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S-0851 · Série organique · 1960 - 1967
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of claim forms, message forms, memoranda, cables, handwritten notes, letters, contracts, accommodation lists, lists of contracts, and minutes of meetings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: accommodations; claim settlements; rental and housing agreements; property theft; finances; vacated houses; performance duties; explosion of ONUC ammunitions at Kindu airport; disposal of ONUC property; ONUC accommodations statistics; cases of accommodation claims. Correspondents include A. Constantinidis, Head, ONUC Accommodation Team; D.H. Baker, Chief Accommodation and Maintenance Branch; J. Lossky, Chef du Service des Logements; S. Feiffer, Chef du Service des Logements; J. Foley, Chef du Service des Logements. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.

S-0739 · Série organique · 1956 - 1967
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, notes, lists, handwritten documents, drafts, statements, tables, information circulars, business cards, programs, translations, drawings, diagrams, seminar discussions, reports, brochures, contracts, application forms, job descriptions, itineraries, speeches, resolutions, questionnaires, maps, blueprints, appendices, laws, telephone directories, and field manuals. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: training programs to assist the government of the Congo; economic development plan; visits to various areas by civilian operations officials; import licences; food and agricultural assistance; fisheries; animal diseases; mineral resources; public works program; Tanganyika Lake; road, rail and river transportation systems; finance and trade institutions; investments; flood relief; budgets; economic survey; judicial system organizsation; organization of police; education system; social welfare; health needs; and bilateral programs. Correspondents include U. Thant, Secretary-General; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief, Civilian Operations; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; S. Linner, Chief, Civilian Operations; James R. Brooks, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; A.C. Gilpin, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; Carey Seward; M.E. Larcher, Head, Public Works Program; Godfrey K.J. Amachree, Under-Secretary in Charge of Civilian Operations in the Congo; and G. Cedarwall, Public Finance Controller. Arranged in filing number order.