Affichage de 251597 résultats

Description archivistique
Vaad Hahatzala - Emergency Committee - Vaad
Vaad Hahatzala - Emergency Committee - Vaad
Displaced Persons and Camps
Displaced Persons and Camps
Save the Children Foundation - Italy
Save the Children Foundation - Italy
Reports - Rehabilitation and Welfare Division - Displaced Persons Section
Reports - Rehabilitation and Welfare Division - Displaced Persons Section
History of UNRRA - UNRRA Friend Plan - Financial Plan
History of UNRRA - UNRRA Friend Plan - Financial Plan
History of UNRRA
History of UNRRA
History of UNRRA
History of UNRRA
Displaced Persons
Displaced Persons
Displaced Persons
Displaced Persons
Societies and Associations - Agudas Israel World Organization
Societies and Associations - Agudas Israel World Organization