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AG-025 · Fonds · 1923 - 2010

The fond contains all the centrally filed records of the Secretariat from its early period. Predominant date range is 1940 - 1950.

Arranged numerically according to numbered file classification system.

Fonds consists of the following Sub-Fonds:
AG-025-003 Registry Section
AG-025-002 Branch Registries
AG-025-001 Central Registry Section

Registry Section
Registry Section
AG-025-003 · Sub-fonds · 1923 - 2010
Part of United Nations Registry Section (1946-1979)

Sub-fonds consists f the following Series:
S-0552 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
S-0451 Public Information
S-0450 Economic
S-0449 Personnel
S-0448 Financial
S-0447 Administrative
S-0446 Organizational
S-0445 Social Affairs
S-0444 Legal
S-0443 Trusteeship and Non-Self Governing Territories
S-0442 Political and Security
S-0375 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Political Affairs
S-0374 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Personnel Administration
S-0373 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) - Organization
S-0175 Technical Assistance

S-0472 · Series · 1940 - 1996
Part of United Nations Registry Section (1946-1979)

Administrative history: The first records registry was set up during the London period of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations (between 21 November 1945 and 31 January 1946) and patterned after that of the British Foreign Office (Erlandsson in Archivaria, Winter 1978).

Series contains all the centrally filed records of the Secretariat from its early period. Predominant date range is 1946-1952. The categories of the filing system are: Office of the Secretary-General (100), Administrative and financial (200), Conferences and general services (300), Economic and Social Council (400), Economic Affairs (500), Social Affairs (600), General (700), General Assembly (800), Legal Affairs (900), Public Information (1000), correspondence with individuals and miscellaneous organizations (1100), Security Council (1200), Security Council affairs (1300), Trusteeship Council (1400), Trusteeship affairs (1500), Military Staff Committee (1600). Arranged numerically according to the numbered file classification system.

Related records: For departmentally filed records of the same period see those records groups (now called fonds) which were formerly numbered DAG-1, DAG-2, etc. For earlier related records see the two fonds: United Nations Temporary London Office and Preparatory Commission of the United Nations. Arranged in subject classification number order.

Variations in title: Previously called 'Central Registry 1946-1948' and 'Central Registry (RAG-1)'.

Source of title: Title based on provenance and contents.

Central Registry Section
AG-025-001 · Sub-fonds · 1940 - 1996
Part of United Nations Registry Section (1946-1979)

Series contains all the centrally filed records of the Secretariat from its early period. Predominant date range is 1946-1952. The categories of the filing system are: Office of the Secretary-General (100), Administrative and financial (200), Conferences and general services (300), Economic and Social Council (400), Economic Affairs (500), Social Affairs (600), General (700), General Assembly (800), Legal Affairs (900), Public Information (1000), correspondence with individuals and miscellaneous organizations (1100), Security Council (1200), Security Council affairs (1300), Trusteeship Council (1400), Trusteeship affairs (1500), Military Staff Committee (1600). Arranged numerically according to the numbered file classification system.

Related records: For departmentally filed records of the same period see those records groups (now called fonds) which were formerly numbered DAG-1, DAG-2, etc. For earlier related records see the two fonds: United Nations Temporary London Office and Preparatory Commission of the United Nations. Arranged in subject classification number order.

Sub-fonds consists of the following Series:
S-0472 United Nations Central Registry subject files - early registry records
S-0440 Central Registry - Code Cables - Correspondence

S-0375 · Series · 1923 - 1993
Part of United Nations Registry Section (1946-1979)

Administrative history: The Registry Section was established ca. 1954; the system was discontinued in 1979, after the decision to move to a decentralized records management system. Function was the centralization of Secretariat recordkeeping in one large classification system. Predecessor was Central Registry Section. Succeeded by decentralized recordkeeping by departments in consultation with the Archives Section's records management programme.

Series consists of the Registry Section's files relating to political and security matters as the TE series, which are specifically concerned with UNTSO only: the political affairs records. Arranged numerically by file number, and therein chronologically.

Technical Assistance
S-0175 · Series · 1949 - 1992
Part of United Nations Registry Section (1946-1979)

Administrative history: The Registry Section was established ca. 1954; the system was discontinued in 1979, after the decision to move to a decentralized records management system. Function was the centralization of Secretariat recordkeeping in one large classification system. Predecessor was Central Registry Section. Succeeded by decentralized recordkeeping by departments in consultation with the Archives Section's records management programme.

Series consists of the Registry Section's files relating to Technical Assistance registry files, referred to as the TE series. The alpha-numeric filing system key has not yet been located. Included in the sequence, however, are the following subject files: Afghanistan (AFGH), Africa (AFR), Algeria (ALGE), Angola (ANG), Antigua (ANTIG), Burma (BUR), Argentina (ARGEN), Bahamas (BAHAM), Bahrein (BAHR), Bangladesh (BANGD), Barbados (BARB), Basutoland (BASU), Bechuanaland (BECH), Benin (BEN), Bhutan (BHUT), Bolivia (BOLI), Botswana (BOTS), Brazil (BRAZ), British East Africa (BREAF), British Guiana (BRGU), British Honduras (BRHO), Brunei (BRUN), British Virgin Islands (BVI), Bulgaria (BULG), Burma (BUR), Burundi (BURU), and so forth. Filing numbers are cited in the title field.

Political and Security
S-0442 · Series · 1948 - 1990
Part of United Nations Registry Section (1946-1979)

Administrative history: The Registry Section was established ca. 1954; the system was discontinued in 1979, after the decision to move to a decentralized records management system. Function was the centralization of Secretariat recordkeeping in one large classification system. Predecessor was Central Registry Section. Succeeded by decentralized recordkeeping by departments in consultation with the Archives Section's records management programme.

Series is comprised of those records filed within the overall Registry system which were file classified "Political and security matters". Subheadings within the series are: public interest and opinion (filing numbers PO 000), measures to maintain world peace and security, measures to maintain and strengthen international peace and security (PO 100's), international incidents and disputes (PO 200's), peaceful uses of outer space (PO 300's), peaceful uses of sea-bed beyond national jurisdiction (PO 400's). Arranged in filing number order (with a set of PO 100's also at the end).

Note: The security levels of records within this series have not been established. Staff will be screening records before researchers are granted access.