Series documents ONUC's role as part of the UNTAB Counterpart Fund Committee. Records include correspondence, minutes, and associated types such as photographs, maps, vouchers, charts, news clippings, building blueprints, and diagrams. Projected documented include construction of secondary schools, National Telecommunications School, street construction, sanitary work, budget plans, meterology stations, road building and reconstruction, telecommunications, national education, surveys of roads, etc. Correspondents include: James R. Brooks, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; G.K.J. Amachree, Under-Secretary in Charge of Congo Civilian Operations; Eugene Adoboli, Programme Officer, Civilian Operations; Y. Yassir, Chief Finance Officer; H. Pichler, Chief Budget Officer; M. Larcher, Senior Consultatant, Office of Public Works; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief of Civilian Operations; Stuart T. Baron, Director, AID, Counsel of Embassy for Economic Affairs; and Vincent W. Brown, Assistant Director, US AID. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, cables, code cables, administrative circulars, weekly reports, notes verbale, itineraries, information circulars, and minutes of meetings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: supplies; leave; travel; medical supplies; procurement of cigarettes and alcohol; refugees; Kitona base; Kamina hospital; security; medical supplies and equipment; housing; air transports; movements of troops; personnel; prefab housing; reduction of staff; black-market; radio equipment; px issues; deceased personnel; insurance; civilian operations; liaison issues; staff shortages; vermin; public health; audits; ancillary services; surplus food and supplies; importation of vehicles; resale of private vehicles; and fuel shortages. Correspondents include David Vaughan, Director of General Services; R. Bernard, Chief Procurement Officer; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; B. Grunzweig, Deputy-Chief Administrative Officer; Carey Seward, Chief Administrative Officer; B. Kaplan, Chief of General Services; G.V. Igum, Chief of Commerce and Transport; and D.T. Manson, Chief of General Services. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series created by Chief Administrative Officer S. Habib Ahmed and staff. Records include correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, and code cables. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: personnel issues; movement and transportation; procurement; finance; accomodations; burial of civilian personnel; refugee transfers; motor vehicle issues including acquisition, repair and 'cannibalization of'; travel; building contracts; subsistence suppliers; civilian operations; community development programs; rations and mess facilities; damage and loss to ONUC property; evacuation of 55 medical chimpanzees to Stanleyville; menacing and pillaging of missions; allowances, payments and salaries; blockade of Kamina Base; industrial diamond operations in Bakwanga; chicken farm project in Goma; water purification issues; starvation and malnutrition of children in Bakwanga; ONUC liquidation team and unnecessary arrests of ONUC personnel. Correspondents include B. Twigt; C. Brackenburg; Maurice Gavreau; Mr. Halbert; Mr. Wood; James W. Taylor; John A. Olver; Mr. Jerkovic; Mr. Marek; Roger Polgar; Mr. Azzam; C. A. Gaviola; Mr. Timbrell and Mr. Fitzgerald. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of claim forms, message forms, memoranda, cables, handwritten notes, letters, contracts, accommodation lists, lists of contracts, and minutes of meetings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: accommodations; claim settlements; rental and housing agreements; property theft; finances; vacated houses; performance duties; explosion of ONUC ammunitions at Kindu airport; disposal of ONUC property; ONUC accommodations statistics; cases of accommodation claims. Correspondents include A. Constantinidis, Head, ONUC Accommodation Team; D.H. Baker, Chief Accommodation and Maintenance Branch; J. Lossky, Chef du Service des Logements; S. Feiffer, Chef du Service des Logements; J. Foley, Chef du Service des Logements. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
Series consists of large index size cards with information regarding individuals, both nationals and foreign nationals. Arranged alphabetically by name.
Series consists of oversize cards with information regarding individuals, nationals and foreign nationals. Each card includes a photograph of the individual. Arranged alphabetically by names.
Restrictions: Series contains highly sensitive personal information. Please consult an archivist for access details.
Series non-registry files are comprised of the section relating to the Office of the Chief of Civilian Operations (previously the Special Representative of the Secretary-General). For the remainder of the non-registry files see S-0752. Record types include correspondence, handwritten documents, newspaper clippings, translations, notes verbale, statements, telegrams, lists, diagrams, booklets, and forms. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: arms and ammunition at Kitona; UN personnel; ONUC personnel; movements of personnel; incidents at Port Franqui; military personnel; incidents in Goma and Kindu; food supplies; mercenaries; and refugees. Correspondents include Andrew Cordier, Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Ralph Bunche, Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Dag Hammarskold, Secretary-General; Patrice Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo; Dr. S. Linner, Chief of UN Civlian Operations; I.J. Rikhye, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Cyrille Adoula, Prime Minister; R.K. Gardiner; and Carl C. Von Horn, Supreme Commander. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Restrictions: Series includes sensitive personal information. Please consult an archivist for access details.
Series consists of diagrams, handwritten notes, maps, illustrations, handbooks, memoranda, monthly reports, incident reports, log book, nominal list, end of tour report, monthly progress reports, graphs, organizational charts, war diary, routine orders, and base orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: organizational orders for UNOC Air Transport at various air bases; establishment of UN Air Transport Force in the Congo; ceremony for presentation of Congo medal and change of command from Lieutenant Colonel A. Pappalardo to Colonel L. Nimis at Leopoldville; instructions for Argentine Air Force; logistics; air staff instructions; search and rescue procedures; standard operating procedure for C-119 aircraft; flight schedules; and maintenance schedules. Correspondents include General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Brigadier General I.J. Rikhye; A.J. Mackie, Wing Commander, Chief Air Operations Officer; J.C. McCarthy, Wing Commander for Air Commander; Jesus Orlando Cappellini, Vice Commander, Chief of the Argentina Delegation in the Congo; and F.S. Carpenter Air Commander, Air Officer Commanding, RCAF Air Transport Command. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of brochures, cables, code cables, charts, drafts, diagrams, handwritten notes, interview transcriptions, lists, letters, maps, memoranda, minutes of conferences, newspaper clippings, postcards, photographs, press statements, receipts, reports, speeches, situation reports, translations, vouchers, packing lists, movement orders, news summaries, leaflets, cartoons, and security council resolution. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: ANC; military intelligence; mercenaries; staff promotions; Katanga gendarmerie; Congolese refugees; other foreign national refugees; political situation inside Congo; political situation inside other nearby decolonizing countries; biographies of political and military personalities in the Congo; political prisoners; investigation into the death of Lumumba; examples of Congolese and other propaganda; security issues; bridges; Congolese tribes; Mobutu's movements; and operations to remove foreign military personnel. Correspondents include: Major General J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Force Commander; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Dayal, Supreme Commander; Dorsinville, Chief of Military Information, Leopoldville; Lieutenant Colonel Bjorn Egge, Chief of Military Information; Robert K. A. Gardiner, Officer in Charge; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Commander M.I. O'Farrell, Chief of Military Information, Elisabethville; Lieutenant Colonel T.A.B. Oki, Military Legal Advisor; Lieutenant Colonel P.B.O. Reuterswaerd, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel G. Samuelson, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel G. Strijffert, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel Mulatu Tamiru, Chief of Military Information; Moise Tshombe, President of Katanga; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Major Williams, Chief of Military Personnel; and Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, press clippings, translations, incoming and outgoing cables, code cables, announcements, directives, reports, diagrams, tables, transcripts, booklets, business cards, brochures, annexes, agendas, graphs, maps, request slips, receipts, reprint extracts, administrative circulars, and situation reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: living conditions in the Congo; UN Force in the Congo; military operations; interrogations; black market traffic; civilian safety; refugee camps; mining; health; administrative support of civilian operations; budgets; UNTAB; economics and finances of the Congo; relief efforts; public relations; training of judges and mission withdrawal. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief, Civilian Operations; Max H. Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; B.E. Urquhart, Principal Officer, OUSSPA; U. Thant, Secretary-General; Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Carey Seward, Chief Administrative Officer, ONUC; B.F. Oserio-Tafall, Acting Officer-in-Charge, ONUC; Cyrill Adoula, Prime Minister, Republic of the Congo; S. Linner, Chief, Civilian Operations; and Dag Hammerskjold. Arranged in filing number order.