Affichage de 8615 résultats
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South West Africa - Kahandumba Kangunde and others - A/AC.109.PET.64 - Comm#. 170
South West Africa - Kahandumba Kangunde and others - A/AC.109.PET.64 - Comm#. 170
South West Africa - Abicid E. Marenga - A/AC.109/PET.65 - Comm#. 171
South West Africa - Abicid E. Marenga - A/AC.109/PET.65 - Comm#. 171
South West Africa - Rosalynde Ainslie Secty, Anti-Apartheid Movement - A/AC.109/PET.66 - Comm#. 159
South West Africa - Rosalynde Ainslie Secty, Anti-Apartheid Movement - A/AC.109/PET.66 - Comm#. 159
South West Africa - Richard Gert Forster, Griqua Chief - A/AC.109/PET.67 - Comm#. 165
South West Africa - Richard Gert Forster, Griqua Chief - A/AC.109/PET.67 - Comm#. 165
South West Africa - G.B. Partenbach, Secty. SWANU and Nathaniel Maxuiriri, Vice Pres. SWAPO
South West Africa - G.B. Partenbach, Secty. SWANU and Nathaniel Maxuiriri, Vice Pres. SWAPO