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Permanent Office - Registry
S-0915 · Series · 1889 - 1958
Part of International Penal and Penitentiary Commission (1872-1955)

Series is comprised of all the records kept by the Commission in its registry filing system during the years 1929 to 1955. Documented are the gathering and sharing of information among member nations, cooperation between nations on human rights issues pertaining to penal and penitentiary matters (including extradition), and congresses held by the Commission for purposes of information exchange and coordination of policy development, etc. Arranged in broad categories in the following order: member nation files, meeting files, Sub-commission on research, finances of the Commission, library of the Commission, external relations with other organizations, various, Congresses, publication lists. Of the large volume of files in this series, only one is classified "Strictly Confidential".

S-0662 · Series · 1891 - 1957
Part of United Nations Commissioner in Libya (1949-1952)

Tribunal in Libya

Series consists of case files, notes, and minutes of conversations. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: case files presented to the Tribunal by Italy; case files presented to the Tribunal by Libya; supplementary notes and documents presented by both Italy and Libya; the role - Tribunal in Case Number 1 between the Italian government and the governments - United Kingdom and Libya; and the role - Tribunal in Case Number 2 between the governments of Italy and Libya. Because these are case files presented to the Tribunal there are no correspondents.

S-0536 · Series · 1893 - 1929
Part of International Penal and Penitentiary Commission (1872-1955)

Administrative history: The position of Treasurer was held was by the following individuals: S. de Laizlow, 1893-1897 (Budapest); F. Woxen, 1889-1924 (Christiania); A. Omsted, 1924-1929 (Oslo).

Series documents membership contributions of Commission member countries. Records include Treasurers' reports, correspondence, and financial journals. Arranged in several broad categories and therein chronologically.

S-0713 · Series · 1904 - 1968
Part of United Nations Office for Special Political Affairs (1955-1991)

The task of this mission was to provide good offices in reducing tension between Cambodia and Thailand. The Special Representative was Herbert de Ribbing, and the mission was also known the "de Ribbing Mission." It lasted from August, 1966 to February, 1968.

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, handwritten documents, incoming and outgoing cables, meeting agendas, minutes of meetings, verbatim records of meetings, agreements, treaties, incident reports, personnel reports, General Assembly reports, summaries of statements, annexes, extracts, notes, aides memoires, speeches, translations, press clippings, press releases, transcripts of news conferences, programmes, schedules, itineraries, charts, diagrams, maps, yearbooks, periodicals, vouchers, and routing slips.

Subjects include but are not limited to the following: administration; personnel; budgets; Thai-Burma relationship; Thai-Cambodia relationship; French-Siam relationship; Thai-Cambodian border incidents; frontier incidents; economic situation; political developments; formulation of new government; meetings with Thai and Cambodian government representatives; and closing of mission. Correpondents include U. Thant, Secretary-General; H. de Ribbing, Special Representative of Secretary-General to Cambodia and Thailand; Y. Akashi, Political Affairs Officer, de Ribbing Mission; C.V. Narasimhan, Cabinet Chief, United Nations Headquarters; Jose Rolz-Bennett, Acting Cabinet Chief; Prince Sihanouk of Royal Government of Cambodia and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand.

Related Records:

S-0320-de Ribbing Mission records in AG-005-UN Secretary-General U Thant Fonds

S-0548 · Series · 1904 - 1996
Part of Department of Management (DM) (1997-present)

In March 1949, by direction of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Archives Section of the Division of Communications and Records was designated as the agent responsible for the custody of items “of historic significance” accepted by the United Nations or originating in connection with its work. (SGB 63/Rev.1/Add.1 dated 15 March 1949.) This directive provided for appropriate display of these items in collaboration with the Office of Public Information and the Office of Conference Services, under the guidance of an Interdepartmental Committee on Exhibitions.

Over the years, this Record Group was gradually extended to include, in addition to items of historic interest, “gifts and memorabilia” and “commendations and pledges” including many from the general public. In the absence of a well-defined policy on the type of gift item considered suitable for retention in this record group, accumulations had reached a critical stage by 1966. A Review Committee was formed, composed of members from the Offices of the Secretary-General, Controller, Legal and General Services whose function was to make recommendations for the disposal of items which had neither historic interest, relevance to the United Nations or artistic appeal. (File AD 523 P&P (Memorandum dated 21 February 1966 from Mr. VAUGHAN to Secretary-General.)) The Committee functioned for a brief period taking action on the disposition of a number of items, but has not convened since 1966.

In February 1971, a new policy and procedure was established superseding the directive of 1949. (ST/SGB/136 dated 1 February 1971.) The new procedure divides the items into three categories:

1) Items of historical significance originating from the work of the United Nations or accepted on behalf of the United Nations such as gavel and pen set used at the San Francisco Conference in 1945, originating flag designs and commemorative scrolls,
2) Gifts received by the United Nations or by the Secretary-General in his official capacity, except donations or grants of funds,
3) Gifts or awards accepted by staff members in recognition of performance of achievement in work related to the United Nations, when such gifts or awards are required to be transferred to the custody of the United Nations.

Responsibility for the disposition, preservation and use or display of these items will henceforward be governed by the new directive as mentioned in SGB/136 dated 1 February 1971.

S-0317 · Series · 1905 - 1968
Part of United Nations Office for Special Political Affairs (1955-1991)

UN. Under-Secretary General for Special Political Affairs (1958-1972 : Bunche)

Series consists of letters, memoranda, numbered code and clear cables (carbon copies), reports, minutes, circulars, notes and selected United Nations published documents relating to military, political and administrative matters, including air reconnaissance and land patrols, incidents, the interrogation of Syrian prisoners by United Nations military observers, daily meetings on operations and assessments of local political situation, Lebanon's complaints against the United Arab Republic, the evacuation of British troops, Syria's presence in Lebanon's territory, Lebanon's presidential election, local press comments on the United Nations activities, briefings on Security Council actions, the Secretary-General's reports to the Security Council, consultations with participating states on deployment and logistics, budget and finance, personnel and miscellaneous general services. Primary correspondents include David Blickenstaff, Andrew Cordier, Dag Hammarskjold, Galo Plaza Lasso, Major-General Odd Bull and Major-General Carl von Horn.

S-1046 · Series · 1909 - 1992
Part of Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar (1982-1991)

S-1046 consists of correspondence, reports, notes and press material pertaining to United Nations emergency and relief operations. Subject files pertain to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the United Nations Disaster Relief Organization (UNDRO), the United Nations Industrial Organization, the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Secretary-General's Representative for Co-ordination of Kampuchean Assistance Programmes, and the Coordinator on Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon. Files also pertain to United Nations relief operations for specific disasters occurring in Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico and other countries.