Boardside view of the Motorship Korea.
Loading operations aboard the Motorship Korea.
Loading operations aboard the Motorship Korea.
Yang Sung Bok receives the key to the Administration Building from Mr. Goodison.
Part of the modern new library built by UNKRA at Taegu Hospital. UNKRA also introduced up-to-date medical equipment.
A corner of the reconstructed and modernized laboratory at Taegu Medical College.
Tungsten being mined by old-fashioned hand methods at a seam near Inchon. Korea is one of the world's largest producers of tungsten.
Dr. Rhee surveying the exterior of a partly-finished house. Note the thickness of the walls.
Dr. Rhee, Mr. Pak and Lt. Gen. John B. Coulter, UNKRA Agent General, during the inspection tour. The 200-house project was the forerunner of projects under which UNKRA plans to build 2,500 of these one-family, low-cost homes in the Seoul area.
More shots of the inspection tour.