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AG-004 · Fonds · 1919 - 2000

The sub-fonds are arranged by predecessor departments/offices.

  • Department of Economic Affairs (1946-1954)
  • Department of Social Affairs (1946-1954)
  • Technical Assistance Administration (1950-1958)
  • Department of Economic and Social Affairs (1955-1977)
  • United Nations Office of Interagency Affairs and Coordination (1969-1977)
  • Department of Technical Cooperation for Development (1978-1991)
  • Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (1978-1991)
  • Development and International Cooperation (1978-1991)
  • Department of Economic and Social Development (1992-1992)
  • Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development (1992-1996)
  • Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis (1993-1996)
  • Department for Development Support and Management Services (1993-1996)
  • Department of Economic and Social Affairs (1997-present)
UN. Department of Economic Affairs
AG-004-004 · Sub-fonds · 1950 - 2000
Part of Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) (1955-present)

The functional description of records in AG-004-004 is based on the retention schedule of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), dated 21 January 2013. The names of the series comprising AG-004-004 were drawn from the function series listed in the retention schedule.

AG-004-004 consists of:
S-0022 Technical Assistance - Natural Resources and Minerals Branch
S-0024 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Population Branch
S-0140 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Water Resources Branch
S-0128 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Population Branch
S-0131 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Africa Branch
S-0132 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Asia and Pacific Branch
S-0141 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Energy Branch
S-0143 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Development Planning Advisory Branch
S-0134 Technical Assistance Projects Reports - Reports Unit
S-0135 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Infrastructure Branch
S-0138 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Americas Branch
S-0146 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Asia and the Middle East Branch
S-0147 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Country Programme Evaluation Branch
S-0155 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Cartography Branch
S-0151 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Europe, Latin America and Interregional Projects Branch
S-0392 Department of Technical Cooperation for Development - Transportation
S-0388 Department of Technical Cooperation for Development - Reports Section
S-0390 Department of Technical Cooperation for Development - Development Administration Division
S-0391 Department of Technical Cooperation for Development - Public Finance and Enterprise Management Branch
S-0553 United Nations Development Programme/Special Fund Records
S-0142 Technical Assistance Projects Files - Mineral Branch
S-1906 Coordination, partnership: Partnered project planning, Member States
S-1915 Coordination, partnership: Regional economic commissions, funds and programmes, and specialized agencies
S-1917 Capacity Development: Project files, training and study activities
S-1923 Coordination, partnership: United Nations Programme on Public Administration and Finance
S-1925 Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies (CDPPP) - project files
S-1928 Bureau of Social Affairs - project files
S-1929 Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations (BTAO) - project files
S-1931 Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs - Philippe de Seynes
S-1935 World Population Conference, 1974
S-1937 Regional Commissions Section

Department of Economic and Social Affairs
S-0141 · Series · 1950 - 2000
Part of Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) (1955-present)

The series consists of records which deal with the origination, formulation, execution and evaluation of the relevant projects. The types of records include any of the following: proposals, preparatory documentation, agreements, plans of operation and various reports such as progress, technical, mission, evaluation, etc. There are also departmental supporting documents which comprise background data, guidelines, studies, terms of reference and other relevant papers that bear elements further elucidating project activities. The department which is responsible for providing the necessary advisory services and assistance to the governments of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to strengthen their national capacities has been re-organized several times under the following names:
Dept. of Economic Affairs, ca 1946-1954
Dept. of Economic and Social Council, ca 1955
Technical Assistance Administration, ca 1955-1958
Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, ca 1955-1978
Office of Technical Co-operation, ca 1967-1977
Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs, ca 1979-1993
Dept. of Technical Co-operation for Development, ca 1979-1993
United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, ca 1985-1993
Dept. for Policy Co-ordination and Sustainable Development, ca1994-1997
Dept. for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, ca 1994-1997
Dept. for Development Support and Management Services, ca 1994-1997
Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, ca 1998 up to present.
To preserve their identity, the records of the various technical assistance projects are maintained according to their provenance, i.e. the actual name of the organizational element which originated the records forms a part of the series title.

Accession numbers - 80/0026; 84/0082; 84/0123; 84/0124; 84/0125; 84/0126; 84/0130; 84/0203; 84/0204; 84/0205; 84/0231; 86/0249; 87/0206; 91/0121; 91/0140; 2001/0187-0001; 2001/0187-0002; 2001/0187-0003; 2001/0187-0004; 2001/0187-0005; 2001/0187-0006; 2001/0187-0007