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Descripción archivística
Deputy Administrator

Deputy Administrator of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West New Guinea (West Irian) (UNTEA)

Series consits of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, lists, reports, cables, draft documents, handwritten notes, decrees, and press clippings.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: economic affairs; sending civil supplies to central highlands; development of Manokwari Project; communication, transport and power supplies; meetings of the Committee on Civil supplies; purchase of capital assets; health; and public works.

Correspondents include George J. Janecek, Executive Secretary; K.H. Rahman, Special Advisor on Financial Matters; and Ghulam Abbas, Director of of Economic Affairs and Finance.

Department of Social Affairs and Justice of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West New Guinea (West Irian) (UNTEA)

Series consists of correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, code cables, lists, handwritten notes, reports, and press clippings.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Labour Committee; personnel; safety inspections; technical assistance and three year plan for West New Guinea; proclamation regarding firearms; pardons; vitaminized rice; commercial agreements with vendors; police reports and incidents; Red Cross; resignation of J.J. de Zoete and Acting Member of the Court; UNTEA recreation center; United Nations Security Force (UNSF); UNTEA education efforts in West Irian; and the revised Catholic workers' trade union.

Correspondents include: Miguel A. Marin, Director, Department of Social Affairs and Justice; Arrie Benggolo, Chief Labour Division, Department of Social Affairs and Justice; R.J. Schreuel, Administrator, Labour Division; P.V. Komin, Director of Public Works; D.B.H. Vickers, Legal Advisor; Dr. Djalal Abdoh, Administrator, UNTEA; Soetrisno Hamidjojo, Procureur-General, Court of Justice; and George J. Janecek, Executive Secretary.

Department of Cultural Affairs

Department of Cultural Affairs of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West New Guinea (West Irian) (UNTEA)

Series consists of correspondence, cables, memoranda, handwritten notes, and press releases. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Advisory Council on Education; Ethnographic Objects housed in Museum; level of education taught in schools, incidents in schools, and letter of transfer. Correspondents include Mo Myit, Divisional Commissioner.

Series consists of correspondence, reports, telegrams, draft reports, charts, memoranda, rosters, progress reports, proposals, programs, newspaper clippings, speeches, meeting minutes, accounting, vouchers, audits, budget estimates, contracts, press releases, interviews, press materials, and transcripts.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: public works projects; transfer of authority; letters of transfer; reports on political, economic, and education matters; troop strength; West New Guinea (Irian Barat); police service; roster of personnel; reports on shipping, cholera, public health, and intelligence; logging; establishment of museum; agriculture; copy of Netherlands New Guinea Constitution Act; honors, awards, flag raising, and flying of flags; victims relief fund; budget planning and execution; audit observations; purchases of homes and vehicles; salaries and allowences; requests for food; bulletin on Economic Affairs; and proclamation of independence.

Correspondents include George Janecek, Chief Administrative Officer; R.G. Herbert, Air Advisor; Dr. Djalal Abdoh, Administrator; Ghulum Abbas, Director of Finance; Dbh Vickers, Legal Advisor; Charles Coates, Chief of Technical Assistance and Recruitment Services; Dr. M. Icasiano, Director of Health; Sudhir Sen, Deputy Administrator; Mr. D.A. Somerville, Director of Deptartment of Internal Affairs; W.A. Vawdrey, Australian Liason Officer; Howard Post, Assistant to the Agriculture and Natural Resources Department; Mr. R. Davee, Director of Cultural Affairs; Mr. P. Komin, Director of Public Works; C. Roy Smith, Deputy Chief Administrative Office, UNTEA; William McCaw, Deputy Controller, UN; K.H. Rahman, Special Advisor to the Department of Finance; and A. J. Linder, Chief Auditor.
DAG-13 /

Series consists of correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, telegrams, memoranda, draft laws, agreements, official reports, weekly reports, summary and evaluation reports, visit reports, press and magazine reports, extracts of reports, minutes of meetings and conferences, speeches, extracts and summaries of speeches, press releases and newsclippings, extracts of radio broadcasts, periodical publications, yearbook extracts, itineraries, chronologies, lists, schedules, logs, tables, lease contracts, resumes, handwritten documents, and photographs.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: establishment of the mission; mission authority; withdrawal of the mission; relations between the U.N. and Jordan; status of U.N. emergency services in Egypt; the Beirut Establishment; the Damascus Establishment; political development of Jordan; religious issues; the Radio War; the Economic Exchange, Transportation, and Transit Agreement of April 1953; accommodation of U.N. personnel; administrative matters; evacuation of British troops; and Israeli perspectives.

Correspondents include Dag Hammerskjold, U.N. Secretary-General; Ralph Bunche, U.N. Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs; P. P. Spinelli, U.N. Special Representative of U.N. Mission in Amman; President Nasser of Egypt; and H.M. King Hussein of Jordan.


Series consists of incoming and outgoing cables, and logs of cables. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: administrative matters; finance; personnel; and arrangements for dignitaries' visits to Amman. Correspondents include P.P. Spinelli, Special Representative of the U.N. Secretary-General; Ralph Bunche, U.N. Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs; and Anders P. Tholle, U.N. Mission in Amman.

Subject Files
S-0613 · Serie · 1939 - 1948
Parte de United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) (1947)

Series consists of memoranda, reports, cables, publications, pamphlets, and incident reports.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Jewish, Arab, and UK governments and organizations; Christian communities in Palestine; crime; social issues; industry; displaced persons; land transfer; and Arab and Axis powers alliance. Correspondents include Max Seligman; Judge Emil Sandtroem; Jamal Hussein; and Victor Chi-Tsai Hoo.

S-0612 · Serie · 1917 - 1948
Parte de United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) (1947)

Series consists of correspondence, press coverage, pamphlets, publications, speech extracts, reports, testimonies, treaties, incident reports, photographs, and maps.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: partition; Zionism; Arab rights;displaced persons; crime issues; demographics; industry; natural resources of Palestine; new constitution for Palestine; political organizations; Treaty of Alliance (UK and Jordan); King-Crane Commission (UK); parliamentary debates (UK); and Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.

S-0611 · Serie · 1944 - 1948
Parte de United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) (1947)

Series consists of meeting minutes and verbatim reports of the General Assembly, correspondence, cables, memoranda, reports and itineraries related to subcommittee hearings, draft of mandate report, interviews, surveys, petitions, maps, and charts.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: meetings of General Assembly (Jerusalem, Lebanon, Geneva, and Lake Success, NY); recommendations for Jerusalem; legal aspects of partition; Jewish and Arab organizations and individuals; demographics of Palestine; displaced persons; and Jewish immigration.

Correspondents include Dr. Chaim Weizmann; Max Seligman; Judge Emil Sondstroem; Aubrey S. Eban and Victor Chi-Tsai Hoo.

S-0610 · Serie · 1946 - 1947
Parte de United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) (1947)

Office of the Special Assistant to the Personal Representative of the Principal Secretary Dr. Ralph Bunche

Series consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, invitations, publications, and press. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: handwritten notes regarding UNSCOP meetings; hotel documentation for a trip to Geneva and Jerusalem; invitations to various UN functions including the UN Week Dinner held on 20/09/1947. Correspondents include UN Principal Secretary Dr. Ralph Buche; Rupert Emerson, Department of Government, Harvard University; Mr. William Porter, Consul, United States Consulate in Jerusalem, Palestine; A. Emil Sandstrom, Chairman, UNSCOP. Folder 5 includes Mr. Bunches Countrywide Pass for Palestine.