Series consists of administrative circulars, cables, code cables, base orders, handwritten notes, log books, information circulars, lists, letters, minutes of conferences, mission orders, memoranda, movement orders, incident reports, routine orders, flight reports, minutes of meetings, passenger manifests, and teleprinter printouts. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: procedure regarding captured mercernaries and other prisoners; ceremonial funeral for six Indian soldiers killed in action, 15/11/63; repatriation; refugees; Kitana agreement; contracts with commercial airliners; transfer of Kamina airbase to Congolese; results of air attacks on opposition; response to hostile forces; security measures at airbases; shipment of ammunition and supplies; flight missions; security of Mr. Tshombe during talks with Mr. Adoula in Leopoldville; sniper shootings by European civilians; anti-United Nations propaganda and counter information campaign by UN; clearance for United Nations air strikes; assessment of air bases; and how to neutralize Katangese air force. Correspondents include Major General J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Force Commander; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Robert K. A. Gardiner, Officer in Charge; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Major General G.L. Yacob, Deputy Force Commander; W.F.W. Wiltshire, Wing Commander, Chief of Air Transport Operations; W.K. Carr, Group Captain, Air Commander, ONUC; C.G.W. Chapman, Air Commander; Colonel J.C. McCarthy, Deputy Chief of Staff; and General Rikhye, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of cables, code cables, letters, memoranda, tables, and adminstrative orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: ordnance; supplies; clothing; rations; accommodation; vehicles; standard operating procedures; troop movement; equipment; personnel; and ammunition. Correspondents include Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Robert K. A. Gardiner, Officer in Charge; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC; Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel H.S. Guraya, Acting Chief Logistics Officer; and Ben T. Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of cables, drafts, letters, lists, memoranda, and minutes of meetings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: supplies; rations; vehicles; ordnance; transportation; repatriation; troop movement; and accommodation. Correspondents include Major General J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Force Commander; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC; Lieutenant Colonel H.S. Guraya, Acting Chief Logistics Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Colonel D.S. Sidhu, Chief Logistics Officer; and Brigadier B.A.O. Ogundipe, Chief of Staff. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of contracts, cables, code cables, diagrams, handwritten notes, appendices, letters, lists, minutes of meetings, movement orders, reports, memoranda, and receipts. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transportation of cargo; transportation and distribution of supplies; food rations; refugees; accounting policies; personnel; and supply depots. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Mr. Khiary, Chief of Civilian Operations; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; Lieutenant Colonel R.C. Sial, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; Lieutenant Colonel Z. Abdullah, Chief Movement Control Officer; Lieutenant Colonel N.S. Dharasker, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; Lieutenant Colonel D.K.N. Soni, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; and Major N.C. Sinha, Senior Supply and Transport Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of adminstrative circulars, appendices, agendas, base orders, brochures, cables, diagrams, handwritten notes, lists, minutes of meetings, minutes of conferences, maps, letters, memoranda, interview transcriptions, newspaper clippings, photographs, press statements, news summaries, press releases, standing orders, passenger manifests, reports, routine orders, translations, rosters, tables, aide-memoires, and aerial photographs. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: refugees; biographies of political personalities; journalists; mine fields; history of the ANC; propaganda; mercenaries; Katangese gendarmerie; ex-gendarmerie; prisoners; incident reports; commissions of inquiry; interrogations; special intelligence missions; civilian complaints against UN personnel; training of military personnel; repatriation of remains; captured arms and ammunition; Operation UNOKAT; base security; infrastructure location and security; reconnaissance; intercepted messages; air intelligence; aircraft; and conduct of UN personnel. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel Niles Borchgrevink, Chief of Military Information; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Robert K. A. Gardiner, Officer in Charge; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; Commander M.I. O'Farrell, Chief of Military Information, Headquartes Katanga Area; Lieutenant Colonel P.B.O. Reuterswaerd, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel G. Samuelson, Chief of Military Information; Moise Tshombe, President of Katanga; Commander F.P. Neill, Chief of Military Information, Headquarters Katanga Area; Commander J. Ryan, Chief of Military Information, Headquarters Katanga Area; Major K. Otterson, Chief of Military Information, Headquarters Katanga Area; Major General Diwan Prem Chand, General Officer Commanding, Headquarters Katanga Area; Colonel Sven E. Rosenius, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Katanga Area; Mr. E.W. Mathu, Chief UN Representative in Elisabethville; Major H.E. Munthe-Kaas, Military Information Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; and Captain E. Borg, Military Information Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of agendas, forms, illustrations, lists, diagrams, handwritten notes, cables, minutes of meetings, news summaries, minutes of conferences, standing orders, vouchers, reports, translations, routine orders, situation reports, tables, monthly reports, letters, maps, and memoranda. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: organisation of air base; personnel at air base; supplies; aircraft pens; camouflage of aircraft; military intelligence; general policies for air bases; conduct of air personnel; Katangese gendarmerie and Air Force; reporting procedures for accidents; security orders; technical issues; air military operations; cleanliness of aircraft; technical issues; and abandoned aircraft. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel P.B.O. Reuterswaerd, Chief of Military Information; Major General Chr. R. Kaldager, Air Commander; Colonel Sven E. Rosenius, Chief of Staff, Headquarters Katanga Area; Major F.A. Manning, Chief Logistics Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; Captain Ishak Odang, Military Personnel Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; Captain Tadasse Dubale, Military Personnel Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; Maurice Gauvreau, Senior Administration Officer, Elisabethville; Major H.E. Munthe-Kaas, Military Information Officer, Headquarters Katanga Area; Brigadier General Abebe Tefari, General Officer Commanding, Headquarters Katanga Area; Lieutenant Colonel H. Wergeland, Air Base Commander, Elisabethville; Lieutenant Colonel Helio Keller, Chief Air Administrative Officer; Major John O. Spiel, Air Base Commander, Elisabethville; Major Odd Christiansen, Air Base Commander, Elisabethville; Lieutenant Colonel E. Stigset, Commanding Officer, Elisabethville Air Base; Major General John Ryg, Air Commander; Lieutenant Colonel M.M. Siedl, Base Commander, United Nations Air Transport Base, N'Djili; Major John Bjugn, Base Administrative Officer, United Nations Air Transport Base, N'Djili; and Major Verne, Chief of Military Operations, Headquarters Katanga Area. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of medical reports, lists of casualties, nominal rolls, letters, lists of illnesses, health reports, duty lists, job descriptions, purchase orders, diagrams, handwritten notes, memoranda, supply lists, file lists, medical bulletins, and technical instructions. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: types of casualties; types of illnesses; statistics of sickness; ratio of illnesses within specific contingents of military personnel; instructions for preventing infective diseases; medical reasons for repatriation of military personnel; and use of medical supplies. Correspondents include Colonel B.L. Kapoor, Senior Medical Staff Officer; Colonel R.D. Kamat, Chief Medical Officer; and Lieutenant Colonel R.R. Rao, Deputy Chief Medical Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of code cables, illustrations, memoranda, diagrams, handwritten notes, inventories, letters, maps, situation reports, list of supplies, job descriptions, administrative circulars, and base orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: recipients of awarded medals; flying orders for the ONUC Air Force; looting; air reconnaissance missions, targets, dates, times and remarks; fighter operations around Kamina base; responsibilities for fighter operations staff; directions, diagrams, and charts for SARAH transmitter used in search and rescue missions. Correspondents include General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Major John O. Spiel, Air Base Commander; Captain Gerardo C. Protacio, PAF Intelligence Officer; and Captain L. Wanrud, Chief of Military Operations. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of administrative circulars, agendas, base orders, drafts, cables, code cables, forms, illustrations, diagrams, handwritten notes, lists, press releases, letters, memoranda, maps, minutes of conferences, inventories, reports, routine orders, nominal rolls, translations, rosters, tables, receipts, standing orders, operation orders, and progress reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: placement of air transport bases; requests for supplies and staff; air staff organization; types of aircraft needed; police services; budgets; transport priority board; staff reduction; civilian personnel; engineering of aircraft; Congolese Air Force; inspection of aircraft; United States Air Force Airlift; officer's duties; helicopters; repatriation; discipline of personnel; accidents; refugees; safety issues; boards of inquiry; badges of rank; commercial air travel; UNATB at N'Djili; administrative affairs; movement control; and incidents involving UN aircraft. Correspondents include Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; C.G.W. Chapman, Air Commander; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; Major General Chr. R. Kaldager, Air Commander; Lieutenant Colonel Helio Keller, Chief Air Administrative Officer; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Brigadier B.A.O. Ogundipe, Chief of Staff; Major General John Ryg, Air Commander; Lieutenant Colonel G. Samuelson, Chief of Military Information; Ben T. Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel A. Pappalardo, Base Commander, UNATB; Colonel W.K. Carr, Group Captain, Air Commander; John A. Olver, Chief Administrative Officer; J.C. Varma, Air Commander; Wing Commander G.G. Wright, Chief Air Transport Officer; Wing Commander W.F. Wiltshire, Chief Air Transport Officer; Colonel T. Testerini, Base Commander, UNATB, N'Djili; Captain I. Opdahl, Base Personnel Officer, UNATB, N'Djili; and Squadron Leader H.S. Chawla, Air Administrative Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of memoranda, correspondence, reports, handwritten notes, reports, information circulars, receipts, vouchers, administrative orders, administrative circulars, and cables. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: civilian complaints; personnel; company strength; reduction of staff; civilian employees; loss of merchandise; ration system; black market; UN medal; Camp Martini; court of inquiry; operating procedures; accomodations; furnishings; and detainees. Correspondents include S.P. Jamieson, Deputy Provost Marshall; M.O. Bissonnette, Headquarters Commandant; P.J. O'Reilly, Supervisor, Civilian Staff; Major Chawdry, Logisitics Coordinator; Major Puri, Logistics Planning; Major Chopra, Logistics Statistics; Major Mark Strom, Transit Camp Martini; Major R.W. Parker, Force Provost Marshal; and D. Manson, Chief of Maintenance and Furnishing Branch. Arranged in filing number order.