Affichage de 4608 résultats

Description archivistique
Germany - UNRRA / 1349 : Kloster Indersdorf
Germany - UNRRA / 1349 : Kloster Indersdorf
Germany - UNRRA 3124 Displaced persons
Germany - UNRRA 3124 Displaced persons
Germany - UNRRA 3117 The party for Switzerland departs from Kloster Indersdorf in a convoy of U.S. Army Ambulances
Germany - UNRRA 3117 The party for Switzerland departs from Kloster Indersdorf in a convoy of U.S. Army Ambulances
Albania - The best dressed among the refugees - and only too happy to be photographed
Albania - The best dressed among the refugees - and only too happy to be photographed
Albania - The best dressed pair in the camp
Albania - The best dressed pair in the camp
Albania - Well pitched tents, warm and watertight
Albania - Well pitched tents, warm and watertight
Albania - Camerian refugees in Kavaja, Central Albania, receiving assistance
Albania - Camerian refugees in Kavaja, Central Albania, receiving assistance
Albania - Camerian refugees in Kavaja, Central Albania
Albania - Camerian refugees in Kavaja, Central Albania
Albania - Camerian refugees in Kavaja, Central Albania
Albania - Camerian refugees in Kavaja, Central Albania
Albania - A woman refugee from Cameria and her baby
Albania - A woman refugee from Cameria and her baby