Series consists of correspondence, circulars, newpapers, periodicals, bulletins, administrative instructions, memoranda, handwritten notes, maps, government publications, contracts, meeting minutes, logistics circulars, cables, code cables, lists, reports, aide-memoires, vouchers, and receipts. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: food and ration programs; vehicle scales; ancillary services; stationary; personal cables; PX services; ONUC accomodations; travel by ONUC aircraft; auto accidents; statements to the press; staff appointments; traffic regulations; curfew; ID cards; leases; gas situation; personnel; and repostings of personnel. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; N.N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Ben T. Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer; Carey Seward, Chief Administrative Officer; Rajeshwar Dayal, Special Representative to the Secretary-General; John Olver, Chief Administrative Officer; B. Osario-Tafall, Acting Officer-in-Charge; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge; Naomi Osborne, Chief of Civilian Personnel; C. Taff, Special Legal Advisor; C. Brakenbury, Chief, Field Administrative Unit; and John McDiarmid, Executive Assistant to the Special Representative. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, cables, code cables, administrative circulars, weekly reports, notes verbale, itineraries, information circulars, and minutes of meetings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: supplies; leave; travel; medical supplies; procurement of cigarettes and alcohol; refugees; Kitona base; Kamina hospital; security; medical supplies and equipment; housing; air transports; movements of troops; personnel; prefab housing; reduction of staff; black-market; radio equipment; px issues; deceased personnel; insurance; civilian operations; liaison issues; staff shortages; vermin; public health; audits; ancillary services; surplus food and supplies; importation of vehicles; resale of private vehicles; and fuel shortages. Correspondents include David Vaughan, Director of General Services; R. Bernard, Chief Procurement Officer; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; B. Grunzweig, Deputy-Chief Administrative Officer; Carey Seward, Chief Administrative Officer; B. Kaplan, Chief of General Services; G.V. Igum, Chief of Commerce and Transport; and D.T. Manson, Chief of General Services. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series created by Chief Administrative Officer S. Habib Ahmed and staff. Records include correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, and code cables. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: personnel issues; movement and transportation; procurement; finance; accomodations; burial of civilian personnel; refugee transfers; motor vehicle issues including acquisition, repair and 'cannibalization of'; travel; building contracts; subsistence suppliers; civilian operations; community development programs; rations and mess facilities; damage and loss to ONUC property; evacuation of 55 medical chimpanzees to Stanleyville; menacing and pillaging of missions; allowances, payments and salaries; blockade of Kamina Base; industrial diamond operations in Bakwanga; chicken farm project in Goma; water purification issues; starvation and malnutrition of children in Bakwanga; ONUC liquidation team and unnecessary arrests of ONUC personnel. Correspondents include B. Twigt; C. Brackenburg; Maurice Gavreau; Mr. Halbert; Mr. Wood; James W. Taylor; John A. Olver; Mr. Jerkovic; Mr. Marek; Roger Polgar; Mr. Azzam; C. A. Gaviola; Mr. Timbrell and Mr. Fitzgerald. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of claim forms, message forms, memoranda, cables, handwritten notes, letters, contracts, accommodation lists, lists of contracts, and minutes of meetings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: accommodations; claim settlements; rental and housing agreements; property theft; finances; vacated houses; performance duties; explosion of ONUC ammunitions at Kindu airport; disposal of ONUC property; ONUC accommodations statistics; cases of accommodation claims. Correspondents include A. Constantinidis, Head, ONUC Accommodation Team; D.H. Baker, Chief Accommodation and Maintenance Branch; J. Lossky, Chef du Service des Logements; S. Feiffer, Chef du Service des Logements; J. Foley, Chef du Service des Logements. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
Series consists of forms, itineraries, memoranda, monthly reports, receipts, weekly situation reports, cables, handwritten notes, inventories, letters, contracts, drafts, lists, teleprinter printouts, accident reports, cargo manifests, bulletins, transcript of a press conference, brochures, air way bills. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: technical assistance; flight schedules; accommodations; wearing of UN headgear and clothing by non-UN personnel; actions by the Air Operations Technical Assistance Board; transfer of vehicles to UNESCO; travel across Congo border; travel claims; disposal of UN property; staff reductions; health programs; public works programs; education programs; vacancy notices; appointments; letters of application; civilian staff strength; maintenance and repair of UN vehicles. Correspondents include F. Scheller, Administrative Officer, Bukavu; B. Beruander, Administrative Officer, Elisabethville; J. Medina, Acting Administrative Officer, Stanleyville; A.E. Saenger, Deputy Resident Representative, Administration; B.F. Osorio-Tafall, Resident Representative and Director of Special Fund Programmes; John M. Saunders, Deputy Resident Representative, Administration. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
Series consists of cables, memoranda, correspondence, aide-memoires, reports, invoices, diagrams, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, maps, and itineraries. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transport of pigs; delivery of medicine; air mission in Kassai; awarding of construction contracts; recommendation for ANC liason; petrol situation; rail problems; loss and damage of supplies during transport; closing of Lubilash bridge; tribal fighting; refugee situation; taxes; political prisioners; belongings of refugees; repatriation; incidents between Jeunesse and ANC soldiers; clergy; missionaries; troop activities; police activities; beatings, burlary, and raping of Europeans by Lumumba youth; looting; requests for air transport; illegal arrest of civilians by soldiers; road blocks; military patrols; complaints against ONUC troops; political refugees; repatriation of refugees; water supplies; electrical plants; and formation of new provinces. Correspondents include A. Succar, Deputy Chief Civilian Affairs Officer, Luluabourg; A.C. Gilpin, Special Assistant to the Officer-in-Charge; John Wood, Administrative Officer, Luluabourg; John Grun, Chief Refugee Relief Coordinator; R. Bossut, Regional Director; Ben Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer, Leopoldville; W. A. Duncan Smith, Director of Refugee Movement; M. Khiary, Chief of Civilian Operations; F.J. Tickner, Chief Civilian Affairs Officer; Ralph Bunch, Under-Secretary; C. Blom, Chief Civilian Affairs Officer; and M.E. Larcher, Chief of Public Works Program. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of correspondence, reports, handwritten documents, and proces-verbals. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transport of UN personnel; deaths of UN personnel; violence in Kasai; buring of villages; repatriation; control of postal services in provinces; visits by members of the press; food supplies; accidents; requests for and allocation of vehicles; transport of medical supplies; and Red Cross efforts. Correspondents include E. Mathu, Chief Civilian Affairs Officer, Elizabethville; E.S. Packham, Chief of Civil Mission, ONUC; Major Neils Karlsson, Chief of Air Operations; Robert K. Gardiner, Officer-in-Charge, Leopoldville; Nancy Gray, Chief of Personnel, Leopoldville; V. Jercovic, Special Assistant to the Chief of Civilian Operations; A.C. Gilpin, Acting Chief of Civil Operations, Leopoldville; and S. Habib Ahmed, Chief of Civil Operations, Leopoldville. Arranged in general chronological sequence.
Series consists of incoming/Outgoing cables, situation reports, reports, and telegrams. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: reports of actitivies occuring in the provinces; movement of UN personnel; withdrawel of ONUC troops guarding the Regideso Power house; UN personnel; bands of pillagers; arrests; escapes from refugee camp; shooting incidents in refugee camp; outbreak of smallpox; Red Cross; stolen vehicles; college students strike; arrival of medical specialists; transport of refugees from camps to be resettled in South Kasai; diamonds found on prisoners; and curfew. Correspondents include A.C. Gilpin, ONUC Civilian Officer; S. Linner, UN Civilian Operations in the Congo; I. Berendsen, Chief ONUC Civilian Officer, Elizabethville; E.S. Packham; R. Gardiner; Mr. Khiary; Mr. Gaviola; S. Habib Ahmed; Mr. Osario-Tafall; and C. Blom. Arranged in general topical sequence, and therein chronologically.
Series consists of handwritten notes, indices, lists, memoranda, letters, tables, and packing lists, Subjects include but are not limited to the following - lists of records; history of ONUC; summary of ONUC records; accession of records; transfer of records from ONUC to archives; shipment of ONUC files; and disposal of files. Correspondents include Bibiano F. Osorio-Tafall, Officer-in-Charge; Irene Lorenzo, Head, ONUC Claims Unit; George Lansky, Acting Chief, Field Operations Service, Office of General Services; John M. Saunders, Deputy Resident Representative; Bruce D. Shields, Assistant Archivist; Robert Claus, Chief, Registry Section; and Vincent G. Hyland, Accessions and Disposal, Archives. This series was formerly boxes S-0463-0953 and S-0463-0954. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
Series consists of correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, reports, administrative circulars, freight cargo manifests, blue prints, memoranda, field administrative reports, lists, agreements, charts, inventories, and speeches. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: organization and staffing of Kitona Base; permanent personnel needs at Kitona Base; local personnel; UN personnel; technical assistance in the Congo; handing over of Kitona and Banana bases; munitions stored at Kitona Base; food supplies; medical supplies provided to UN personnel and locally recruited staff; road works projects; audit and inspection report of Kitona base; and water and electric consumption on Kitona base. Correspondents include B. Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer, Leopoldville; C. Bloom, Civilian Affairs Officer; James R. Brooks; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; G. Mollet, Base Administrator, Kitona; Amal Nachaat, Administrative Officer, Kitona; Dr. S. Linner; and R. Polgar, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer. Arranged alphabetically by subject.