Showing 302161 results

“Avant Projet de Riziculture Intégrée dans la Région de NTUI Département du MBAM,” report by Joseph Nguekeng , Assistant Economist
“Avant Projet de Riziculture Intégrée dans la Région de NTUI Département du MBAM,” report by Joseph Nguekeng , Assistant Economist
“Avant Projet de Riziculture Intégrée en Haute-Sanaga,” report by Henri Auffret, Agricultural Economist
“Avant Projet de Riziculture Intégrée en Haute-Sanaga,” report by Henri Auffret, Agricultural Economist
“Boletín de Planificación,” journal issued by the Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Number 12, June 1981
“Boletín de Planificación,” journal issued by the Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Number 12, June 1981
“Boletín de Planificación,” journal issued by the Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Number 13, October 1981
“Boletín de Planificación,” journal issued by the Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Number 13, October 1981
“Boletín de Planificación,” journal issued by the Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Numbers 8-9, September 1979
“Boletín de Planificación,” journal issued by the Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Numbers 8-9, September 1979
“Boletín Demográfico,” journal issued by Centro Latinoamericano de Demografía (CELADE), Volume X, Number 20, July 1977
“Boletín Demográfico,” journal issued by Centro Latinoamericano de Demografía (CELADE), Volume X, Number 20, July 1977
“Brasil: Mortalidad y Fecundidad en las Regiones Nordeste y Sudeste, 1970,” book by Julio M. Rodrígues R.
“Brasil: Mortalidad y Fecundidad en las Regiones Nordeste y Sudeste, 1970,” book by Julio M. Rodrígues R.
“Brief Description of the Pa Mong Project,” report issued by the Committee for Co-ordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin
“Brief Description of the Pa Mong Project,” report issued by the Committee for Co-ordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin
“Bulletin du Programme Africain de Recensemenrs,” published by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Numbers 13 and 17
“Bulletin du Programme Africain de Recensemenrs,” published by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Numbers 13 and 17
“Cairo Demographic Centre: Its Role in Training and Research,” report by S.A. Huzayyin, Director, Interregional Demographic Research and Training Centre, Cairo, Egypt
“Cairo Demographic Centre: Its Role in Training and Research,” report by S.A. Huzayyin, Director, Interregional Demographic Research and Training Centre, Cairo, Egypt