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Affichage de 107 résultats

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S-0814 · Série organique · 1963 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of cables, letters, lists, and reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: traffic accidents; vehicle repair; and vehicle inspection. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel E. Lund, Senior Staff Officer, EME; Colonel D.S. Sidhu, Chief Logistics Officer; Major N.C. Sinha, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; Lieutenant Colonel D.K.N. Soni, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; Major H. J. Nelson; and Captain Mohammed Taj, Pakistan Contingent.

S-0813 · Série organique · 1960 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of cables, forms, inventories, handwritten notes, lists, minutes of meetings, reports, memoranda, and tables. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: vehicle inspection; vehicle evacuation; vehicle repair; petrol rations; and allotment of vehicles to bases. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel M.M. Shafi, Senior Ordnance Officer; Lieutenant Colonel Naseer Ahmed Shah, Chief Ordnance Officer; Major F.S. Partoft, Senior Staff Officer, EME; Lieutenant Colonel J.P.B. Thu, Senior Staff Officer, EME; Lieutenant Colonel E. Lund, Senior Staff Officer, EME; and Major I. Bering-Jensen, Senior Staff Officer, EME. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0812 · Série organique · 1960 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of cables, code cables, lists, minutes of meetings, corrigenda, forms, handwritten notes, job descriptions, letters, passenger manifests, movement orders, rosters, and nominal rolls. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transfer of UN personnel; troop arrival in the Congo; performance reports; mail; cargo movement; civilian air passengers; food importation; airfields; repatriation of troops; N'djili Airport; shipment of supplies; and troop accommodations. Correspondents include Lieutenant Colonel Z. Abdullah, Chief Movement Control Officer; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Lieutenant Colonel A.A.K. Yusufzai, Chief Movement Control Officer; Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; C.G.W. Chapman, Air Commander; Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Albert L. Sheats, Chief Movement Control Officer; Colonel D.S. Sidhu, Chief Logistics Officer; and Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0811 · Série organique · 1960 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of cables, forms, handwritten notes, letters, maps, lists, minutes of meetings, vouchers, packing lists, reports, routine orders, translations, tables, receipts, memoranda, certificates, issue orders, and survey board proceedings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: distribution of ordnance; patrol boats; disposal of ammunition; rotation of troops; clothing; troop movement; transportation; return of ONUC ammunition; inserviceable ammunition; and captured equipment. Correspondents include Major J.M. Berthiaume, Senior Equipment Officer; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Major J.B. Hue, Senior Ordnance Officer; Lieutenant Colonel M.M. Shafi, Senior Ordnance Officer; Lieutenant Colonel M. Shankat Ali, Senior Ordnance Officer; Brigadier E.T. Tedman, Commander, Ghana Brigade; Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer; Lieutenant Colonel Safdar Ali Malik, Chief Ordnance Officer; and Lieutenant Colonel Naseer Ahmed Shah, Chief Ordnance Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0810 · Série organique · 1960 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of contracts, cables, code cables, diagrams, handwritten notes, appendices, letters, lists, minutes of meetings, movement orders, reports, memoranda, and receipts. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: transportation of cargo; transportation and distribution of supplies; food rations; refugees; accounting policies; personnel; and supply depots. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Mr. Khiary, Chief of Civilian Operations; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; Lieutenant Colonel R.C. Sial, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; Lieutenant Colonel Z. Abdullah, Chief Movement Control Officer; Lieutenant Colonel N.S. Dharasker, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; Lieutenant Colonel D.K.N. Soni, Senior Supply and Transport Officer; and Major N.C. Sinha, Senior Supply and Transport Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0809 · Série organique · 1960 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of cables, drafts, letters, lists, memoranda, and minutes of meetings. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: supplies; rations; vehicles; ordnance; transportation; repatriation; troop movement; and accommodation. Correspondents include Major General J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Force Commander; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC; Lieutenant Colonel H.S. Guraya, Acting Chief Logistics Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Colonel D.S. Sidhu, Chief Logistics Officer; and Brigadier B.A.O. Ogundipe, Chief of Staff. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0808 · Série organique · 1960 - 1963
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of cables, code cables, letters, memoranda, tables, and adminstrative orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: ordnance; supplies; clothing; rations; accommodation; vehicles; standard operating procedures; troop movement; equipment; personnel; and ammunition. Correspondents include Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Robert K. A. Gardiner, Officer in Charge; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC; Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel H.S. Guraya, Acting Chief Logistics Officer; and Ben T. Twigt, Chief Administrative Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0807 · Série organique · 1960 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of administrative circulars, base orders, code cables, diagrams, cables, handwritten notes, letters, maps, minutes of conferences, lists, minutes of meetings, memoranda, receipts, reports, translations, and routine orders. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: accommodation of troops; troop hygiene and sanitation; storage of supplies; troop movement control; claims for damages of equipment and lodgings; detainees; ordnance inspection; telecommunications; transportation; police; ANC; rations; armaments; repatriation; withdrawal of troops; situation in North Katanga; ammunition supply; and ordnance activity reports. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; Colonel B.L. Kapoor, Senior Medical Staff Officer; Colonel Lasmar, Commander of the Tunisian Brigade; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Lieutenant Colonel N. N. Madan, Chief Logistics Officer; Brian Urquhart; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; R.C. Lai, Chief Accommodations Officer; Colonel J. Guha, Chief of Staff; Lieutenant Colonel J.A. August, Chief Signal Officer; Colonel V.S. Kapoor, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel G. Nyby, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel T. Helgesen, Chief Logistics Officer; Lieutenant Colonel P.B.O. Reuterswaerd, Chief of Military Information; Captain Balthazar, Chief of Military Personnel; Lieutenant Colonel Niles Borchgrevink, Chief of Military Information; Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC; and Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Yaqub, Chief Ordnance Officer. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0806 · Série organique · 1960 - 1963
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of cables, code cables, letters, contracts, handwritten notes, lists, reports, translations, interview transcriptions, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: interrogation team reports; investigation of mercenaries; and information about mercenaries and foreign nationals. Correspondents include: Lieutenant Colonel Niles Borchgrevink, Chief of Military Information; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Robert K. A. Gardiner, Officer in Charge; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; Commander M.I. O'Farrell, Chief of Military Information, Elisabethville; Lieutenant Colonel P.B.O. Reuterswaerd, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel G. Samuelson, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel G. Strijffert, Chief of Military Information; Brian Urquhart; Major O. R. Monette, Acting Chief of Military Information; and Commander P.J. Fleming, Chief of Military Information. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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S-0805 · Série organique · 1959 - 1964
Fait partie de United Nations Operation in the Congo (ONUC) (1960-1964)

Series consists of brochures, cables, code cables, charts, drafts, diagrams, handwritten notes, interview transcriptions, lists, letters, maps, memoranda, minutes of conferences, newspaper clippings, postcards, photographs, press statements, receipts, reports, speeches, situation reports, translations, vouchers, packing lists, movement orders, news summaries, leaflets, cartoons, and security council resolution. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: ANC; military intelligence; mercenaries; staff promotions; Katanga gendarmerie; Congolese refugees; other foreign national refugees; political situation inside Congo; political situation inside other nearby decolonizing countries; biographies of political and military personalities in the Congo; political prisoners; investigation into the death of Lumumba; examples of Congolese and other propaganda; security issues; bridges; Congolese tribes; Mobutu's movements; and operations to remove foreign military personnel. Correspondents include: Major General J.T.U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, Force Commander; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under Secretary for Special Political Affairs; Dayal, Supreme Commander; Dorsinville, Chief of Military Information, Leopoldville; Lieutenant Colonel Bjorn Egge, Chief of Military Information; Robert K. A. Gardiner, Officer in Charge; General Kebbede Guebre, Force Commander; General Chr. R. Kaldager, Force Commander; General Sean MacEoin, Force Commander; Commander M.I. O'Farrell, Chief of Military Information, Elisabethville; Lieutenant Colonel T.A.B. Oki, Military Legal Advisor; Lieutenant Colonel P.B.O. Reuterswaerd, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel G. Samuelson, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel G. Strijffert, Chief of Military Information; Lieutenant Colonel Mulatu Tamiru, Chief of Military Information; Moise Tshombe, President of Katanga; General Carl Carlson Van Horn, Supreme Force Commander; Major Williams, Chief of Military Personnel; and Major General Joseph D. Mobutu, Commander in Chief, ANC. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
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