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AG-011 · Fonds · 1919 - 2014

This fonds includes the following sub-fonds:

AG-011-001: Office of the Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General
AG-011-002: Office of the Chef de Cabinet
AG-011-003: Other Offices, Working groups and Committees

This fonds also contains the following series:

S-0980: Protocol and Liaison Section - Subject and chronological - 1946-1969
S-0927: United Nations Special Representative on the Question of Hungary
S-0727: United Nations Commission of Investigation into the Death of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General, and Members of His Party
S-0708: United Nations Malaysian Mission - UNMAM
S-0594: High-Level Intergovernmental Group Records
S-0591: Review of Secretariat Activities
S-0590: Executive Assistant / Chef de Cabinet
S-0589: Conferences - Meeting Servicing Records
S-0587: United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon
S-0580: Records of Margaret Anstee
S-0578: Office of Special Political Questions
S-0573: Executive Office of the Secretary-General Records
S-0572: Protocol and Liaison Office
S-0571: Law of the Sea Conference
S-0569: Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Demarcation Commission
S-0563: Sir Robert Jackson
S-0557: World Food Council - John A. Hannah, Former Executive Director - Official Correspondence
S-0369: Martin W. Hill - numbered subject files
S-0368: Code cables - cities
S-0367: Central America - ONUSAL - subject files
S-0366: Secretary-General meetings with top echelon officials
S-0365: Chef de Cabinet - special personnel cases
S-0364: Sir Robert G. Jackson - subject files
S-0298: International Commission of Control and Supervision - ICCS / Vietnam - reports
S-0297: Catalogue of logs - cables, memos, letters
S-0296: Chef de Cabinet - Dayal (1982-1993) - Code Cables - Missions
S-0244: United Nations Committee on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
S-0243: Committee of Experts on the Secretariat Review
S-0241: Victor Lessiovski - working files

Executive Office of the Secretary-General EOSG

This sub-fonds includes the following series:

S-1912: Director of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General
S-1909: Office of the Assistant Secretary-General
S-0293: Personal files
S-0292: Secretary-General's Personal files
S-0291: Area and Country files
S-0290: Subsidiary bodies - subject files
S-0289: Personnel case files
S-0288: Economic and Social Affairs - subject files
S-0287: Trusteeship - subject files
S-0286: Political and Security Council Affairs - subject files
S-0285: Legal Affairs - subject files
S-0284: Organizational matters - subject files
S-0283: United Nations International Cooperation Year Committee - subject files
S-0282: Disaster Relief Coordinator - subject files
S-0281: Subject files - CdC
S-0280: Chronological Files
S-0279: Missions and Commissions records
S-0272: Narcotics - subject files
S-0271: Human Rights - subject files
S-0270: Publications Board - subject files
S-0269: Protocol and Liaison - subject files
S-0268: Public Information - subject files
S-0267: Conference Services - subject files
S-0266: Personnel Services - subject files
S-0265: General Services - subject files
S-0264: Financial Services - subject files
S-0261: General Assembly - subject files
S-0260: Specialized agencies
S-0250: International University subject files
S-0200: Technical assistance - 1000 series - numbered subject files
S-0199: Trusteeship - 900 series - numbered subject files
S-0198: Social matters - 800 series - numbered subject files
S-0197: Public interest and information - 700 series - numbered subject files
S-0196: Political and security matters - 600 series - numbered subject files
S-0182: Personnel administration - 500 series - numbered subject files
S-0181: Legal issues - 300 series - numbered subject files
S-0180: Finance - 200 series - numbered subject files
S-0179: Administrative services - 100 series - numbered subject files
S-0178: Code and clear cables
S-0177: Code cables - administration files
S-0176: Organizational Matters - Subject files

This sub-fonds includes the following series:

S-1914: Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General, Shashi Tharoor
S-0194: Top Official's Meetings - agendas and minutes
S-0193: Secretary-General - personal files
S-0192: Secretary-General's invitations - records
S-0191: Secretary-General's Travel and Trips
S-0190: Conferences and meetings - records
S-0189: Political issues - subject files
S-0188: Reports and surveys
S-0187: United Nations events - subject files
S-0186: Headquarters Site Committee
S-0185: Secretariat departments and offices - subject files
S-0184: Administration issues - Personnel - subject files
S-0183: Administrative issues - subject files