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AG-018 · Fonds · 1919 - 1977

Fonds consists of UNRRA Headquarters records and the records of UNRRA administration in Europe and Asia, and contains the following sub-fonds:

AG-018-001: China Office - Subject Files
AG-018-002: Controller and Public Information
AG-018-003: Bureau of Supply
AG-018-004: Bureau of Areas
AG-018-005: Bureau of Administration
AG-018-006: Balkan Mission and Middle East Office
AG-018-007: International Refugee Organization (IRO)
AG-018-008: European Regional Office (ERO) - Registry Files
AG-018-009: Italy Mission
AG-018-010: Austria Mission
AG-018-011: European Regional Office (ERO) - Subject Files
AG-018-012: Washington DC Headquarters
AG-018-013: Bureau of Services
AG-018-014: Belgium Mission
AG-018-015: Byelorussia Mission
AG-018-016: Czechoslovakia Mission
AG-018-017: Denmark Mission
AG-018-018: Dodecanese Islands Mission
AG-018-019: Ethiopia Mission
AG-018-020: Finland Mission
AG-018-021: Offices in France
AG-018-022: Greece Mission
AG-018-023: Hungary Mission
AG-018-024: Luxembourg Mission
AG-018-025: Norway Mission
AG-018-026: Poland Mission
AG-018-027: Sweden Mission
AG-018-028: Switzerland Mission
AG-018-029: Trieste Port Office
AG-018-030: Turkey Mission
AG-018-031: Ukraine Mission
AG-018-032: Yugoslavia Mission
AG-018-033: India Mission - Procurement and Recruiting Office
AG-018-034: Korea Mission
AG-018-035: Philippine Mission
AG-018-036: Latin America - Procurement Offices
AG-018-037: South West Pacific Area Office (SWPAO)
AG-018-038: Hawaii Procurement Office
AG-018-039: Germany Mission
AG-018-040: Office of the Historian
AG-018-041: UNRRA Photographs

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
Italy Mission

S-1456 Office of Chief of Mission (1944-1947)
S-1457 to S-1462 Chief of Mission (1944-1947)
S-1463 Office of the Legal Advisor (1944-1947)
S-1464 Office of the UNRRA Representative in Rome During Mission Closure (1944-1947)
S-1465 to S-1478 Bureau of Requirements and Distribution (1944-1947)
S-1479 to S-1484 Bureau of Relief Services (1944-1947)
S-1485 and S-1486 Bureau of Finance and Administration (1944-1947)
S-1487 to S-1490 Allied Forces Headquarters (1944-1947)
S-1491 Jeanne D’Arc Refugee Centre, Philippeville, Algeria (1944-1947)