background material, of Stanley Ryan, Press Officer of the Commission.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0698 Subject Files - United Nations Military Observers in Greece (UNMOG)
S-0697 Administrative Files - United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans (UNSCOB)
S-0663 Working Files
S-0649 Subject Files
S-0648 Correspondence Files
S-0462 Records of the Investigation

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AG-013 · Fondo · 1945 - 1953

Fonds consists of the following record series (a very small proportion of the records of Secretary-General Trygve Lie).

*S-0922-General Assembly meeting files (1945-1953)

Conditions of access: No access restrictions apply.

Related records:

Minutes of the Secretary-General's private meetings with Under-Secretaries-General are arranged as part of Secretary-General Hammarskjold's records, but include the full 1946-1953 period as well, see series S-0847.

Series S-0844 also includes files of Secretary-General Trygve Lie. Most of Secretary-General Trygve Lie's records are deposited with the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo. The Andrew Cordier Papers at Columbia University Library in New York include the following Secretary-General Trygve Lie records: Trip files, 1947-1952 (boxes 116-117); Subject files, 1948-1952 (part of box 130).

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AG-046 · Fondo · 1928 - 1951

Records, which also include those of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan, consist primarily of correspondence and cables, 1948-1950, concerning practical arrangements for the plebiscite, and general matters concerning the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Correspondents at United Nations Headquarters include Andrew Cordier, and Secretary-General Trygve Lie; other correspondents include the United Nations Press Officer in New Delhi, the Indian and Pakistani governments, the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan, and Eric Colban, Principal Secretary of UNCIP. Other records include reports, minutes, resolutions by and about Gilgit, refugees, United Nations Military Observers, political prisoners, and propaganda. A signed copy of the Karachi Agreement of July 27, 1949, which was the cease-fire agreement, is included.

Fonds consist of the following Series:
S-0694 Subject Files - United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) and United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan (UNRIP)
S-0693 Correpondence Files - United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) and United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan (UNRIP)
S-0692 Subject Files - United Nations Plebiscite Administrator for Jammu and Kashmir

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AG-009 · Fondo · 1942 - 1949

Fonds consists of the records of the Preparatory Commission created in the course of its activities, which included organizing and documenting the first sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Cables 1945-1946 S-0929
Minutes 1945-1946 S-0931
Official documents 1945-1946 S-0930
Non-Registry files 1945-1946 S-0924
Registry files 1945-1946 S-0539
Permanent Headquarters Committee Records 1945-1946 S-0532

Conditions of access: No access restrictions apply.

Related records:

Records of the Temporary London Office see AG-002.
Records of the the preparatory commission in Brian Urquhart Fonds, S-1053

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AG-057 · Fondo · 1917 - 1949

These files are divided about equally between those of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, and general departmental (non-registry) files, 1947.

Files contain correspondence, memos, reports, working papers, minutes of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) and its sub-committees, press releases, clippings, accounts, maps, and photographs.

These concern UNSCOP's work in helping to resolve conflicting claims concerning the Holy Places, the partition of Palestine, and other matters that arose following the end of the British Mandate, as well as the administrative matters of UNSCOP.

Correspondents include the Arab Higher Committee; Jewish Agency for Palestine; the British government; various Arab governments; the government of Palestine; and many other Jewish and Arab individuals and political, religious, educational, and other organizations in the Middle East, America, and Europe. Of note are ca. 4 cubic ft. (3.3 linear ft.) of memoranda, and written statements and testimonies submitted to UNSCOP by governments and organizations; and a notebook containing Personal Representative of the Secretary- General Ralph Bunche's notes on meetings.

Also included are reference materials, in the form of books, pamphlets, and maps.

Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-0613 Subject Files
S-0612 Reference
S-0611 Administrative
S-0610 Correspondence Files of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0609 Subject Files of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0608 Special Committee Files of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0607 Reference Files of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0606 General Assembly Files of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0605 Administrative Files of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General, Dr. Ralph Bunche

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AG-002 · Fondo · 1941 - 1947

Fonds consists of the records of the Temporary London Office, which primarily documents staff recruitment activities.

Also included in the fonds are files created earlier by the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, which were brought forward into the filing system of the Temporary London Office.

Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Accounting records (1945-1947) S-0934
Cables from the International Labour Organization and United Nations New York (1946-1947) S-0933
Central Registry files (1945-1947) S-0925
Executive Director's cable, information circulars and other records (1941-1947) S-0926

Related records: For the records of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations see AG-009.

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AG-012 · Fondo · 1940 - 1947

Fonds consists of the records of the United Nations Conference on International Organization and are arranged in the follow series:

S-1020: Papers of the Secretary-General
S-1019: Charter Materials and Related Papers
S-1018: Commissions and Technical Committees - Working Papers
S-1006: Plenary - United Nations Committee on Jurists and General Committees - Working Papers
S-1005: Representative and Observer files
S-1004: Photographs
S-0981 Subject files
S-0596 San Francisco Conference

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