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AG-020-002 · Sub-fonds · 1905 - 1998
Part of United Nations Office for Special Political Affairs (1955-1991)

Sub-fonds consists of the following Series:
S-0370 Ralph Bunche - work at the United Nations and elsewhere - 1945-1972
S-0355 Ralph J. Bunche - Subject Files
S-0330 First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I) - Military Advisor Records
S-0329 United Nations Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) - Military Assistance Files
S-0328 United Nations Yemen Observation Mission (UNYOM) code cables
S-0327 United Nations Observation Mission (UNYOM) - Advisor's Records
S-0326 Mount Scopus
S-0325 Mount Scopus general records
S-0323 First United Nations Emergency Force I (UNEF I) - Participating States Files - Laos Missions
S-0322 First United Nations Emergency Force I (UNEF I) - Participating States Files
S-0321 Gussing Mission
S-0320 de Ribbing Mission
S-0319 First United Nations Emergency Force I (UNEF I) - Participating States Files
S-0318 Spinelli Mission
S-0317 United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon (UNOGIL)
S-0316 First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I) - Subject Files
S-0315 First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I) code cables master files
S-0314 First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I) - Cables
S-0313 First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I)
S-0278 Dominican Republic - Subject Files
S-0277 Asia and Far East Missions and Commissions - Subject Files
S-0276 United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) - Code Cables
S-0263 Secretariat
S-0262 Political Matters, Conferences and Councils - Subject Files
S-0256 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Correspondence - Civilian Operations
S-0255 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Code, Clear Cables and Telexes - Civilian Operations
S-0254 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Personnel - Civilian Operations
S-0253 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Reports - Civilian Operations
S-0201 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Subject Files - Civilian Operations
S-0251 Conciliation Commission for the Congo (ONUC) - Subject Files
S-0238 African Missions and Commissions - Subject Files
S-0219 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Subject Files
S-0218 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Mercenaries in the Congo - Index Cards
S-0217 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Cables and Telexes
S-0216 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Ralph Bunche's Trips
S-0215 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Congo Government
S-0214 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Congolese National Army (ANC)
S-0213 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Provinces
S-0212 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Incident Reports
S-0211 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Civilian Operations
S-0210 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Military Operations
S-0209 United Nations Operations in the Congo (ONUC) - Records on Foreign Countries
S-0144 United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), the United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission (UNIPOM), and the United Nations Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)

AG-020-001 · Sub-fonds · 1947 - 1976
Part of United Nations Office for Special Political Affairs (1955-1991)

Sub-fonds consists of the following Series:
S-0331 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) United Nations Military Observers (UNMO) correspondence files
S-0205 Israel-Syria Mixed Armistice Commission (ISMAC)
S-0204 Israel-Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission (ILMAC)
S-0203 Hashemite Jordan Kingdom-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission (HJK-I-MAC)
S-0168 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Code Cable Correspondence with Chief of Staff
S-0167 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Chief of Staff Weekly Reports
S-0166 United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon (UNOGIL) - records
S-0165 First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I) - subject files
S-0164 Middle East War of 1956 - correspondence
S-0163 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Mixed Armistice Commission (MAC) records
S-0162 United Nations Economic Survey Mission for the Middle East (UNESMME) - records
S-0161 United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) - records
S-0160 Middle East General Armistice Agreements (GAA) and related records
S-0159 Middle East missions and commissions - records
S-0158 United Nations Mediator for Palestine - records
S-0157 Missions and commissions - records
S-0156 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Subject Files
S-0019 Records relating to the United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans [UNSCOB]
S-0016 United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) - Correspondence - Principal Secretary
S-0013 United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) - Incidents
S-0012 United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) - Personnel and Chronological Files
S-0011 United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) - Administration and Operations Reports
S-0008 United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) - violations log
S-0006 Records relating to the mission of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan [UNRIP]
S-0005 Records relating to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan [UNCIP]
S-0004 Records relating to United Nations Commission for Indonesia [UNCI]
S-0003 Records relating to the United Nations Advisory Council for Somaliland
S-0002 Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General - Commission for Eritrea records
S-0001 Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General - Libya mission records

Austria Mission

Sub-series consists of the following series:
S-1492 to S-1498 Chief of Mission (1945-1948)
S-1499 and S-1500 Department of Supply and Transport (1945-1948)
S-1501 to S-1504 British Zone Headquarters (1945-1948)
S-1505 British Zone Field Offices (1945-1948)
S-1506 French Zone Headquarters (1945-1948)
S-1507 French Zone Field Offices (1945-1948)
S-1508 and S-1509 United States Zone Headquarters Salzburg (1945-1948)
S-1510 United States Zone Field Offices (1945-1948)

Italy Mission

S-1456 Office of Chief of Mission (1944-1947)
S-1457 to S-1462 Chief of Mission (1944-1947)
S-1463 Office of the Legal Advisor (1944-1947)
S-1464 Office of the UNRRA Representative in Rome During Mission Closure (1944-1947)
S-1465 to S-1478 Bureau of Requirements and Distribution (1944-1947)
S-1479 to S-1484 Bureau of Relief Services (1944-1947)
S-1485 and S-1486 Bureau of Finance and Administration (1944-1947)
S-1487 to S-1490 Allied Forces Headquarters (1944-1947)
S-1491 Jeanne D’Arc Refugee Centre, Philippeville, Algeria (1944-1947)

AG-021-003 · Sub-fonds · 1914 - 1962
Part of United Nations Department of Political Affairs (1992-present)

Collection consists primarily of petitions, 1951-1977, submitted to the United Nations by various citizens' groups concerning the decolonization of their respective countries. Many countries are represented, including Tanganyika, British Cameroons, French Cameroons, French Togoland, Somaliland (Somalia), and Ruanda-Urundi. Also included are correspondence, reports, and working files, 1945-1954, of the Under-Secretary-General Benjamin Cohen; a draft of the statute for the City of Jerusalem, with reports of drafting groups and correspondence from outside the United Nations concerning the internationalization of Jerusalem and the Holy Places, 1947-1948; and reports, aides- memoire, and correspondence, 1952-1959, of the United Nations Advisory Council on Somaliland. Of note are petitions, correspondence, and reports concerning the independence of the Trust Territory of New Guinea, particularly problems with freedom of movement, and the situation in Bougainville, 1969-1976.

Sub-fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1566 Subject Files - Division of Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories - Office of the Director
S-1565 Petitions Section - Communications and Petitions concerning Trust Territories
S-1564 General Problems Section - Territorial Research and Analysis Section - H.A. Wieschoff, Chief - Committee on South West Africa
S-1563 General Problems Section (formerly) and Visits Section - Reports - Visiting Missions to Trust Territories
S-1562 General Problems Section (formerly) and Visits Section - Reports - Visiting Missions to Trust Territories
S-1561 Subject Files - Trusteeship Agreements Section - Trusteeship Agreements
S-1560 Subject Files - Trusteeship Agreements Section R. 40/3-4 - Subject and Trusteeship Agreements
S-1559 Subject Files - Office of the Director - H.A. Wieschoff - United Nations Advisory Council for Somaliland (UNACS)
S-1558 Office of the Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche - Files originating from Dr. Bunches functions outside the United Nations (U.S. State Department) - Papers relating to the Caribbean Commission
S-1557 Subject Files - Office of the Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
S-1556 Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Executive Office
S-1555 Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Office of the Principal/Director - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
S-1554 Working Files, Reports and Documentation - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Dr. Victor Hoo
S-0726 Subject Files - United Nations Plebiscite Commissioner of the Trust Territory of Togoland Under British Administration (UNPCT)
S-0723 Subject Files - United Nations Advisory Council in Somaliland (UNACS)
S-0504 Subject Files - Office of the Assistant Secretary-General - Dr. Victor Hoo

AG-004-005 · Sub-fonds · 1923 - 1979
Part of Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) (1955-present)

Fonds consists of the following series.

S-1003 Under-Secretary-General's working files 1951-1978 S-0575 Administrative Committee on Coordination records
Assistant Secretary-General's records
Division of Narcotic Drugs records
Representation and Liaison Unit records
Under-Secretary-General's Mekong Committee records

Department of Economic and Social Affairs OUSG