Series consists of administrative circulars, base orders, code cables, diagrams, cables, handwritten notes, letters, maps, minutes of conferences, lists, minutes of meetings, memoranda, receipts, reports, translations, and routine orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: accommodation of troops; troop hygiene and sanitation; storage of supplies; troop movement control; claims for damages of equipment and lodgings; detainees; ordnance inspection; telecommunications; transportation; police; ANC; rations; armaments; repatriation; withdrawal of troops; situation in North Katanga; ammunition supply; and ordnance activity reports. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; Colonel B.L. Kapoor, Senior Medical Staff Officer; Colonel Lasmar, Commander of the Tunisian Brigade; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Brian Urquhart; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; R.C. Lai, Chief Accommodations Officer; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; Lieutenant Colonel J.A. August, Chief Signal Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel G. Nyby, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel T. Helgesen, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel P.B.O. Reuterswaerd, Chief of Military Information; Captain Balthazar, Chief of Military Personnel; Lieutenant Colonel Niles Borchgrevink, Chief of Military Information; Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC; and Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of cables, strength and locations statements, leaflets, medical bulletins, newspaper clippings, photographs, handwritten notes, letters, maps, minutes of conferences, intelligence reports, military activity reports, and situation reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: check post procedure; repatriation of Ethiopians; Operation 'Bingo'; repatriation based on medical grounds; instructions for representatives of mixed commission of ONUC, ANC, and gendarmerie; requests for immigration to Ethiopia; troop movements of opposing forces; and movement of ONUC military personnel. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel Michael Tadesse, Mixed Commission of ONUC, ANC, Gendarmerie; General Abebe Teferi, Commander of ONUC forces, Katanga; Lieutenant Colonel V. Tham, Commanding Officer, Sector Kamina; J.C. Amisi, Mayor, Jadotville; Captain J.G. O'Shea, Military Information Officer; and Commandant J. Ryan, Chief Military Information Officer, Sector 'B', Elisabethville. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of correspondence, handwritten documents, administrative circulars, itineraries, agendas, forms, invoices, minutes of conferences, brochures, reports, aide-memoires, Congo medals designs, maps, diagrams, memoranda, business cards, resolutions, notes-verbale, photographs, and agreements. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: visits to the Congo by VIP's; phasing out of UN troops; resolution of Unity in the Congo; escape and capture of mercenaries; transfer of prisoners; organization of hospitals; detainment and abuse of UN personnel by ANC; situation in Katanga; mining in the Congo; security; personnel; Congolese Parliament; Congolese Government; incidents; and the railway system. Correspondents include Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge; Andrew Cordier, Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Ben Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer; U. Thant, Secretary-General; Major General Charles R. Kaldager, ONUC Force Commander, UN Headquarters, New York; S. Habib-Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Ralph J. Bunche, Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs; R. Gardiner, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC; C.C. Von Horn, Supreme Commander; Sture Linner, Chief of Civilian Operations; and Major General I.J. Rikhye, Military Advisor to the Secretary-General. NOTE: Expunge sensitive/personal information (e.g. medical information, national identity and passport information) before releasing records for access. Arranged in filing number order.
Series consists of incoming and outgoing cables, and code cables, administrative circulars, reports, correspondence, memoranda and message forms. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: logistics; situations reports; accommodations; flour file; movement control; air-ops; finance; political affairs; security issues; welfare issues; personnel issues; public works projects; evacuation plans; rabies epidemic; North Kivu refugee camp; violations of Rwanda's sovereignty; increase in illicit arms traffic; arbitrary arrest of ONUC personnel; provincial assembly activities; sale and purchase of UN bonds by U.S. and Swiss governments; strict control imposed on roads leaving Bukavu to prevent escape of people sought by Surete; suspension of Congo Advisory Meeting due to events of Cuban Missile Crisis; studies in an effort to integrate 40,000 Katangese Gendarmie into ANC or civilian life; employment of refugees; economic mission; and political and tribal differences in Kindu. Correspondents include F.W. Fitzgerald; Charles Brackenbury; John Grun; Sture Linner; B. Bernander; Klaas Cuperus; J. Podesta; C.A. Gaviola; Robert Gardiner; M. Khiary, S.H. Ahmed; V. Jerkovic; Robert Grindall; Nancy Gray; and Carey Seward. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of correspondence, reports, cables, lists, translations, quarterly census returns, certificates, travel authoriztion forms, and information circulars. Subjects include personnel; visits by UN personnel; day trips for UN personnel; evacuation and replacement of UN personnel; theft from Officer's Mess; recruitment of personnel; purchase of second hand cars; custodial maintenance of Kamina base; rations for personnel; purchases from PX; procurement of coffins and gas masks; transport of food supplies; cold storage facilities and rooms; and meteorological station. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Base Administrator; C. Brackenbury, Chief, Field Administration Unit, Leopoldville; L. Bloch, Chief Administrative Officer; Maurice Gauvreau, Acting Base Administrator, Kamina Base; N. Lanser, Chief Administrative Officer; B. Kaplan, Chief of General Services, Leopoldville; C. Blom, Deputy Base Administrator; Nancy Gray, Chief of Civilian Personnel; and C.C. Von Horn, Supreme Commander, UNO in the Congo. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of correspondence, lists, memoranda, translations, and reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transport of UN personnel; accidents; power supplies for Kitona base; recruitment of local civilians; gasoline supplies; seizure of vehicles by ANC; improvement of laundry complex; road maintenance; personnel attendence and leave information; visits to Kitona base by dignitaries; thefts of personal materials and stolen vehicles; security procedures for UN personnel; and water supply and maintenance. Correspondents include R. Polgar, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer; W. Schmid, Acting Base Administrator, Kitona; William E. Rose, Administrative Assistant, ONUC; Amal Nachaat, Administrative Officer; Mr. Leckie, Chief Finance Officer, ONUC, Leopoldville; Col. Solihim, Base Commander, Kitona; Mr. Patti, Finance Officer; Mr. Abbas, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary General; G. Mollet, Base Administrator, Kitona; C. Brackenbury, Chief, Field Administration Unit; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; and C. Blom, Base Administrator, Kitona. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of incoming and outgoing cables, telegrams, handwritten cables, lists of telegrams, memoranda, business cards, correspondence, passenger manifests, and situation reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: flooding of Congolese River; food transport and requests; burning of villages; UN personnel; visits by UN personnel; transport and storage of medicine; civil servants strike; rabies outbreak; repatriated refugees; finances; attacks on planters on plantations; agriculture project; attacks on UN staff; Red Cross; USSR states that it will not contribute funds to UN peace keeping operation in the Congo; air operations; beatings and arrests of three WHO doctors; and meteorological stations. Correspondents include R. Gardiner; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; S. Linner; Ben Twigt; A.C. Gilpin; Mr. Gauvreau, Chief, Personnel Office; Nancy Gray; S. Tselentis, Administrative Officer, ONUC; Thomas de Candia, Chief Finance Officer, Leopoldville; M.V. Beraud, Administrative Officer; E. Pokorny, Finance Officer; F.J. Tickner; John B. Saccheri, Engineer, Public Works Program, Stanleyville; W. Micuta; E. Esteban, Officer-in-Charge, ICAO, Stanleyville; and K.H. Englund, Chief Civilian Affairs Officer, Stanleyville. Arranged in general topical sequence, and therein chronologically.
Series consists of cables, code cables, diagrams, handwritten notes, maps, photographs, reports, speeches, news summaries, cargo manifests, air intelligence bulletins, inspection certificates, and an atlas of airfields in Congo. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: air missions; data on airfields; cease fire arrangements; Katangese air buildup; assessment of Katangese air forces; air strength reports; summary of missions; mission reports; speech by David Mulongo, Chief Administrator of the Territory; violations by UN military aircraft; repatriation of troops; flight schedules; troop movements; visit and transport of Secretary-General; description of fixed targets in Katanga; monthly cost for UN air transports; and cost to airlift refugees/Baluba airlift. Correspondents include Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Major L.H.H. Carlson, Chief Military Information Officer; G. Peche, Deputy Chief, ICAO TA Mission, Congo; Nils Karlsson, Air Base Commander, Luluabourg; W.F. Wiltshire, Wing Commander, Senior RCAF Officer; and J.P. Fournier, Chief, ICAO TA Mission, Congo. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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Series consists of base orders, memoranda, cables, correspondence, programs, maps, administrative reports, information circulars, personnel record cards, and administrative circulars. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: vehicle regulations; war booty; leave permits; construction of housing; recreation facilities; electrical installation; prevention of diseases; matters related to vehicles; military incidents; health incidents; and local personnel. Correspondents include Major Axel Friman, Chief of Staff; J. Postma, Base Administrator; Van Lierde, Kamina Base Commander; R. Polgar, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer; A.D. Vieira, Base Administrator; C. Blom, Base Administrator; S.A. Chakra, Director Du Service, MOC; Lieutenant Colonel Bengt Fredman, Acting Commander, Section C; and W. Poirier, Personnel Director. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of incoming/Outgoing cables, code cables, memoranda, circulars, handwritten notes, and message forms. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: movements at airport; troop incidents; inspections; payment of troops; requests for supplies, Canadian Cream of Wheat, coffins, cigarettes, fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, flour, construction materials, and jet fuel; need for French to English translators; compensation for local workers; repatriation of civilians; theft of goods; anniversary of Hammarskjold's death; PX inventory; transfer of personnel; police brutality; meetings between Tshombe and Adoula; refugee camps; shortage of supplies; smallpox outbreak; ANC activities; poison sold as whiskey; deaths of Congolese from consumption; and mercenary activities. Correspondents include Nancy Grey; R. Gardiner; Mr. Tshombe; Mr. Adoula; Carey Seward; Max Dorsinville; Mr. Dayal; Mr. Gauvreau; Mr. Ahmed; Mr. Heckmann; Stuare Linner; and Mr. Rolz-Bennett. Arranged alphabetically by subject.