Affichage de 67 résultats

Description archivistique
AG-024 · Fonds · 1973 - 2006

Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-1000 Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General - Subject files
S-0999 Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General - Chronological files
S-1007 Office of the Director of Administration - Property Survey Board, Claims Review Board, and Boards of Inquiry Unit - Headquarters Boards of Inquiry cases

Sans titre
AG-018 · Fonds · 1919 - 1977

Fonds consists of UNRRA Headquarters records and the records of UNRRA administration in Europe and Asia, and contains the following sub-fonds:

AG-018-001: China Office - Subject Files
AG-018-002: Controller and Public Information
AG-018-003: Bureau of Supply
AG-018-004: Bureau of Areas
AG-018-005: Bureau of Administration
AG-018-006: Balkan Mission and Middle East Office
AG-018-007: International Refugee Organization (IRO)
AG-018-008: European Regional Office (ERO) - Registry Files
AG-018-009: Italy Mission
AG-018-010: Austria Mission
AG-018-011: European Regional Office (ERO) - Subject Files
AG-018-012: Washington DC Headquarters
AG-018-013: Bureau of Services
AG-018-014: Belgium Mission
AG-018-015: Byelorussia Mission
AG-018-016: Czechoslovakia Mission
AG-018-017: Denmark Mission
AG-018-018: Dodecanese Islands Mission
AG-018-019: Ethiopia Mission
AG-018-020: Finland Mission
AG-018-021: Offices in France
AG-018-022: Greece Mission
AG-018-023: Hungary Mission
AG-018-024: Luxembourg Mission
AG-018-025: Norway Mission
AG-018-026: Poland Mission
AG-018-027: Sweden Mission
AG-018-028: Switzerland Mission
AG-018-029: Trieste Port Office
AG-018-030: Turkey Mission
AG-018-031: Ukraine Mission
AG-018-032: Yugoslavia Mission
AG-018-033: India Mission - Procurement and Recruiting Office
AG-018-034: Korea Mission
AG-018-035: Philippine Mission
AG-018-036: Latin America - Procurement Offices
AG-018-037: South West Pacific Area Office (SWPAO)
AG-018-038: Hawaii Procurement Office
AG-018-039: Germany Mission
AG-018-040: Office of the Historian
AG-018-041: UNRRA Photographs

Sans titre
Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)
AG-005 · Fonds · 1935 - 1979

Fonds consists of the records of Secretary-General U Thant, relating to his responsibilities as chief administrative officer of the Secretariat and as chief coordinator of the legislative, political, socio-economic, and military bodies of the United Nations. Also included are records from an earlier period, when he was Burmese Representative to the United Nations, and private records from his post-retirement years. Fonds is arranged in the following record series.

Briefs, correspondence, speeches (1935-1974) S-0890

Administrative and management matters - administration of the Secretariat (1953-1972) S-0855
Administrative and management matters - top echelon personnel (1957-1974) S-0852
Memorabilia - gifts - moving images (1961-1971) S-1001
Memorabilia - gifts - photograph albums (1961-1971) S-1002
Memorabilia - photographs (1962-1972 ) S-0975
Memorabilia - sound recordings (1961-1971) S-0512
Memorabilia - tributes and gifts (1962-1972) S-0551
Peacekeeping - code cables (1961-1971) S-0862
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) (1961-1964) S-0874
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) 1960-1965 S-0875
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) - subject files and correspondence with member states 1959-1964 S-0845
Peacekeeping - Congo (ONUC) - United Nations Advisory Committee on the Congo verbatim minutes 1960-1963 S-0849
Peacekeeping - Cuba 1962-1971 S-0872
Peacekeeping - Cuba 1962-1964 S-0873
Peacekeeping - Cyprus 1960-1971 S-0869
Peacekeeping - Cyprus 1964-1971 S-0870
Peacekeeping - Dominican Republic 1961-1971 S-0867
Peacekeeping - general 1960-1971 S-0879
Peacekeeping - India/Pakistan 1962-1973 S-0863
Peacekeeping - India/Pakistan 1964-1971 S-0868
Peacekeeping - Middle East 1957-1973 S-0861
Peacekeeping - other countries 1961-1971 S-0878
Peacekeeping (official documents) 1960-1971 S-0888
Peacekeeping - other countries 1961-1971 S-0878
Peacekeeping - Political and Social Security Council Affairs analysis 1962-1971 S-0881
Peacekeeping - Vietnam 1961-1972 S-0871
Peacekeeping - Vietnam 1962-1972 S-0866
Peacekeeping - West Irian (UNTEA) 1950-1963 S-0876
Peacekeeping - Yemen (UNYOM) 1963-1967 S-0877
Political matters - country files 1960-1971 S-0884
Political matters - disarmament 1961-1971 S-0880
Press clippings 1958-1975 S-0860
Press conferences 1961-1971 S-0889
Press releases 1950-1974 S-0891
Public relations 1951-1972 S-0864
Secretary-General's correspondence with heads-of-state, governments, and representatives to the United Nations 1961-1972 S-0882
Secretary-General's correspondence with individuals and organizations 1960-1974 S-0887
Secretary-General's correspondence with outside organizations (international conferences, expositions, meetings, etc.) 1961-1979 S-0859
Secretary-General's speeches 1961-1971 S-0885
Secretary-General's statements 1961-1967 S-0886
Secretary-General's trips and engagements 1961-1971 S-0883
United Nations commissions, committees and conferences 1962-1972 S-0858
United Nations General Assembly 1953-1971 S-0856
United Nations Security Council and other organs 1962-1971 S-0853
United Nations specialized agencies 1962-1972 S-0854
United Nations subsidiary bodies 1960-1972 S-0857

U THANT, 1909-1974
Private records - 1961-1971 period 1953-1972 S-0892
Private records - manuscript 'View from the UN' 1962-1974 S-0894
Private records - post-retirement 1971-1974 1963-1975 S-0893
Private records - Season's greetings cards 1961-1974 S-0895

Languages: Some French, Spanish, and numerous others

Sans titre
AG-022 · Fonds · 1935 - 1958

Records consist of cables, correspondence, reports, agreements, photographs, and miscellaneous other documents primarily from the files of Ralph J. Bunche (Acting Mediator) and of the Headquarters-Advance Command Post in Haifa.

These concern armistice negotiations, complaints and investigations, and other matters relating to the Mediator's work in Palestine.

Fonds consists of the following Series:
S-0636 Subject Files - Senior United Nations Military Observers - by area
S-0635 Subject Files - Chief Administrative Officers
S-0634 Subject Files - Legal Adviser to the Chief of Staff - H. Courtney Kingstone
S-0633 Subject Files - Political Adviser to the Chief of Staff
S-0632 Cables - Deputy Chief of Staff
S-0631 Subject Files - Special Truce Investigation Team (SIT)
S-0630 Subject Files - Central Truce Supervision Board (CTSB)
S-0629 Subject Files - Office of the Chief of Staff
S-0627 Subject Files - Disaster Relief Project - Beirut and Amman
S-0626 Subject Files - Disaster Relief Project - Beirut and Amman
S-0625 Cable Files - Disaster Relief Project - Beirut
S-0622 Subject Files - Representative of the Mediator at Cairo - Pablo de Azcarate
S-0621 Correspondence - Representative of the Mediator at Cairo - Pablo de Azcarate
S-0620 Correspondence - Representative of the Mediator in Syria and Lebanon at Beirut - J. Cebe-Habersky
S-0619 Subject Files - Representatives - Tel Aviv
S-0618 Armistice Negotiations - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0617 Paris Conference - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0616 Subject Files - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0615 Cables - Dr. Ralph Bunche
S-0455 Subject Files - Personal Deputy of the Acting Mediator and Principal Secretary - Henry Vigier

Sans titre
AG-008 · Fonds · 1948 - 1973

Fonds consists of records of the United Nations Operation in Congo relating to its mandate, missions and operations. Records include correspondence, reports, cables, Registry and non-Registry files on various matters. Fonds is comprised of the following four sub-fonds:

  • Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General in the Congo, Office of the Officer-in-Charge and Office of the Chef of Civilian Operations (AG-008-001)
  • Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (AG-008-002)
  • Branch Offices of the ONUC (AG-008-003)
  • Office of the Force Commander (AG-008-004)

Related records: For additional records relating to ONUC see the Secretaries-General Hammarskjold (AG-001) and U Thant (AG-005) fonds.

Sans titre
AG-026 · Fonds · 1964 - 1996

United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR)
Mission Structure

Roman numerals (I, II, III…) = Series
Uppercase letters (A, B, C…) = Box titles

I. Office of the Executive Director (S-1120)
A. Office of Political Affairs
B. Special Assignments
C. Office of Protocol
D. Office of the Spokesman
E. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance
F. Office of Legal Affairs
G. Radio Unit

II. Office of the Force Commander (S-1062)
A. Chief of Staff (COS)
B. Chief Military Personnel Officer (CMPO)
C. Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (DCOS Ops)
D. Deputy Chief of Staff for Staff Support (DCOS Sp)
E. Medical Branch
F. Military Observer (MILOB) Group

III. Division of Administration and Management (S-1061)
A. Security Section
B. Civilian Personnel Section
C. Procurement Section
D. Integrated Support Services Section (ISS)
E. Management Information Systems Section
F. Finance Section
G. General Services Section (GSS)
H. Regional Offices
I. Board of Inquiry (BOI) Unit
J. Medical Branch
K. Office in Nairobi

IV. Office of the Police Commissioner (S-1060)

V. Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (S-1063)
A. Special Assistant
B. Personal Assistant
C. Deputy Area Security Coordinator and CSO

This mission structure was developed for the purpose of archival arrangement.

Winthrop Group, 5 November 2009

Sans titre
AG-042 · Fonds · 1900 - 1961

"The records of the War Crimes Commission in the United Nations Archives consist of: minutes, documents and reports of the Commission and its Committees, the Research Office, the Far Eastern and Pacific Sub-Commission; further there are periodical lists of War Criminals, Suspects, Witnesses (including approximately 37,000 names) and related material of the main Commission and of the Far Eastern and Pacific Sub-Commission; documented is also some correspondence, mainly with various National Offices. The more voluminous part of the documentation of the War Crimes Commission are records submitted by Member Governments, other National Authorities and Military Tribunals: some 8,000 charge files and related material; periodical lists of about 37,000 War Criminals, Security Suspects and Witnesses; reports of National Military Tribunals; transcripts of proceedings and documents of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Finding aids in the form of indexes are part of the above enumerated records. Fonds consists of the following Sub-fonds and Series: AG-042-003 Reference Material AG-042-002 Records submitted by Member Governments, other National Authorities and Military Tribunals AG-042-001 Records created by the Commission, the Committees, the Research Office and the Far Eastern and Pacific Sub-Commission S-1919 UNWCC - United Nations War Crime Commission Microfilm Tapes S-1804 Records of the War Crimes Commission / Series no longer in use, see notes S-0601 United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC) records / (New Series "S-1848") / Please see notes."

Sans titre
AG-033 · Fonds · 1946 - 1959

"This series consists of official textual records of the International Paris Peace Conference held at the Palais du Luxembourg, Paris which opened 29 July 1946. The conference addressed state relations following World War II between "Allied and Associated Powers" on the one side and allies of Germany during WWII on the other side: specifically Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Romania. Fonds does not contain a complete set of records of the Paris Peace Conference. Series includes records such as: draft peace treaties proposing territorial, political, military, reparation, economic and human rights clauses for Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Romania; amendments to, and observations on, draft peace treaties by various states and delegations; rules of procedure for the Conference; verbatim records of plenary sessions; reports of commissions and sub-commissions of the Conference; correspondence and other documents submitted to plenary sessions and commissions; memoranda; notes of service of the General Secretariat; programmes of Conference meetings; resolutions; annexes and corrigenda; records of decisions; summary records of decisions; and meeting agendas of commissions and sub-commissions of the Conference. "List of Paris Peace Conference Documents," which do not reflect the exact contents of this series, [S-0533-0001-0001] and "List of Document Symbols" [S-0533-0004-0009] are supplied. Archival folders are arranged by subject in no particular order; within this subject arrangement, folders may be arranged alphabetically by name of non-Allied country where applicable. Records are arranged by numeric order supplied by the documents themselves where applicable (i.e. "Meeting 1" etc.). Records of the following Commissions of the Conference are supplied: Commission on Procedure, Economic Commission for the Balkans and Finland, Economic Commission for Italy, General Commission, Legal and Drafting Commission, Military Commission and Political and Territorial Commissions for each of Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Romania. Records of the following Sub-Commissions of the Conference are supplied: Drafting Sub-Commission (Legal and Drafting Commission), Sub-Commission on Reparations (Economic Commission for Italy), and Sub-Commission on the Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste (Political and Territorial Commission for Italy). Fonds consist of the following Series: S-0533 International Paris Peace Conference (1946)"

Sans titre
AG-034 · Fonds · 1952 - 1967

"Included are correspondence, press releases, clippings, cables, reports, budgets, memoranda, and minutes from the files of the Chief Administrative Officer, and the Force Commander, Major General E.L.M. Burns, both 1956-1967. These concern political activity, security, and military matters; protocol; incidents; disputes; minefields; movement of troops; air space and other violations; exchange of prisoners; conferences and meetings between UNEF and Egypt and UNEF and the Israel Defence Forces; the organization of units; and other matters relating to UNEF's work as a peace-keeping force. Also included among these are records relating to the administration of UNEF, particularly such personnel issues as absentees and deserters, salaries, leave, and letters of condolence; also expenses, legal matters, security of premises and property, and other logistical matters. Fonds consists of the following Series: S-1778 Office of the Force Commander - Liaison Office Tel Aviv - Non-Registry Files S-1777 Office of the Force Commander - Logistics - Registry Files S-1776 Office of the Force Commander - Military Personnel - Registry Files S-1775 Office of the Force Commander Operations - Non-Registry Files S-1774 Office of the Force Commander and Chief of Staff - Non-Registry Files S-1773 Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Non-Registry Files S-0530 Office of the Chief Administrative Officer - Registry Files"

Sans titre
AG-069 · Fonds · 1953 - 2017

The functional description of records in AG-069 is based on the retention schedule of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG), dated 2011. AG-069 consists of: AG-069-001 - Office of the Deputy Secretary-General S-1893 - Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro's Activities S-1894 - Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro's Trips S-1944 - Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson's Trips S-1945 - Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson's Activities AG-069-002 Office of the Chef de Cabinet S-1941 - Chef de Cabinet Vijay Nambiar's Activities (2007-2012) S-1954 - Chef de Cabinet Susana Malcorra's Activities (2012-2015) AG-069-003 - Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG) S-1942 - Secretary-General's Trips S-1943 - Secretary-General's Activities S-1948 - Personnel (2007-2015) S-1951 - Secretary General Personal S-1953 - Secretariat Departments (2007-2010) S-1955 - Issues (2007-2010) S-1956 - External Relations (2007-2010) S-1957 - Inter-Agency Relations (2007-2010) S-1959 - Executive Office of the Secretary-General (ESOG) - Central Files (2011-2016)

Sans titre